Those Ping Tings

Started by drummer, Mar 30, 2009, 22:23:58

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Not really a problem as such, more of a question, so bear with me.

My sync hasn't dropped from 8128 since I had interleaving turned off last year, my BT profile is 7150 with an average throughput of 6500kbps and speedtesters usually show my speed as circa 6900+kbps.  Noise margin often flatlines on RouterStats graphs and I've only had one random re-sync since June of last year.

However, since IDNet's hardware upgrade earlier this year, my pings have shot through the roof as per the attached Ping Graph snapshot (check out the pink horizontal line), although during the wee hours it settles down to about 11-12ms without any spikes.

I don't do online gaming so it doesn't actually affect me so far as I can tell and if I reboot the router, my pings temporarily go back to normal.

So, am I being a spoilt fussbudget or is there an actual problem with my line, my exchange or is it something at IDNet's end?

Or should I stop running PingGraph and get a life?

[attachment deleted by admin]
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Personally, I don't monitor pings, but those do seem quite, er, spiky, Drummer, so if it's bugging you, it might be worth talking to IDNet, if no one here comes up with any bright ideas.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help. My pings are solid and consistently low (well, 28ms ave but I have interleaving on) and there are any widespread reports of high pings on here either. To me, it sounds like exchange congestion and you could ask support to check for you (they may or may not be able to).

Ultimately though, if yo don't game and it doesn't affect your browsing, I wouldn't worry too much!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It would be worth checking with support, Drummer. Like Lance, my line is interleaved, but I average 22ms.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'd check with support, although it's probably exchange congestion.


Thanks for the replies people.

Guess I'll keep monitoring for a few more days before I think about contacting support.
To stay is death but to flee is life.