Terrible speeds, high pings (DoS attack?)

Started by RostokMcSpoons, Dec 28, 2006, 19:12:48

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Quote from: drummer on Jan 05, 2007, 02:28:35
It was out of order and simply reflected your intolerance of anyone that strays from the IDNet fanboy viewpoint.

Seriously, why on earth would the admins make a comment?  After all, it's not their job to agree or disagree with a viewpoint but to ensure no offensive/unlawful comments are allowed in a thread.

I can't speak for the OP but I do get the impression that anything that remotely resembles criticism of IDNet is dismissed out of hand and it might give the casual observer of this forum that you either toe the line or just simply shut up.  Or run the risk of being denigrated.

"The forums here in my view work well and serious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic" Yeah right.  Just look at the response to my last post in this thread.

I'm obviously not the flavour of the month on this forum and probably never will be, but I would be much happier if IDNet used this forum first to report problems instead of thinkbroadband.  Does that not strike anyone as odd that they should do this?

Sure I'm a stroppy git and always will be, but this forum needs a kick up the backside if it wants to be taken seriously and I'm happy to take the brickbats if it achieves that end.

If the object of this forum isn't to be taken seriously at all, then I've totally missed the point.

For the record, I'm an IDNet fanboy but it doesn't inhibit my critical faculties.

Once again Drummer, agree entirely.....you have got it dead right!!  If the forum continues in this vein the nickname 'IDnutters' will become linked to a superb ISP......they (regular contributors) have not realised this fact as yet.


Quote from: drummer on Jan 05, 2007, 02:28:35
It was out of order and simply reflected your intolerance of anyone that strays from the IDNet fanboy viewpoint. 

You take  these forums far too seriously!

QuoteSeriously, why on earth would the admins make a comment?  After all, it's not their job to agree or disagree with a viewpoint but to ensure no offencive/unlawful comments are allowed in a thread.

If  the mods/admins shared your view on my reply i am sure one would have stepped in to calm the situation down before it got into a slanging match.

I can't speak for the OP but I do get the impression that anything that remotely resembles criticism of IDNet is dismissed out of hand and it might give the casual observer of this forum that you either toe the line or just simply shut up.  Or run the risk of being denigrated.

Have a look at the famous "Ping" thread and you will see when things go bad we "fanboys" are only too happy to have a moan.  :laugh:

Quoteserious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic"[/"The forums here in my view work well and serious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic"

Yeah right.  Just look at the response to my last post in this thread.

OK i should have said - "other than your posts serious topics are discussed in a serious manner and rarely go "off topic"  :laugh:

QuoteI'm obviously not the flavour of the month on this forum and probably never will be, but I would be much happier if IDNet used this forum first to report problems instead of thinkbroadband.  Does that not strike anyone as odd that they should do this?

Not really we have 355 members of which i would guess only 20 regularly visit , TB have thousands of users and to compare have 225 users online (though I'm not saying they are all in the IDNet forum) as i type this we have 3.

QuoteSure I'm a stroppy git and always will be, but this forum needs a kick up the backside if it wants to be taken seriously and I'm happy to take the brickbats if it achieves that end.
If the object of this forum isn't to be taken seriously at all, then I've totally missed the point.

As i have already said, the majority of "serious" threads are treated as such, i think the forums work and do not need to change.
This of course is my view but i think you will find the majority will agree with it.


Quote from: quandam on Jan 05, 2007, 17:57:02
Drummer, agree with all you say. Unfortunately our 'know all' moderator

When have i ever said i know everything?

QuoteI am afraid that some of his/her comments have contributed to the nickname of 'ID Nutters' on other forums

Links?  ::)

QuoteOne can only describe many of his/her comments as coming from someone who has an unfortunate manner and most definitely an unfortunate way with words when replying to some posts.

