What's it like here?

Started by The Undertaker, Jan 28, 2007, 21:02:21

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The Undertaker

I've only just registered to ask a question, probably of Simon, as he appears to be the main man.
I was very happy with my original ISP until they took the money (can't blame them) and sold out.
The new owners were, to be kind, garbage, so I macked and moved.
Very happy with the move, solid speeds, support and forum.
Then...............................another sell out.
I'm not going to name anyone or badmouth them, but I suspect the more clued up amongst you will be able to work it out.
What I want to know is, if I have to move again (which looks inevitable), what is it like here?
Reading the DSLZone, ISPReview and thinkbroadband can do your head in with the conflicting opinions, but I've got it down to ID and UKonline.
Any feed back gratefully received.
A computer is a tool. It's not a way of life.


I moved here several months ago and have been delighted.  No connection problems and, the main thing for me after my previous experience, if you want info or have a problem the phone is answered straight away.
What is more there is an 0800 number.

One clue is this forum.  Hardly any posts about problems relating to connection or ISP service.  Compare that with the Plusnet etc etc forums!


Hi Undertaker and welcome to the forums.
I think you will find most of the members here have come from ISP's that have sold out and their service has suffered because of it.
IDNet is a great ISP , not cheap but the Customer Service is second to none, speeds and reliability have been great and i for one am not looking for a move in the near future.
You will have seen the recent posts in TB about speed issues ,this is due to be fixed next month as more capacity has been ordered and to be honest things seem to have settled down nicely.
Oh and by the way i used to be a big fan  :laugh:  ;)


Welcome Undertaker,

Similar story here, no regrets about moving to IDNet. ;)
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Hi Undertaker (nice name lol)
I suppose your answer is that you can actually ask the question here without receiving loads of abusive replies.  It used to be amusing when somebody asked the same question on the Plusnet boards, even before they had gone totally down the pan.

If you want a fair-priced (not cheap) reliable connection, and somebody interested in helping you if you do have a problem with it, then that's what it's like.  This is a nice helpful  forum where we fill the time between queries with idle banter - feel free to join in.
And IDNet have a free helpline where you can talk to somebody who understands what they are doing and is not in India.  And they answer the phone quickly  too (though not open 24/7). 

And your contract would only be for a month, so they can't really afford the service to be bad or everybody would be off. Many of the others tie you in for 12 months.

old Bill

Hi Undertaker,
           Come on in the waters lovely. I joined a couple of months ago best move I ever made.


Have just read your post and seen your second choice!


UKoffline would be more appropriate , or incompetence unlimited...................the worst thing that I have EVER experienced in my life,still need valium each time I hear that name  :'(


One of the best and friendliest ISP's around.  Very reliable connections, Customer Service and Support really know what they are talking about.  They judge your level of expertise and talk to you on that principle, all the time being friendly and sincere.  It will probably be the best move you make.

I do believe a certain German Beer company is jealous. ;D

:banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2:
Alf :)


Speaking as a long standing user of IDNET  ::)

Actually I migrated about 1 hour ago !! The migration worked perfectly with no hiccups and the level of customer service so far has been great.

Long may it continue




Welcome aboard GrahamB, Nice to see you here..  ;)
Anything and everything that I post on here is purely my opinion, it ain't going to change the world, you are under no obligation to agree with me, it is purely my expressed opinion.


Hi Undertaker

Like all other posters im very happy here and im certain you will be too and welcome  ;)

Hi GrahamB

Welcome to you too  :)


Another happy customer here too :)

Welcome GrahamB, glad the migration went well!


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Welcome to the forums!

Firstly, undertaker - a different view on things from myself (sort of) as, i have left Idnet once, and migrated to Idnet twice!

The migration out was for a problem with pings, which got sorted on my migration away date..as my luck would have it! - throughout the problem however, Idnet's support was simply superb - best ive ever had. 2 months later, i regretted leaving - so, came back, ive now been here for about 2 months - ontop of the...4 months i was here the first time!

I'll tell you something....im cirtainally not jumping ship again! - leaving was the worst mistake i ever made!


Like everyone else, I'm a happy bunny here. 'Nuff said. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Don't listen to them, Undertaker. IDNet is rubbish! >:(

Oh no hang on, I got that a bit wrong. :crazy: I actually agree with everyone else, IDNet is in fact the best. :angel:
Made you guys look twice though. ;D

Klaatu barada nikto!


Twice?? I damn near had a heart attack.  ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: rikbean on Jan 29, 2007, 14:31:07
Twice?? I damn near had a heart attack.

Don't worry - just call Customer Service


Do they have a set of jump leads?  :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

The Undertaker

Whoa! :o
I have to say that I did not expect this many replies. I'm staggered!
Firstly, thanks to everyone who replied. When I moved the last time, I had 2 replies!
Second, I have read every post and am totally impressed with the positive comments.
Given the facility of this well attended forum, I feel confident that this will be my home after 14 Feb.
I am listening to horror stories of my erstwhile colleagues who are waiting 4 :'( hours to contact support. Personally, I am not really having any problems, except for speed and that is not critical. I'm getting, on average, 1.9 - 2.2 down, but it seems, according to DSLZoneUK, that if I move to IDNET I can get 4.0 - 5.0+ ;D Is that true?
Thanks again. Much appreciated.
A computer is a tool. It's not a way of life.


Quote from: The Undertaker on Jan 29, 2007, 17:59:25
this will be my home after 14 Feb.

You may even get a Valentine's card from CS!


Quote from: William on Jan 29, 2007, 18:06:18
You may even get a Valentine's card from CS!

Now if you get one from Miriam there are going to be a lot of jealous people in here  :o

To Graham , welcome to the forums mate keep the posts coming we need new blood and a bit of competition for the regular spammers  :laugh:


Max you sure know how to hurt a girl - new blood indeed .   ;D

It may seem we've been here forever, but Rik and I have only been around for a couple of months or so. And even Steve's not been here much longer.

At least you didn't say YOUNG blood - now that would really have hurt, especially Rik  ;D ;D ;D


Are you really 1006  :laugh: (see profile) ;)


Just to add my 2p worth - My migration went through today too.  I got home tonight to find my router resynced on a Max service but still logged into my old ISP, so just for comparison I ran a speed check at ThinkBroadband.com (adslguide) then changed my login credentials and connected to idnet - without restarting / resyncing (just dropped & reconnected pppoe).

Here's the results:


Which is all pretty impressive, given that BT reckon that my line will struggle to maintain a 512K connection.

The only fly in the ointment is that I can't get pop3 mailbox access to work at the moment - it's failing authentication, but at least this gives me a change to try out Idnet's support tomorrow.  (unless I figure out that I'm doing something dumb tonight).  I can send via smtp no problem and at the moment  I can still access my old ISP's pop3 server so it's not too bad.

So far, no regrets.  Even my technophobe other half has noticed the difference :)



Hi CrossTalk i also had trouble with emails when i first joined but changed servers to this on pop and smtp
mail.idnet.net.uk  instead of pop3.idnet.net and smtp.idnet.net and has been ok ever since.