Terrible speeds, high pings (DoS attack?)

Started by RostokMcSpoons, Dec 28, 2006, 19:12:48

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Do you think we're sufficiently off topic yet?  8)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


remind me of the topic and I'll let you know  :laugh:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Oh dear!
Anyway, I've looked at the title of the thread and I feel I must say that terrible speeds and high pings are indeed very, and DoS attacks also can and so therefore very much so too.
There, that should bring us back on topic.  :laugh:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Quote from: Nerval on Jan 02, 2007, 15:12:04
Right then, so here's my ultimatum to IDNET.  If my cats don't eat all their tea today, I'm off to join Orange.

Wot a load of rubbish  :banana2:

Thanks for your 'considered' comment  >:(

I think I made my explanation perfectly clear.  It is NOT an attack on IDnet.  It is NOT an attempt to troll you or anyone on these forums.  I'll repeat it in the probably pointless hope you'll understand:  It IS a simple statement that I'll go to any ISP that gives me a fast and stable connection.  I don't want to be sitting on a forum after 6 months of problems hearing excuses why it's someone else's fault... or whatever... I want 6 months of stable internet use.  There is no ulterior motive, no conpsiracy theorists lunatic trolling, absolutely nothing beyond that fact.


Quote from: RostokMcSpoons on Jan 04, 2007, 12:37:22
I'll repeat it in the probably pointless hope you'll understand:

I think we do understand really.
You're frustrated at not getting what you want. And it's easy for us to sit here with stable connections and wonder why you're getting hot and bothered.

My silly comment was simply highlighting the illogicality of leaving an ISP because of a problem that is clearly not the fault of that ISP. It won't take you any nearer a solution, and will simply mean that you have to start the problem resolution all over again with somebody else. If your problem lies beyond the ISP, then you will simply take it with you when you move.

However, if that's what you decide to do, then fine.  People aren't the most rational of creatures at the best of times (me included), so why should you be any different.  :laugh:  And many problems seem to get fixed without anybody understanding what's happened, so there's a vague possibility moving  might solve it, even if it's nothing to do with the ISP.

Ciao  :banana2:


Even though I will be shot down in flames, let me endorse the comments made by Drummer regarding the tone of some of the responses / posters on this forum.  Puerile and fatuous come to mind.  There appears to be a small clique who insist upon conducting rather silly injoke "chatroom" level of threads, whereas this forum would be better used as a point of constructive assistance or advice to ALL fellow Idnetters.  This should not extend to being personal, rude, or ridiculing other posters! 

Now await the flaming!

Or maybe I am also being a Drama Queen!


Trouble  Meerkat is that there are not enough real problems on here to make what you suggest a viable option.  You've posted about twice a week, I see, and most people have done much less than that.

So if we restrict ourselves purely to On Topic and Serious replies, the forum would not have an awful lot of activity.

If people have a problem, they usually want a quick answer, but there's no incentive for us to keep looking to see if there ARE any problems on a forum with only a couple of posts a day.  That's why Max started the games - not because games are a wonderful thing, but to try and instil more activity into the forum.  And while we're thinking of Song Names, we also have a look to see if anyone needs help.

As regards the puerile comments, then when a poster makes a daft comment like He'll leave the ISP, even though the problem is not their fault, how would you wish us to take it?  Are we supposed to seriously explain to him why that is illogical and not sensible? The "fatuous" comments were intended to be just that, mildly mocking a silly view expressed in the heat of the moment - as the OP himself admitted.

There isn't any abuse or flaming goes on here as far as I know - I wouldn't stay if there was - but obviously the regular posters (even if only game players) will get used to each other's style and modify their posts accordingly.  It's not a clique in the usual sense that outsiders aren't welcome.  We all repeatedly try and encourage people to join in the forums, but I for one would rather have a lot of non-serious activity than a sterile forum with a couple of posts a day.



As someone whose online activity goes back to the mid-80s, I have to echo Nerval's sentiments, and not just because I get on with him. :)

I used to moderate the Adobe forums on Compuserve. There, we were quick to give support when asked, but we also engaged in a lot of banter and leg pulling. Those forums handled in excess of 2,000 support threads/month, so they were lively in any case, but the banter helped build a camaraderie (which had to extend to many cultures and countries).

This is a much quieter place and, as Nerval points out, without the banter, there would be so few posts that it would wither. I confess I do more serious posting on ThinkBroadband than I do here, because there are more people I can help than inhabit this place. OTOH, I rarely indulge in banter there as the flame level is much higher.

People here, in my experience, generally have a good sense of humour and can take their legs being pulled.

Returning to the original topic, it is impossible to say anything useful to someone bent on switching ISPs when the issue appears to be clearly a BT one. Of course, comms is a dark art, and a switch might just cause things to change. OTOH, it might also land the OP with the same problems and an ISP who isn't interested in solving them.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Oh dear.  I'm sorry for reacting strongly again to Nerval's comment.  I've not been here long enough to know the tone of this forum.  I just felt that I'd explained my position clearly, and felt that Nerval's comment (after I'd already apologised for the tone of my initial post) was stirring, which is why it needled me.  Though perhaps I'm getting over-sensitive in my old age.

So anyhow...

Let me make something else clear (cos it's got lost in the semantic discussions on this thread):  right now I have NO problems with IDnet, apart from the occasional stalling on hitting some web sites for the first time (detailed in a seperate thread).

I'm with IDnet cos I believe this is the best ISP around, for the money, and I'm intending to be with them for a loooooong time. 