One really should get out more  :laugh:


Quote from Maxping> Not really we have 355 members of which i would guess only 20 regularly visit <

The majority of this 'only 20' are using the fourm as a chatroom/joke room and are not helping with the promotion of a superb ISP who deserves far more from a forum than they are receiving at present.

I strongly feel that the forum is not helping to promote an excellent ISP in the proper manner, in fact with its schoolboy input it is putting potential customers off.

Whilst you may disagree with these comments, I urge you to take them on board and hopefully contribute to the successful promotion of an excellent ISP.


Quote from: quandam on Jan 05, 2007, 18:37:00

The majority of this 'only 20' are using the form as a chatroom/joke room and are not helping with the promotion of a superb ISP who deserves far more from a forum than they are receiving at present.

Lets be honest  90% of users who sign up to  forums do so to ask maybe one or two specific questions , once they have the answers  they have no reason to keep visiting. This is the reason i introduced the word games, my theory being that after asking the questions and receiving the answers (as mentioned above) they may come back from time to time to join in the games.

QuoteI strongly feel that the forum is not helping to promote an excellent ISP in the proper manner, in fact with its schoolboy input it is putting potential customers off.

Where is your proof ?
As i keep saying the majority of threads are treated seriously and stay on topic ,i think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

QuoteWhilst you may disagree with these comments, I urge you to take them on board and hopefully contribute to the successful promotion of an excellent ISP.

I totally disagree with your comments, you keep banging on about us being called idnutters in other forums and the "fact" that the forums here are working against idnet and not for them as they should, where is your proof , i asked for this in my last reply and you have conveniently chosen to ignore it.

I honestly think you are nothing more than a s**t stirrer and have no real interest in the forums other than to use them to pick arguments.

I think *YOU* should realise *YOU* are in a minority of 2 here who think the forums need to change therefore  nothing is going to change and as i have said countless times in my view  nothing needs to.

The Admins do not rule with a iron fist but do get involved when they feel its necessary ,obviously they do not think things need to change.


Quote from: quandam on Jan 05, 2007, 18:37:00
Quote from Maxping>
in fact with its schoolboy input it is putting potential customers off.

Actually, i dont see any "schoolboy input". And, further more, forums have the specific use of a "chatroom" - in the context of being used to talk about current issues that some users may have with the ISP - as every one does occasionally no matter who they are with.

I do agree however, some threads get a "overload" of useless information - and quickly goes off topic.


Quote from: AvengerUK on Jan 05, 2007, 19:57:21
Actually, i dont see any "schoolboy input". And, further more, forums have the specific use of a "chatroom" - in the context of being used to talk about current issues that some users may have with the ISP - as every one does occasionally no matter who they are with.

I do agree however, some threads get a "overload" of useless information - and quickly goes off topic.

Yeh! Great innit. ;D  After a problem is addressed then it becomes much more fun to go off topic, IDNet are never denegrated on this board or AG (TB).  If this board becomes nothing but a serious discussion board then even fewer people will visit it.  Life is far too short and troublesome to become serious. ;D
Alf :)


For cying out loud you lot give it a rest if someone dont like a thread dont answer it i cant see what the problem is.
I honestly cant believe some of this wasnt gonna bother posting anything here but it just goes on and on




Ok guys, I don't know whether this has come from "being here since the start" or whatever but this argueing/flaming whatever needs to stop even if it means locking the thread.

I agree with both parties...Sure its a support forum and such support threads could do without the off topic remarks etc. as it not only annoys some members, it also takes up bandwidth and storage space  :P

But seriously we do still need some off topic chats or else this forum would not be used. A unused forum is a forum about to be closed im afraid. So lets keep the light heartedness as this was and always will be a friendly community to help eachother out with whatever problems lie before us - newbies and veterans.

So in conclusion i ask that this thread be closed as long as its creator is satisfied  :-X


Quote from: mrapoc on Jan 05, 2007, 21:22:35So in conclusion i ask that this thread be closed as long as its creator is satisfied  :-X

It's ok by me...




