DMT Tool

Started by old Bill, Feb 06, 2007, 10:27:36

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old Bill

Can anyone tell me how you use the DMT tool for the Speedtouch 585 ?


old Bill

Thanks. What login details do I need to use ?


Depends what you set them to lol ;D
Default is Administrator and blank for the password (as in the picture referred to in the link I gave you).



What are you tryin to achieve, speed or stability? If the latter, you might do so more effectively by getting IDNet to request an increased noise margin with BT.

I can't remember whether this has been discussed, but have you done the usual check using the test socket to eliminate the effect of your internal wiring, and have you disconnected the bell wire?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

Had the master socket rewired by BT a few months ago. So it should be ok. The line is nice and stable no drops just wanted to see if i could tweak it a bit more. As it is the DMT wont run on my 585. So I think I had better leave well alone.


When BT re-wired my NTE5, Bill, they fitted the bell wire. It would be worth a look to see if they've done the same to you, especially if it was a voice engineer, rather than an ADSL one.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.