More trouble for Tiscali

Started by Noreen, Mar 09, 2009, 11:27:45

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QuoteTrading in Tiscali, the Italian telecoms company, was suspended on Monday after it fell more than 40 per cent in Milan on news that it was seeking a restructuring of its debt burden.

Tiscali said in a statement on Friday that it was "de facto impossible" to continue with negotiations about the disposal of its UK broadband business to British Sky Broadcasting, the satellite television operator..................


They could have real problems, and so could their customers. :(

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You mean, more that their customers have already?  ;D
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Yes, absolutely no service rather than a mediocre one. :)

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Until the headlines contains the word IDNet, we can all sigh and smile. :)

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I think if Sky was to buy Tiscali, things could only improve. Even if they didn't move people onto their LLU platform, the IPStream service has to be better than Tiscali's.


Unusually, when mentioning Sky, I agree with you.

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I'd be asking for a MAC if I was a customer, which I never would be, of course. :)

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Quote from: Rik on Mar 11, 2009, 17:58:15
I'd be asking for a MAC if I was a customer, which I never would be, of course. :)

Of Course! Rik. :thumb:


Orange was as low as I stooped. ;)

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I was nearly a customer, but not of my own choosing, which is why I escaped from Pipex.  :)
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QuoteTiscali has been struggling to compete with giants like Sky and Virigin Media and has been losing subscribers.

How very strange, I can't imagine why that would be!  :whistle:

I guess it still hasn't occurred to them that in order to stay in business you need to retain your customers and in order to do that you need to give them something in return for their cash.

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Too simple, Zap. Their business model was pile the suckers high and sell them short. :(

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I've only had 2 BB ISP's since 2002 F2S & IDNet

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Orange, Nildram and IDNet for me.

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Eclipse, until they were taken over by Kingston, and Idnet for me.

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Now, if only I could remember all the dial-up ISPs. :)

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As far as dial-up goes, I think I started with AOL, moved to Globalnet, then to BT Internet, then to Freeserve. :)x


My first dial-up was Pipex, I found them arrogant and moved on. In all, I had 17 dial-up ISPs. :)

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My first was freeserve, i thought that was the bees knees till I got Adsl and I could actually download MS patches without it cutting out every two hours, and only having downloaded one by then as well
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Eurobell, PlusNET, AlphaPhe, then Pipex Broadband, then here.
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my first dialup was Pipex and then I moved on to Demon plus various other ones, that I can't remember, for short periods.

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Freeserve for dial-up and then for broadband F2S and IDNet for me. ;D



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Well, at least it would be one less ISP to avoid. :)

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It's more of a reason to avoid TalkTalk. :P



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Quote from: Sebby on Mar 09, 2009, 13:27:16
I think if Sky was to buy Tiscali, things could only improve. Even if they didn't move people onto their LLU platform, the IPStream service has to be better than Tiscali's.

Nothing, nothing, can be worse than Sky's Connect package (IP stream) it is the world's worst after 5pm. Take it from someone who has experienced it, first hand. :eek4:


I'm quite willing to listen, Q, and knowing what their TV support is like, I'm not sure I could take it. :)

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As a former Tiswas subscriber, there's a tiny part of me that wants to see this pathetic excuse of an ISP to die an undignified and humiliating death.

That said though, it would leave thousands of innocent punters wandering around the interweb with no clue about what they should do next for broadband connection.

Schadenfreude is such a compelling reaction though... :whistle:
To stay is death but to flee is life.



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I'm keeping a close eye on this because I'm in litigation with Tiscali/Pipex and I don't want them to disappear before I at least have an enforceable judgement against them.

As far as their users are concerned I'm not really sure that a buyout is the best option. I would take a guess that a very large proportion simply want to leave but are tied into a contract. I've no doubt that any company buying them out would be keen to maintain those contracts because they would be buying a customer base and not just infrastructure which is pretty dire in any case.

If they are allowed to go bust surely there would have to be a swift provision that would allow customers to migrate to a new ISP?

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Not necessarily, Zappa. Usually, it becomes a cease and re-provide operation, costing customers £47 per head.

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They were highlighted on Watchdog last night and I was very dissappointed they seemed to be used as a way of promoting Watchdog rather than highlighting all the issues especially with the BB service.....
I  contacted Watchdog,with many others when I was with the Italian company was ignored

Shame they seemed to get off lightly and the usual platitudes accepted  :shake:  Yeah right
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Quote from: Rik on Mar 31, 2009, 09:52:17
Not necessarily, Zappa. Usually, it becomes a cease and re-provide operation, costing customers £47 per head.

Hmmm, that would not be good. Pipex inadvertently placed a cease on my line and I was out of action for a number of weeks. Oh and yes they did bill me for the re-provision  ::)

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Quote from: badpianoplayer on Mar 31, 2009, 10:03:53
They were highlighted on Watchdog last night and I was very dissappointed they seemed to be used as a way of promoting Watchdog rather than highlighting all the issues especially with the BB service.....
I  contacted Watchdog,with many others when I was with the Italian company was ignored

Shame they seemed to get off lightly and the usual platitudes accepted  :shake:  Yeah right

Watchdog is a waste of space, imo, it's more interested in entertainment than helping consumers.

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I've just watched the Watchdog segment on Tiscali and what got me was even though the panel of experts had the full picture presented to them they still didn't comprehend what they were dealing with. They should have twigged from the lady who had no contract and yet was still being billed that there is virtually no way out. The company is dying and it's screwing as much money out of it's customer and ex-customer base as it can before it goes under and there's no way of dealing with situation even in law.