Quote from: mrapoc on Jan 05, 2007, 21:35:26
Max? Scott? Adam?

Sorry i cannot lock it i only have the options in the gaming forum.


meh lets just leave it to slowly die away


Quote from: mrapoc on Jan 05, 2007, 23:44:30
meh lets just leave it to slowly die away
Are you serious?

And other calls for the thread to be locked?  Well, really!  :P

Great responses from everyone and an indication that this forum may be a source of serious discussion as well as somewhere to have a laugh.

As IDNet don't have an official outlet, this forum needs to reflect the views of all subscribers and not just those of the people that administer it.  That's not a criticism BTW as "official" forums can be a bit stifling, but search as I may, I can't find a sticky called Forum Rules anywhere.

Theoretically, I could suggest that someone@anywhere is actually a murderer and I wouldn't be in breach of the forum rules because I can't find the rules.  On the other hand, I would certainly be in breach of UK libel laws and this forum could be held liable because it "allowed" me to air that view.

Food for thought perhaps, but I remain optimistic about this forum, even though I'm in a minority of two.  :laugh:

Good stuff - keep it up.
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Quote from: drummer on Jan 06, 2007, 00:28:24

I can't find a sticky called Forum Rules anywhere.

Theoretically, I could suggest that someone@anywhere is actually a murderer and I wouldn't be in breach of the forum rules because I can't find the rules.  On the other hand, I would certainly be in breach of UK libel laws and this forum could be held liable because it "allowed" me to air that view.

Food for thought perhaps, but I remain optimistic about this forum, even though I'm in a minority of two.  :laugh:

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Well perhaps if you want to "discuss" something you should make your own thread which has a title regarding your issue, and not use somebody elses? I mean you were the one against going off thread were you not?

I thought it was time to lock it due to the fact
a) Its gone totally off thread and the creator is satisfied
b) I and others can't stand all this argueing, its actually damaging the community

So how about you create a thread, in say, Rant and Raves? About how you think this succesful community ran forum is not functioning correctly?

Or we could stop argueing, but our troubles to rest and accept the personality of some of our members (most of which have been around for a long time and I have grown to like). Perhaps you don't like posting here much as you don't like the way its running?

Yet again I request you create a thread in rant and raves, dedicated to your issue and we will try to sort it  ;) As it is a growing community and we don't want to hack anyone off


QuoteAre you serious?

And other calls for the thread to be locked?  Well, really!  Tongue

Great responses from everyone and an indication that this forum may be a source of serious discussion as well as somewhere to have a laugh.

As IDNet don't have an official outlet, this forum needs to reflect the views of all subscribers and not just those of the people that administer it.  That's not a criticism BTW as "official" forums can be a bit stifling, but search as I may, I can't find a sticky called Forum Rules anywhere.

Theoretically, I could suggest that someone@anywhere is actually a murderer and I wouldn't be in breach of the forum rules because I can't find the rules.  On the other hand, I would certainly be in breach of UK libel laws and this forum could be held liable because it "allowed" me to air that view.

Food for thought perhaps, but I remain optimistic about this forum, even though I'm in a minority of two.  laugh

Good stuff - keep it up.

I have looked back at previous posts im wondering why some  insist on keep stirring things up it seems as soon as some sort of argument starts the same people come in here that hardly ever post in here only come in and post well i for one will ignore this thread from now on because its totally ridiculous with people that only come in and post to stir things up.
Now watch the same people come in and start lol


Steve they will say they are not regular posters because of the way the boards have been moderated (or not as they say).


Its nuffin to do with moderating what is there to moderate? apart from the people that like to come in and stir when theirs any trouble they probably do it on other forums its ridiculous i saw a post where it was insinuated regulars put others off posting here well that person would be top of my list to ban its commonly known as stirring seeings that person hardly posts in here anyway. Just seems strange why it would even bother them.
Thanks max for your feedback.