Connection and Sync Speed problem

Started by captainpud, Nov 09, 2008, 11:27:26

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That's good news, the actual time taken to recover depends on degree of change to the sync speed, a large change should happen quickly while a small one takes up to 5 days. ATM, you're 500k below the profile you should have.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Nov 12, 2008, 09:17:53
That's good news, the actual time taken to recover depends on degree of change to the sync speed, a large change should happen quickly while a small one takes up to 5 days. ATM, you're 500k below the profile you should have.

I just hope the Sync can get back to or near the 8032 I was getting and my speeds back to the 6.5mb download, fingers crossed for the next few days.


Unfortunately, degradation of lines is something I think we are all likely to see, and until there is a USO in place for BT to have to provide a decent line, there will be little we can do about it.

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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I guess that then begs the question, what is the point of BT upgrading all the exchanges to 24mb DSL2 if none of our lines are any good to get these speeds :(


Indeed it does. As with ADSL, the headline rate will be what is sold, the 'up to' will be in small print. For me, it's unlikely that I'll gain any speed from ADSL2+, I'm at that point on the graph where the lines converge. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Nov 12, 2008, 09:59:35
Indeed it does. As with ADSL, the headline rate will be what is sold, the 'up to' will be in small print. For me, it's unlikely that I'll gain any speed from ADSL2+, I'm at that point on the graph where the lines converge. :(

I am only a 5min walk from my exchange but if my line is degrading then I guess I would not gain much although would I gain upload speed, bit of a gamer :)

Would it be expensive or even possible to get BT to replace the line?


With the kind of sync speed you have, even now, you'll gain significantly. It's once you get down to the 55db attenuation mark that there's little benefit. If the problem is not considered a fault by BT, it's next to impossible to get them to replace the line. Even if it is considered a fault, they are unlikely to if it meets the universal service obligation, ie voice and data up to 28.8k. Were you to pay them to do it, you'd be looking at thousands of pounds, probably £10k upwards.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Nov 12, 2008, 10:15:28
With the kind of sync speed you have, even now, you'll gain significantly. It's once you get down to the 55db attenuation mark that there's little benefit. If the problem is not considered a fault by BT, it's next to impossible to get them to replace the line. Even if it is considered a fault, they are unlikely to if it meets the universal service obligation, ie voice and data up to 28.8k. Were you to pay them to do it, you'd be looking at thousands of pounds, probably £10k upwards.

10K......ouch :o, I guess I need to win the lottery then ;)

Well its nice to know I would gain some speed, I think my exchange is due to come online early next year and I see IDnet are starting to offer ADSL2. I will certainly look to change over then once it is on :)


Watch this space would be my advice. Enta have been using WBC (ADSL2+) for a while and have had quite a few problems. Hopefully, by the time IDNet are in a position to offer it, the bugs will have been resolved, but I'll not be in a rush myself. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The BT 240 just turned up (late) and unfortunately I seem to have been sent a rather battered second hand one >:(, obviously its going back. The supplier has no more 240's so I have ordered a BT Voyager 2110 as that seems to be the current model. The BT 2110 should be delivered tomorrow and the 240 picked up at the same time, they have only charged me the difference so its not to bad. Seems like more bad luck though :( I have also ordered an IP plate to see if this makes any difference.

The gentleman I was speaking to offered some advice about my low profile at the moment. He said that if I switch off my router and unplug all DSL equipment and basically just have a phone line for 30 mins and then plug everything back in that the exchange would see me as a new DSL user and set my profile as high as it could be. Not sure if this is correct, what are your thoughts on this Rik?




He's talking rubbish, Paul. ;) I'm afraid you're also wasting money with an iPlate, they are only of any effect when you have hard-wired extensions running off the face plate of the master socket.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Nov 12, 2008, 14:32:21
He's talking rubbish, Paul. ;) I'm afraid you're also wasting money with an iPlate, they are only of any effect when you have hard-wired extensions running off the face plate of the master socket.