Assuming all remains well ;)


I don't think any of us would stay if IDNet became like Nildram, say, so we do understand your position on that.

For the rest, you'll get used to us - but my wife says it takes about 30 years.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: RostokMcSpoons on Jan 04, 2007, 17:24:16
Oh dear.  I'm sorry for reacting strongly again to Nerval's comment.

Does that mean you'll give me the karma back then? I used to have 27  lol :banana2:


Quote from: Nerval on Jan 04, 2007, 17:53:15
Does that mean you'll give me the karma back then? I used to have 27  lol :banana2:

Yes :)

I'm 'karma' now (har har), but don't think I deserve the 1 I've got - go on, zap it!


Quote from: Meerkat on Jan 04, 2007, 13:38:17

Or maybe I am also being a Drama Queen!

I have already explained my "Drama Queen" comment , if it was out of order one of the Admins would have made a comment, the original poster also agreed he had been a bit over the top in the post saying he would leave.

The forums here in my view work well and serious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic" , i use other forums where the admins/mods rule with a iron fist and i for one am glad this forum is not one of those.


Quote from: maxping on Jan 04, 2007, 18:24:46
I have already explained my "Drama Queen" comment , if it was out of order one of the Admins would have made a comment, the original poster also agreed he had been a bit over the top in the post saying he would leave.

The forums here in my view work well and serious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic" , i use other forums where the admins/mods rule with a iron fist and i for one am glad this forum is not one of those.

It was out of order and simply reflected your intolerance of anyone that strays from the IDNet fanboy viewpoint.

Seriously, why on earth would the admins make a comment?  After all, it's not their job to agree or disagree with a viewpoint but to ensure no offensive/unlawful comments are allowed in a thread.

I can't speak for the OP but I do get the impression that anything that remotely resembles criticism of IDNet is dismissed out of hand and it might give the casual observer of this forum that you either toe the line or just simply shut up.  Or run the risk of being denigrated.

"The forums here in my view work well and serious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic" Yeah right.  Just look at the response to my last post in this thread.

I'm obviously not the flavour of the month on this forum and probably never will be, but I would be much happier if IDNet used this forum first to report problems instead of thinkbroadband.  Does that not strike anyone as odd that they should do this?

Sure I'm a stroppy git and always will be, but this forum needs a kick up the backside if it wants to be taken seriously and I'm happy to take the brickbats if it achieves that end.

If the object of this forum isn't to be taken seriously at all, then I've totally missed the point.

For the record, I'm an IDNet fanboy but it doesn't inhibit my critical faculties.
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Quote from: drummer on Jan 05, 2007, 02:28:35
I would be much happier if IDNet used this forum first to report problems instead of thinkbroadband.  Does that not strike anyone as odd that they should do this?

Hi drummer
That's a good point, and one which I've been concerned about.  Plusnet, despite having a huge forum of their own, used to do the same thing, and deny that they did it. I never liked AG so usually waited for some other forum member to post the latest news across from AG.

As far as I can tell, the ISPs regard AG as their public face since it seems to be the de facto industry place to go for broadband news etc, and so they don't want to give an in-house forum preference.
That's not how I would do it, but then I don't know their thinking, only guessing, and it's not just IDNet but all the ISPs who do it that way.

Simon may care to comment, but may not.

Your other points - I too have noticed that you have to be careful how you phrase potential criticisms of IDNet for fear of being jumped on, but then many people automatically blame the ISP for many things that are obviously not their fault.
But I also find that sensibly worded complaints are treated sensibly here, and genuine attempts are made to help with problems.

With a couple of posts a week to your credit though, I don't think you're really in a position to dictate how you want the forum run , and as Max says, those of us who use it regularly quite like the way things are.

ps AG= think broadband. :laugh:


Quote from: Nerval on Jan 05, 2007, 08:04:22
With a couple of posts a week to your credit though, I don't think you're really in a position to dictate how you want the forum run , and as Max says, those of us who use it regularly quite like the way things are.

I have to agree with Nerval here, Although i do not post much (either little time to do so or usually Rik or Nerval have beaten me to it! :)) i am a very regular reader and i have to say its great to be able to post on a forum which has a serious streak in it when needed, such as help to others, but is quite relaxed and friendly overall.

Just my five cents worth...


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I agree with your sentiments and only get in first because I have way too much time on my hands.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: drummer on Dec 30, 2006, 02:33:40
This response is a classic example of why I don't bother posting on this forum.

The message from simon indicates that the problem was similar to a DoS attack, yet RostokMcSpoons's post was dismissed as the ravings of a drama queen. 

Maybe maxping will be big enough to apologise for being so previous...

It would be great if this forum stopped being a chatroom, because yesterday when I suffered the same problems as RostokMcSpoons (dialup speeds and pings of about 400ms), this forum was the last place I thought of looking to for advice or guidance.  Not a great recommendation.

If anyone can be ersed to respond to this, try not to be too defensive or personal and maybe keep on-topic.  You never know, I might be impressed enough to start posting here again.  :laugh:

Drummer, agree with all you say. Unfortunately our 'know all' moderator has not completed the course at his/her finishing school and still persists in making rude and unwise comments to posts which should not be made by someone in his/her presumed position of trust and respect.

I am afraid that some of his/her comments have contributed to the nickname of 'ID Nutters' on other forums which really is a shame for IDnet and their sincere efforts to offer a supreme service to its customers.

One can only describe many of his/her comments as coming from someone who has an unfortunate manner and most definitely an unfortunate way with words when replying to some posts.