Can anyone please explain to me....

Started by Zirynx, Oct 28, 2008, 14:25:53

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Perhaps Gordon can be convinced that it is a prime candidate for the money that we don't have to spend squander on infrastructure.
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Meanwhile, back to my mum's IDNet connection...   :D

Here's a screenshot of the router stats yesterday evening
(and no, that's not a huge NM, it's effectively -ve!!!)

and, shortly after, somewhat predictably, this happened...

and even more predictably, it hasn't reconnected all night...

Soooooo frustrating  :shake: :shake: :shake:


I sympathise, that's a line with serious noise issues - the problem is in finding and fixing what's causing it. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I wonder if the Netgear is to blame. That's typical Netgear behaviour on some lines. Could you try another router?


Thanks for the suggestion Sebby, but I'm confident it's not the router. I've been through the router swapping hoops plenty in the past, and the symptoms always remained with the location.

I've had direct email contact with Simon, and he has indicated that joint IDNet/BT diagnostics indicate something irregular is apparent, most likely due to interference; but, as Rik has pointed out, tracing it is likely to be tricky and long winded. For now, I have to wait for the symptoms to reoccur before further analysis can take place.


My worry is that your Netgear has the AR7 chipset, which often behaves like this. The other routers you've tried could have had the same chipset.


Well, I have to say that the Netgear AR7 chipset issue means (or meant) nothing to me! Certainly, I wasn't aware of anything. I did 'google' that phrase a few moments ago, and sure, it came up with a number of articles; however it was the usual mix of "yes it is the problem... no it isn't!"

Personally, I still feel somewhat sceptical that in this particular case, this is 'the fault'. As already mentioned, although there are three of these routers in the family (in fairness, there are two v1's and one v2) the problem has never followed the router when we have swapped them around. Even if all three had the AR7 chipset, there must still be something peculiar to my mum's line/location/connection that is critically different to mine and my sister's.

I'm really hoping that careful objective line diagnostics and analysis by IDNet & BT is going to bear fruit, and identify the fault. :fingers:


Keep us posted. I can say that, on 'difficult' lines, we've seen a lot of people gain a significant improvement by using a different router, often the 2-Wire 2700. In my own case, switching to this router from a Netgear gained me 1000k in sync speed and much greater stability.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


We had a case a while ago that turned out to be that fault of the Water Board. They had installed a new pump on the edge of their site, near the road, where the phones poles ran. The electrical noise from the pump was interfering with the DSL signals. The Water Board refused to move their pump and BT refused to move their poles. We lost a customer to Virgin cable.

I write this not to be pessimistic. We will do everything that we can to identify and eliminate the problem. But please be aware that we cannot resolve every single cause of interference.



Sometimes, you just can't work miracles, Simon. It's OK, though, 'cos you do most of the time. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


At this point, an identification of the likely problem (in the above example, the location of the pump!) would be a significant step forward. Once at that point, the way forward will probably self-select, as I suspect the choices will probably be few.

For what it's worth, I would prefer that you do not lose this connection  :)

Thanks Simon, in hope that this can be resolved.


Quote from: Zirynx on Oct 30, 2008, 07:52:30
Well, I have to say that the Netgear AR7 chipset issue means (or meant) nothing to me! Certainly, I wasn't aware of anything. I did 'google' that phrase a few moments ago, and sure, it came up with a number of articles; however it was the usual mix of "yes it is the problem... no it isn't!"

I think it's fair to say that, regardless of those who deny the issue, the problem is/was real, as Netgear released a new firmware to fix it. ;)

Are you using a DG834G, and which hardware version? Also, which firmware are you running?