OK fair enough mate, I thought it sounded a bit odd anyway. The iPlate was not much anyway so I suppose it might come in useful if I ever get an extension ::)

So I hopefully should be able to put the BT 2110 in tomorrow after todays false start.

Thanks again.


The only time a 15 minute disconnection will help is if you ever encounter a 'stale session' where BT thinks you are connected but IDNet don't. Toes crossed for tomorrow. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Morning Rik :)

I have put the new BT 2110 in this morning and these are my BT results.

"Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 6656 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  832 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 4500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 4138 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester."

When I had put the modem in and changed the settings it had to be rebooted because of the settings changes, so that would the exchange see that as 2 drops this morning? this will not damage my profile again will it?

It looks like I have gained about 800k sync back with the new modem in place. I presume in the next few days I should expect to get another 500k taking me just over 7000k when the exchange reduces my NM back to 12 from 15? How long will it take my profile to catch up to my sync speed? Also if I am syncing at just over 7mb can I expect download speeds of 5.5-6mb? When my sync was 8032 I used to get about 6.5mb.

Presuming all above is correct and I have lost about 1mb in sync, is that a fault some where or just more noise on my line? I guess BT are not going to consider it worth looking at?





Hi Paul

Quote from: captainpud on Nov 14, 2008, 08:45:15
When I had put the modem in and changed the settings it had to be rebooted because of the settings changes, so that would the exchange see that as 2 drops this morning? this will not damage my profile again will it?

When the router is going to reboot, it sends the exchange a small signal to say that it is rebooting and not unstable. Generally, it takes 10 or more drops for the exchange to see instability.

It looks like I have gained about 800k sync back with the new modem in place. I presume in the next few days I should expect to get another 500k taking me just over 7000k when the exchange reduces my NM back to 12 from 15? How long will it take my profile to catch up to my sync speed? Also if I am syncing at just over 7mb can I expect download speeds of 5.5-6mb? When my sync was 8032 I used to get about 6.5mb.

It takes 14 solid days of sync for the exchange to drop the target noise margin by 3db, and even then the system doesn't always work properly. As things stand now, you will get a profile of 5.5mb, with likely throughput of between 5.3 and 5.4. With another 500k of sync, you would get a profile of 6mb and throughput of 5.8-5.9.

It takes up to 5 days for your profile to catch up with your sync, but bigger changes happen more quickly.

Presuming all above is correct and I have lost about 1mb in sync, is that a fault some where or just more noise on my line? I guess BT are not going to consider it worth looking at?

Most likely, the remaining 1mb of sync will come when the target noise margin drops from 12db to 6db. Failing this, it is likely that there is increased noise on your line or your line is just degrading.You guess correctly that BT won't look at it unless there really is a fault their systems can detect.

Hope this helps!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks very much Lance and Rik :)

I guess I just need to play the waiting game now then ::)


Yup - it's time to thumb twiddle...  :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So hopefully by Wednesday next week I should hope to be getting just over 5mb download speeds? and then just wait and hope it goes up a bit more in the next few weeks.


That's it. You need to maintain a period of sync for more than two weeks, after which the target margin should reduce by 3db. I'd leave it to nearer three weeks, then re-boot the router. Note that if sync is lost at any time, the counter starts again. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Nov 14, 2008, 12:33:38
That's it. You need to maintain a period of sync for more than two weeks, after which the target margin should reduce by 3db. I'd leave it to nearer three weeks, then re-boot the router. Note that if sync is lost at any time, the counter starts again. :(

Thanks Rik, line attentuation and NM are good at the moment so hopefully can remain synced. Mind you though it will probably get to 13 days and then we will have a brief power cut knowing my luck ::)


I know what you mean, it's why I run stuff off a UPS. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My profile has gone up again this morning :), I presume because I have been syncing at 5700 since monday. Syncing at 6600 since yesterday so my profile should be up again on Wednesday, at least the exchange seems to be doing its job at the moment.

"Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 6656 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  832 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 5500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 4931 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester."



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.