Hi, another newbie here

Started by knock, Jan 24, 2007, 21:42:42

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If you're away for a couple of days, you've nothing to lose by trying rebooting the router now as you can try a couple of times and may get over the magic 6800.  Then you can just leave it on till you get back.

More chance now than this evening.


Ok, I'm going to be mostly annoying my MSN contacts for the next however long it takes ;D


Blame IDNet if they complain.   :laugh:
Or even better, blame Plusnet cos they probly deserve it. :laugh:


stuck around 6.6/6.7 after 10 goes, might just unplug the thing while I'm away and start from scratch with a dawn raid....

What time is best getting home from a night out morning or getting up with the sparrow morning?


Sparrow - 7ish is normally best for me.


Hey Knock, I'm another Nildram refugee, welcome fellow traveller...  :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The best time to do it really, depends on many factors if you want to get a high sync speed, sadly though, getting the highest possible sync speed may be a bad thing.

Consider if you will, the best way to get a high sync speed - you need to connect to the exchange at a time when there is least interferance on the cable between your house and the exchange.
This could be early morning, but beware of peoples central heating coming on etc that could add RF noise.Oh, beware of street lights too....
Also in the morning there's a good chance of condensation affecting the connectors, so perhaps afternoon is better...
Except people could be talking on their phones causing crosstalk interferance.. and they could still all have their heating on... then its dark again.

OK. Not helping any, but supposing you could find a way to define what the best time of day is (remember it makes no difference how busy the 'net is, because the sync speed is ONLY based upon your connection to the exchange, you don't have to be logged in to your ISP to get sync with the exchange)
Back to best time of day, in terms of finding a period with least noise/interferance:

Supposing you get sync @6800 with an SNR of 6db. Then conditions change, your SNR drops, you lose sync.
Blip logic will drop your profile, and repeated occurances could increase your target SNR, meaning even lower sync rates.

The BEST time to connect then is when there is most noise about, then you'll get an accurate profile, which will be more tolerant, and less likely to stitch you up over a minor rise in noise.

Also, the 10 tries you've had, I presume you told the router to disconnect from IDNet before pulling the plug?
When you tell it to disconnect, it sends a signal to the exchange to let it know that the disconnection is intentional. Pulling the plug however, could be recognised as sync loss, meaning lover sync speeds.

Just reboot once every few days for the rest of your life, and you'll be fine.


Quote from: sallyandjames on Jan 25, 2007, 14:59:38
The BEST time to connect then is when there is most noise about, then you'll get an accurate profile, which will be more tolerant, and less likely to stitch you up over a minor rise in noise.

Have to agree with you there, getting the highest possible sync speed which cannot be sustained tends to be a pain in the longer run.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


On the other hand:
I've been synched at a speed that JUST gives me 5Mb for the last week.
If the router powers off in the afternoon or evening, it resynchs at a speed that gives me 4.5Mb, so I'd have to reboot it the next morning.

Meanwhile my router maintains the sync with no trouble.

Of course, I can't actually tell the difference between the two rates anyway other than on a speed test, it's more a macho thing that I want the fastest I can get. :laugh:


If you need machismo, then chew on a jalapino pepper.  ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


When you say resyncs do you mean the value thats showing in the routers set up (for want of a better word) or do you mean the speed test result  ???

As you know i turn my modem/router off when its not in use so basically its off all night and at the weekends if i use the pc in the morning and then go out for the afternoon i will turn it off.

I have never noticed a speed drop and always sync at 8120 or higher.

                  Downstream      Upstream    
 SNR Margin           : 10.5     14.0  db
 Line Attenuation   : 18.5     8.5  db
 Data Rate             : 8128    832  kbps


With those attenuation and noise figures, you should never see anything less than 8128. I, however, have to live with 54db attenuation, and teeter between a 2500 and a 3000 profile as my sync is on the boundary between the two. OTOH, my neighbour has 62db attenuation and a fixed 512k service...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It's what shows on yours as the Data Rate.
That determines your profile speed, which in turn determines your speed test results.
You just have an absurdly good line, that's all. :laugh:


I think the word is sickeningly... :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes Rik, but I'm sure there must be something of yours that HE'd be envious of lol  :laugh:


Quote from: sallyandjames............ Also, the 10 tries you've had, I presume you told the router to disconnect from IDNet before pulling the plug?
When you tell it to disconnect, it sends a signal to the exchange to let it know that the disconnection is intentional. Pulling the plug however, could be recognised as sync loss, meaning lover sync speeds.

But surely the point of doing it is for him to re-sync'?  If he tells them to d/connect it won't re-sync' up or down!  :)
"It's better to say nothing and be thought an idiot - than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


it will when he turns it on again


Quote from: Nerval on Jan 25, 2007, 15:29:30
Yes Rik, but I'm sure there must be something of yours that HE'd be envious of lol  :laugh:

Possibly my sporran?  :angel:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: MoHux on Jan 25, 2007, 15:33:07
But surely the point of doing it is for him to re-sync'?  If he tells them to d/connect it won't re-sync' up or down!  :)

Re-connecting causes a sync event, the point of the dying gasp disconnection is so that the line doesn't see it as instability.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



If its thinks its instabilty, then thats BAAAD

If it see's it as a disconnect before the power goes off, then it knows its nothing to worry aboot ;)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Nerval on Jan 25, 2007, 15:27:46

You just have an absurdly good line, that's all. :laugh:

I don't know if this has any bearing on it but my line from house to pole got damaged by a builder approx 2 years ago and was replaced by BT.
I live quite far from the exchange so i guess its the new line thats making the connection fast.


Quote from: Nerval on Jan 25, 2007, 15:29:30
Yes Rik, but I'm sure there must be something of yours that HE'd be envious of lol  :laugh:

I wouldn't mind his knowledge  of how the WWW actually works, when people start talking centrals and gateways they might as well be talking in another language.  :laugh:


Remember Max, most of the time he's bluffing    :laugh:

Must go and open my gateway now, my wife's due home lol


Put a  long coat on you don't want the wind blowing up your centrals.  :laugh: