
Started by Ann, Jan 19, 2009, 23:50:57

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What really does the 21CN thing mean to us?  My exchange, Canterbury is due to go 21CN at the end of March.  Is IDNet offering anything for us and if not, how much is it likely to cost when they do.  And would it help my exchange overload problem?  I've read all the stuff online about it but still don't have a clue!  :blush:


HAVE A LOOK at samknows, is it pstn 21cn or wbc at the end of march.

wbc is the broadband bit


IDNet should be able to offer WBC packages from next month, Ann, they are currently testing the new hostlink. It will help exchange congestion if you switch, but you should be aware that there's a risk of teething troubles, eg Enta, who got their link earlier, have experienced quite a few difficulties. New package prices have not yet been set, but I would imagine they will be forthcoming soon. AFAIK, initially, customers will be swapped at no extra cost.

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Thanks Rik.  g7pkf, Samknows says the end of March which is why I'm getting itchy feet.  But maybe my best bet is to go to O2/Be.  They are talking about my getting a 13meg speed with them.  And it's cheap.  I'm guessing IDNet's prices will be high and I won't be able to afford it anyway and I can't stay with this congested exchange for much longer as it's driving me nuts.  Decisions, decisions.


I don't know what the pricing structure will be at this time, Ann, but I'd expect it to be competitive with other ISPs using BT's services. Speed should be the same either way, as both will be using ADSL2+.

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Lucky so and so. My exchange is not due to be upgraded until  31/03/2011 yet every exchange around my one is due to be upgraded on 30/09/2009. Tis not fair! lol. The joy of living in a small town in Cornwall.



Quote from: juiceuk on Jan 20, 2009, 19:01:34
Lucky so and so. My exchange is not due to be upgraded until  31/03/2011 yet every exchange around my one is due to be upgraded on 30/09/2009. Tis not fair! lol. The joy of living in a small town in Cornwall.

That's really cheered me up, mines in March 2010. Thanks :thumb: :hehe:
There's no place like


I'll cheer you both up, my exchange has not date set for wbc upgrade (I read the wrong line yesterday)

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Quote from: Glenn on Jan 20, 2009, 22:47:10
I'll cheer you both up, my exchange has not date set for wbc upgrade (I read the wrong line yesterday)

Yeah, that doesn't sound too good mate! At least we have a glimmer of hope for the next couple of years, not taking into account that it'll be put back, for sure. :bawl:
:karma: to keep your spirits up.
There's no place like


How many properties does your exchange serve, Glenn?


Seb, from Sam - 5,792 residential premises & 194 non-residential premises.

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Reading that does not cheer me up any, my browsing speeds are ok however video and gaming are suffering atrocious break up's
My exchange vp has just gone from red to green according to BT with no sign of improvement.

21c quote
The theory is that ISPs with their own networks could utilise these and realise significant cost savings.

However, DataStream has received an appalling reputation primarily due to certain ISPs' use of it

The vanilla WBC product is the most flexible of the three. Crudely speaking, it is not that dissimilar to DataStream

I really hope IDnet would manage the VP's better than BT but after a quick read I don't fully understand how this product will be any better , if atall



I don't pretend to understand the full range of the change, Jim. The most significant aspect for users will be the potential for higher speeds. For ISPs, it allows them to have a more flexible capacity, to meet anticipated demand when needed.

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yes I realise that Rick , It is tricky making sense of it , However my main point is the drive towards speed is not beneficial for everyone , less latency and less congestion would be infinitely preferable in my opinion, I just think we are going to be sold another pig in a poke, "oh look at the super speeds we offer" blah blah blah, but its the same copper product to the home that needs the improvement. who knows maybe BT will use some of the £1.5Bn they have pledged to fibre networks to replace it , we live in hope.


Quote from: Glenn on Jan 21, 2009, 05:59:17
Seb, from Sam - 5,792 residential premises & 194 non-residential premises.

Quite small then - my exchange serves 25k+ properties, and is enabled now, so I suspect size has something to do with it (people that say size doesn't matter don't know what they're talking about!). :P


Quote from: Sebby on Jan 21, 2009, 19:38:49
Quite small then - my exchange serves 25k+ properties, and is enabled now, so I suspect size has something to do with it (people that say size doesn't matter don't know what they're talking about!). :P

I have no hope then :(

567 residential premises
45 non-residential premises.



Small but beautifully marked. :)

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My exchange, Stratford, E15, was supposedly changed over to 21CN WBC on 31/12/2008, I haven't noticed any changes although for one day only my connection speed was up by ½MB, but sadly back to 2.4MB now :'(


My prospects don't look very good either my exchange serves: -

1,508 residential premises
105 non-residential premises.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: bridgej on Jan 22, 2009, 12:05:05
My exchange, Stratford, E15, was supposedly changed over to 21CN WBC on 31/12/2008, I haven't noticed any changes although for one day only my connection speed was up by ½MB, but sadly back to 2.4MB now :'(

Samknows seems to imply that the date hasn't been kept:


I'm currently on a 31/3/09...

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Quote from: Sheltieuk on Jan 22, 2009, 12:11:55
My prospects don't look very good either my exchange serves: -

1,508 residential premises
105 non-residential premises.

3 times more likely than me :)


 :dunno: Am I bovvered  ;D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Time will tell. ;D

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Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Make sure you keep your eyes closed too. ;)

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Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


That narrows the possibilities. :)

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21CN WBC status:     
RFS date set : 31/03/2010

Anyone What's RFS stand for and its not Royal Free Swingers or responsible fishing scheme
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Ready for service, Steve.

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So any date but that then ;)
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It's a curious phrase isn't it. Not activated, but ready for service - which presumably means they could hold exchanges at the RFS stage without connecting anyone to the service.

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Well my node will be Peterborough which has the same RFS date.
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My node is Milton Keynes, unusually simple and logical for once. :)

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The exchange that is geographically closest to me, approx 1 mile, is FRS 30/09/2009, it serves around twice as many lines as mine 9,637 residential premises &
345 non-residential premises

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Time to move, Glenn?

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It seems I have quite a big one (exchange, that is). ;)



And it's WBC enabled...

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Indeed. I wonder if they've switched the PSTN over to 21CN yet (it's still saying Q4 2008, so could just be out of date info).


Quote from: Sebby on Jan 22, 2009, 18:35:41
It seems I have quite a big one (exchange, that is). ;)


Show off, no one wants to live near me  >:(


That's because they don't want the trains interferring with their connection. ;)


Quote from: Sebby on Jan 22, 2009, 23:22:14
That's because they don't want the trains interferring with their connection. ;)

Oooooo! That's harsh..........But fair ;D
There's no place like


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.


You're not alone, Danni.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jan 22, 2009, 17:33:46
Time to move, Glenn?

I'm moving 10 miles down the road, I've found a delightful little place http://www.updowncourt.com/video/updown_video_512k.wmv

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When do you move in? :)

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When I find the £65m I buried on Finchampstead Ridges. I know I buried it next to a tree, but which one :dunno: only another 10,000 to go.

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Cosy sort of a place though, wasn't it. :)

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It was the most expensive private house in the UK 4 years ago. It has been rumoured that the Sultan of Brunei brought it, so he has his own place to stay, when he visits the UK. So it gets used about 6 weeks a year.

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I'm prepared to slum it for the other 46... :)

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Id put up with a guest lodge.....wonder how much its devalued over the last year....


About £15M I would guess. :)

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