iPhone/iPad Apps

Started by psp83, Mar 04, 2009, 11:49:15

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VLC should hopefully be available for the iPad next week
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VLC for iPad is out and free to install.
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Sorry, yes free to use.
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Thanks, Steve, you had me going there for a minute. :)

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Cool. I've got myself an iPad today and might try out vlc :)


I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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iOS 4.2 for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad now available for download via iTunes.


The Apple discussion forum is a tad busy tonight with 4.2 issues, I think I'll wait for the dust to settle I don't fancy a leap into the unknown.
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I still haven't updated my iPhone 4 to 4.1. I'm very wary especially as the phone seems to perform as intended. I'm not sure whether to do it or leave well alone.

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I'm definitely waiting awhile, for instance there's a couple of posts from people who've lost exchange mail server connectivity on the iPad although Apple will  allow you to downgrade for a short period of time there are other ways of going back to a previous version if you follow the correct steps prior to applying the upgrade .There are various utilities that will save the required data to allow you to restore a previous version. Google SHSH and blobs
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I'm SHSH'ed and blobbed!  ;D
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Then I hope you're not the nominated driver :laugh:

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Updated here, big list of security holes in webkit plugged, thats a good reason to update, lots of small fixes for annoying little things, so far very impressed.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Any new features, Gary?
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Air print is there now from the photo app as well , new sms tones, updated security with some bugs that could get your phone get abused badly. Notes app will allow a selection of three different fonts, you can now also  search for words or phrases in web pages within Safari. In page texts searches use the search box in the top right of the screen, with in page results appearing below the usual search engine results. you can also flick through matching words or phrases, which are highlighted yellow. The bug in the lock screen has been sorted and alarms seem to now function as they should. Also where as the Calender did not update the the latest time and day when it was in multitasking mode when it was shut, it now does. Seems a good update for me so far.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Is the new sms tones only for iPhone4?


Quote from: psp83 on Nov 23, 2010, 07:53:41
Is the new sms tones only for iPhone4?
yes but you are not missing out on anything, also there is a find my iphone app for free to download now so you can find it if you loose it or even remote wipe it your computer or even another iphone/iPad etc not sure if that's on the 3GS.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Skype 3 is out, with Video calling now from iPhone to PC or Mac, Linux or another iPhone etc for free. Less battery intensive than previous versions, seems to work well for most, as always it may be buggy now and then for a new release, but for free its a great app. As always cheap calls etc, and video works over 3G even though some networks may terminate your sim if you do use it like that, O2 say they will, as you are not allowed to use it on their Network  ::) WiFi is fine though. Not as good as Facetime which runs at 30fps but Skypes 15 fps is good enough
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Sky+ app is free and very useful, it gives a listing of what's on sky and allows you to set your sky Hd/+ box to record from your handset, useful if you are away.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


 ;D ;D ;D  No honestly it really is true  the iPOPE app is here , run along to iTunes to start your daily confessional and track your sins ...........

  Catholic church gives blessing to iPhone app

QuoteThe Catholic Church has approved an iPhone app that helps guide worshippers through confession.

The Confession program has gone on sale through iTunes for £1.19 ($1.99).

Described as "the perfect aid for every penitent", it offers users tips and guidelines to help them with the sacrament.

Now senior church officials in both the UK and US have given it their seal of approval, in what is thought to be a first.

The app takes users through the sacrament - in which Catholics admit their wrongdoings - and allows them to keep track of their sins.


I saw that story. I'm waiting for the MkII version with a virtual confessional. ;D

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What makes me slightly nervous is statements that this is an adaptation of the global iPlayer iPad App which is a VOD subscription service for non UK countries. I sincerely hope the UK is not missing out but that wouldn't make too much sense as we in the UK already get the free BBC iPayer iPad App.
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