Rather ironically Watchdog have done nothing more than boosted Tiscali's reputation by giving the impression that they are company willing to take action on customer complaints.

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Exactly I wont bother again after this ,they could have made a big story about this but not one mention of the BB service it focused on telephone services

Shame on you Watchdog  :shake:

I always get the urge to slap Nicky Campell  ;D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


I won't ask what you get the urge to do to Julia Bradbury.  :evil:

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Who is this one ? is it the one who has been semi sacked ?
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Had to google she gets on my nerves as well,too smug  :shake:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



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The only smug one I like is Annie Robinson  ;D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


She's not smug, she's acting smug. ;)

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I know thats what I like  >:D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Looks like people's wish may be granted and Tiscali heads down the gurgler....

"Tiscali "close to collapse" could leave 1m without broadband
UK ISP Tiscali is thought to be close to administration"

UK Macworld here.


Not a happy position for its cutomers, Tac, I'd have my MAC request in by now. :(

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Quote from: drummer on Mar 31, 2009, 01:13:59
it would leave thousands of innocent punters wandering around the interweb with no clue about what they should do next for broadband connection.

surely with no isp they wouldn't be wandering anywhere??

Sitting on the fence......
And Laughing at both sides.


So, presumably, this means that any former Pipex customers may also soon be out on a limb?
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I imagine CPW are waiting for them to collapse so they can buy them up at a fire sale price.  If they do, good luck to the engineers that get the thankless task of trying to integrate the various Tiscali acquisitions. 

I got Sis away from Pipex 12 months ago thank goodness.  A once great ISP reduced to something at the bottom of  a bargain bin. Very sad. 


Quote from: Simon on Apr 16, 2009, 22:41:06
So, presumably, this means that any former Pipex customers may also soon be out on a limb?

Along with Toucan customers, who Pipex/Tiscali recently acquired.

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I'm suprised no one was ever with Compuserve. They were my 1st ISP back in the mid 90's. Still have a big white book somewhere with loads of good info (for the time) in

I remember having a load of numbers for a username that wa the norm with them from some old architecture they used. AOL, Freeserve, Pipex (when they were good) Madasafish then here.

Glad to see Tiscali go though, knew folk who went with them on the strength of the adverts and also they knew little of pc's and providers. When they eventually sussed it out couldn't get a Mac code and had to cancel the account to get away.
Growing old is compulsory, Growing up is optional


I was with Compuserve, Myst, I was a wizop (admin) running the Adobe & DTP forums. Happy days. :)

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Dialup with Claranet & (Wannado took them over I believe) , then with BB to F2S and here

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How many dial ups can I remember...

Compuserve, AOL, Pipex,, Prestel, Virgin, Wanabee/Orange, Waitrose, Demon, BBC, Claranet plus a few more I can't remember.

ADSL: Orange, Nildram, IDNet - no more needed after that. :)

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I read yesterday about the auditors not wanting to sign off. Worrying...

Even more worrying is that The Gadget Show recently recommended them, and they're not the only ones that do silly things like this. :o


I don't trust much that the gadget show recommends. :)

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I'm very much in two minds about the way I feel regarding Tiscali's impending demise.

On the one hand it'll probably stop the threats I receive on a weekly basis from the bailiffs. On the other hand the court case I'm bring against them will prove to be a total waste of time, money and energy. There's been a lot of talk about how terrible it will be for their staff to lose their jobs at such a difficult time. I certainly have some sympathy for the over seas call center cannon fodder but none at all for the Italian and UK based staff. 'I was only following orders' was never a valid excuse in my book, what goes around, comes around  :P

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Quote from: Rik on Mar 31, 2009, 10:09:00
Watchdog is a waste of space, imo, it's more interested in entertainment than helping consumers.

Absolutely correct Rik. An extremely sensible observation!


I won't watch it now, Q, it's descended so low. :(

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QuoteAround 1.7m customers of internet provider Tiscali have been offered a £50 bribe to switch to rival firm TalkTalk.............


The vultures are circling. :(

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Well if you're getting paid to go from hell to hell, I don't see the problem. :P


It depends how much heat you like. :)

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Wouldn't it be funny if every one of those 1.7m Tiscali customers took up Talk Talk's £50 offer, it would be rather expensive. ;D


Then it might be a case of bailing out TalkTalk. :)

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Quote from: Rik on Apr 17, 2009, 12:43:36
I don't trust much that the gadget show recommends. :)
I tend to find them a bunch of plonkers, Rik. After recommending a version 7 Zonealarm firewall come antispyware suite that crashed and was hated by its user base beyond belief and caused so many to leave Zonealarm, I wonder if the bald chap actually used it, or just googled " software firewall" and Zonealarm was the top hit, but he did not read the reasons why  ::) Zonealarm never seem to get a mention these days in reviews, the only thing I ever liked was the icon that moved showing incoming and outgoing data, that little red and green thing in your system tray.  :)
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I'm not convinced they research anything, it's more about entertainment and personalities than Gadgets. :(

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Quote from: Rik on Apr 26, 2009, 08:01:43
I'm not convinced they research anything, it's more about entertainment and personalities than Gadgets. :(
I completely agree, Rik what I find more alarming is people might think they do know what they are talking about, saying that the show last time I saw a link for it seemed to have gone down the Top Gear route, and become about technology thats prohibitively expensive or nonsensical to most people
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


One more example of celebrity culture, I'm afraid, Gary. It's not about the gadgets but the presenters.

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Quote from: Rik on Apr 26, 2009, 10:23:18
One more example of celebrity culture, I'm afraid, Gary. It's not about the gadgets but the presenters.
Sadly very true, Rik  :sigh:
Damned, if you do damned if you don't