Looking to join IDNET

Started by Maverich, Mar 21, 2009, 17:38:00

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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ah fantastic.  I've got no excuses now! Thanks for that Simon


We'll still be here should you run in to trouble. :)


Quote from: Maverich on Mar 29, 2009, 20:20:32
Outta curiosity when my Sky changes over to Idnet on Tuesday I'm assuming my Sky router will not work...is it easier enough to configure the new router?

So far as I remember, Sky use specials. They come ready programmed with user name and password and these are hidden from, and cannot be accessed by, the customer, at least not without great effort

It may be possible to flash the firmware back to standard. However, Netgear use a variety of chipsets and I know some of the specials cannot be flashed to standard. I would have a look around the Sky forums and see what you can find. Sorry I cannot be of more help.


What happens with Sky is that your username and password is a function of the router's MAC address and serial number, set at Sky's end based on the router they send you. That's why it's possible to generate your password to use a third-party router.

I believe the DG834GT can be flashed.


Hi all,
Sky Connect really slow again , prompted me to ring up Sky again requesting Mac Number. Probably been around two or three weeks now since first emailing , and one week since last phone call. I asked "why cant they give the number over the phone ?" Sorry we dont / cant  do that " can I speak to the supervisor... blah blah ... others got it ... offcom..... here it is ... LZNDxxxxxxx/xxxxx   .
Just shows being nice doesnt get you anywhere!
So I then went online and ordered IDNET middle broadband (£17 ish)  :D. Lets hope the MAC number works as I have heard sky giving out invalid ones. Then we can see if any better with IDNET. It could be conjested exchange. If so ... sorry SKY , but your customer service is still rubbish in my opinion.
Seems my old router fixed to sky... I'll get a netgear DG834G to start with and see.
IDNET here i come........maybe (hopefully).


IDNet do supply ready-configured routers, if you fancy that path. I know what you mean about support, though, you realise it's getting to you when your teeth are ground flat. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


OOps didnt realise IDNET sold them (this was before I signed up) . When I later looked it took me a while to find the page where they were sold. Under solutions I think. But I purchased  a DG834G with a USB wifi for around £55 inc p&p from Amazon. IDNET was £61 . (I expect your delete that bit!)

The little extra in IDNET's price was for IDnet setting it up for you which is fair enough, but hopefully by using RIK's article on DG834 I'm hoping i'd manage it ok. It looks easy enough.


While I'm here....

I was wandering (or is that wondering) whether the Home supermax makes much difference to speed if the exchange is very busy or high contention. It says "Priority given at the exchange over standard ADSL traffic ".

But it is round about double price of Home lite. I dont think I use many Gb . I mainly use VPN remote desktop. I have no idea what amount of traffic that is.
But with sky I couldnt download much any way, couldnt watch any live replay stuff it always froze on me  or stuttered, IDNET could temp me to more GB's if that works!! I guess try supermax for a month is a way of finding out!


Quote from: sfawcett2 on Mar 31, 2009, 16:14:08
OOps didnt realise IDNET sold them (this was before I signed up) . When I later looked it took me a while to find the page where they were sold. Under solutions I think. But I purchased  a DG834G with a USB wifi for around £55 inc p&p from Amazon. IDNET was £61 . (I expect your delete that bit!)

The little extra in IDNET's price was for IDnet setting it up for you which is fair enough, but hopefully by using RIK's article on DG834 I'm hoping i'd manage it ok. It looks easy enough.

We certainly wouldn't delete that bit!  ;)  IDNet can't compete with the likes of Amazon on prices for that sort of thing, as they don't have Amazon's power to buy in bulk.  The fact that the router from IDNet is pre-configured may make it worth the extra few pounds for some people, but I expect IDNet sell these at more or less cost price.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My activation is due to be today by 6pm yet still no sign of any change.  I know it's not 6pm yet but is it known for the change to be late? Just wanna get away from sky now  :(


Good luck Maverich....I remember the nail biting day,it will pass  :fingers:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Thanks for that I really do hope it will pass, not going to have many nails left at this rate!!


I would give IDNet a call, Rich, as usually, the migration happens early in the morning of the migration date.  Catch them before 6pm on 0800 0267 237.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Just phoned to make sure, first time I had actually spoken to someone from Idnet and was impressed at their attitude.  The migration should still be taking place before 6pm and for me just to keep checking.   :)


OK.  Now you know why we rate their customer support so highly!  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Take a valium and relax then they are a truthful and friendly bunch and if they say it will be on today it will ..... :laugh:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


QuoteOK.  Now you know why we rate their customer support so highly!

And our Moderators  :hewho: :hewho:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


I'm going to have to chill before I make the mrs mad!!  ;D


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


 :ithank: You are a great crew though  :thumb:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Probably wrong advice ;D but have you tried your idnet username  and password? Its not unknown for both connections to be still live for a short time.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


No thats not something I have tried but will give it a go now.  :fingers:


stevethegas your spot on!! Just set the new router up entered the relevant details and here I am.  ;D I think that deserves a karma so  :karma: