who put 50p in the meter??

Started by DorsetBoy, Dec 21, 2006, 18:43:25

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Having sorted the changing Bras ,yes leave the router on and the synch stays the same 24/7, my dear son flipped the switch the other day and the synch went down from 448/7648 to 448/7005 and the profile dropped accordingly.

Today the power went off for @45 secs, long enough to shut off the router.Had to restart the router and line synch was only 448/6018, left this for @ 2 hours then rebooted the router and got 448/7160.

This evening I thought the speeds were higher than normal and ran a BT speed test (yes it connected straight away!!) and whoa!!!!!!

Profile 7000k      448/8096  test result 6258kbps  :o

Ran a test at speedtest.net and the ping is down by 50% and managed 6230kbps off the Baden Baden server.

How would the synch change so much and so quickly? I have never seen it go up before and once the router is set and left on it has always remained at the same level.


You're not complaining are you?  lol

I wonder if it varies with different routers.
When I had the Netgear one, it didn't lose the connection, but resynched by itself both up and down as it thought fit depending on SNR margin.
This one though just stays synched at the same speed day after day, and only changes if I reboot it.

Or this one might just be better at holding the sync stable? - though in that case I would expect it to sync up occasionally, which it hasn't done.

Curious.  I'm sure Rik will know the answer  :laugh:


Not complaining no,but I was told that it took 2 hours for the profile to drop if the synch went down and 3 days to come back up.

The Speedtouch router 546v6 have never changed synch(that I have seen) when left 0n 24/7.

Today it suddenly increases to 448/8096 while on, and why now,this 546v6 has been on 24/7 for@3 weeks and never changed like this.,I would just like to know/understand the reasons.


Just a thought DB.  If your router is connected by wireless, is it possible that someone is sharing your connection??  Next door?  Parked outside?  ::)

"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


No, all hard wired here. I don,t like/trust wireless and  neighbours have found DECT phones and wireless systems don't like the construction of these houses much.............all reinforced concrete floors  ::)


Quote from: Nerval on Dec 21, 2006, 20:11:33
Curious.  I'm sure Rik will know the answer  :laugh:

Wrong. :) It sounds almost as if some work has been done at the exchange, and possibly Simon has sorted the routing problem at the same time.

Profile speeds can, officially, move up as quickly as 75 minutes after a re-sync, though more generally it's three days. I've seen it happen faster and slower - BT is funny like that.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes Rik, but more intriguing is why the router suddenly chose to resynch itself upwards after centuries of not moving.
My new speedtouch just stays synched where it is, like the OP's used to, while the Netgear synched up and down like I don't know what.


Netgears have a reputation for the noise margin to 'fade away', which can prompt a re-sync. I've often seen them do just that, and re-sync at a higher speed, which is not logical if a poor margin triggered the re-sync event. My best guess is that either the noise reading is false, but the firmware acts on it, or the re-sync picks up a better bundle of frequencies to get the higher speed.

Before Max (and I don't mean the person ;) ), re-syncs were rare, and the thing which would change if one occurred was the noise margin. Now that the latter is the fixed item in the equation, all sorts of strange things can happen to the sync speed.

ADSL Max - welcome to permanent instability. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: rikbean on Dec 22, 2006, 11:56:47
all sorts of strange things can happen

Ooh, spooky!!
I wonder if Max can contact the departed too   :laugh:


I don't know, you'd have to ask him. :out:

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Have you 2 started the Xmas celebrations already  :laugh:


Naah, we've moved on to Burns' Night.  ;D

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Sounds like a special event at the Accident and Emergency Dept.  :laugh:


Careful, I'll make you read "Ode to a haggis". :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


that the one that goes "Wee sleekit, cow'rin' tim'rous beastie"  ?lol


No, that's "Ode to a mouse". It's the "O chieftain o' the pudding race...".

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


(I knew really)
There'll be William McGonagal coming up unless you behave yourself  :police:


I'm a traditionalist, unlike Billy Connolly, I prefer Burns. (A very similar man to Beethoven in many ways...)

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Yes, I do believe that Beethoven was Scottish and Burns was deaf.
I think Beethoven also kept a dirk in his sock.  :laugh:


Burns wasn't so much deaf as randy. :)

I was referring more to their appearance when young, and their politics, compare the sentiments of "A man's a man" with that of "Fidelio".

Beethoven did keep a dirk in his sock for sharpening his quill, of course.  ;D

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Are you two Brahms and Liszt already? ;)


Nah, we're both TT actually.

I dread to think what we'd be like if we WERE drunk  :laugh:


I haven't had a drink in more than 11 years, but I may just be high on good fellowship and the spirit of the season. :) (Plus we're having friends to dinner tonight and I know I'm going to eat particularly well...)

As Nerval says, things could only get better (or worse, depending on viewpoint) if we were. (Should this move to the song title thread?)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You will be pleased to know that it is still up.

The profile and synch that is ;D


I'm glad you added that second sentence. I was about to accuse you of youthful bragging.  :P

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.