Anyone else's connection down?

Started by dlorde, May 23, 2009, 11:18:31

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Hi Sebby

Guess I mean "the final straw breaking the camels back" what with all my other bb problems that BT and IDnet keep bouncing back to each other. One saying its a line fault the the other the reverse. Idnets solution on my last phone call was to transfer my phone services to them then they could sort the "line problem". ( felt like blackmail ) . I am on contracy on my phone for a few more months anyway.

I am not really concerned who has fouled up the bb network this weekend as my supplier is fully responsible under law ( legal and natural) .  I do know that BT is under great pressure and hopefuly will fail and be replaced !!

Probably will go 3g as its cheaper than bb via line and as my connection runs at around 1500kbps on the idnet link the spped will be what I have got used too .

Also I can dump the land line as well as mobo deals with Tesco now ofer 400mins for £10 p month to my usual calling circle.

My bb sconnection is still down good syncs to the exchange but no ppp . Left router off all night with no change. Been off since first light Sat morning now . Time now is 1000hrs Sunday morning.

Hope the internet comes back soon , dial up is fun though!!!???

Ni illigitimus carborundom


Miriam has posted that the Kingston problem's been resolved, Chris, so if you're still down I would suggest phoning IDNet.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: hairyman on May 24, 2009, 10:09:16
Hi Sebby

Guess I mean "the final straw breaking the camels back" what with all my other bb problems that BT and IDnet keep bouncing back to each other. One saying its a line fault the the other the reverse. Idnets solution on my last phone call was to transfer my phone services to them then they could sort the "line problem". ( felt like blackmail ) . I am on contracy on my phone for a few more months anyway.


If you recall correctly you were speaking to myself on this occasion.

You were explaining how you felt your line desperately needed fixing and you had ended dicussions with BT Retail to resolve your line as they wished to send an engineer to your premises on the proviso you agreed to the possible charges should the engineer find no fault etc. As you refused to accept this possibility you were in something of a stalemate. 

However felt that you were not being taken seriously by BT and felt you were getting nowhere, at which point i explained that if this is the case there was the option to transfer  your service to IDNet at which point we would take over the fault investigation. I then went on to suggest you got back on to the person within BT managing your case and agree to the engineer visit on the proviso you get a written confirmation that in addition to the engineer being made fully aware that the fault is intermittent and may not be evident while on site,unless there was no fault found/the fault was proved to the customers hardware no charge would be applied. You agreed this sounded like the best solution.

I sincerely resent the suggestion this could have come across as "blackmail" especially since we have been above and beyond to try to resolve your issue even offering advice when the case is clearly out of our hands. Unfortunately the problem is your line which can only be resolved by your PSTN provider.

If you would like you MAC please drop an email to and we will be happy to generate it for you.

As it stands your current loss of PPP has been raised to BT as discussed, as soon as we have an update from BT we will be in touch.


IDNet Support


Hi Miriam

BT have completely ignored my requests and even made no response to three complaints via their escalation channels. I had only one returned call from BT and that was checking if the problem was resolved. I can only say how it felt when  Idnet said they could do more only if I was their Phone customer.

On reflection I withdraw my " felt like black mail " accusation and apologise to you and transfer it to BT .

All I want is a reliable 2meg ish service with a small download amount per month , should be easy as I can walk to the exchange in 4minutes !!!

I will review your Anytime phone deals later this summer when I finish with BT. A fully mobile wireless phone and bb would be an alternative as well.

BT still suggest it is a broadband problem and Id say its phone. I am happy with yr service from Id hQ onwards to the net but the bit you rent from me to you is not performing consistantly.

In the meantime I am back on dial up due to some foul up by your provider. I believe ID provides a good fast link to the net and unrivalled good service but is hampered by BT and their messy arrangements of two or more divisions.

I am awaiting a reply to a letter to BT requesting action or a deadlock letter. This went over two weeks ago I expect it to be ignored as before. I bet if I cancelled my direct debit to them they would be straight on to me with cancellation charges.

Many thanks for your help , lets hope BT and Id can get some saort of paid for broadband service goinhg here.

Time is 1330hours on Sunday 24 May 2009 , dial up OK , broadband no ppp but good syncs.

I will check the bb occasionally but as I am on dial up now I will only "be in touch" now and again.

The weather is so good that I will drop the indoor stuff as soon as Jenson Button does his best at Monaco on the TV. 23degrees and hardly a cloud in the sky

Ni illigitimus carborundom


Hi Rik

Thanks for yr input , idnet are on the case after this BT foul up , I guess something needs resetting in the BT system . Or they have the wrong authentication info from a bad back up ? I wonder what they were doing at Kingston to muck it up, lets hope it was Kingston Jamaica not  - on Thames (better climate for engineers) . Good Theatre at K on Thames though.

Are all the others  back on or do I need to get paranoid ?


PS sorry to have pinched this thread a lot, It is/was a little difficult to see what was what at dial up speeds
Ni illigitimus carborundom


Not to worry, it's primary course had run. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have been an IDNET customer for the last 9 months.

I keep on getting BT faults.  They are always LCP timeout issues.

Well, my service went down mid afternoon on Sunday 24th.  I am getting LCP time out messages (again) from my router.

I have tried the BT test account(speedtest@speedtest_domain).  Same error.  I tried a different ADSL router (my spare Netgrear DG384), same problem.

I unplugged the routers for 45 minutes.  No change.

I have left a voicemail on IDNET's out of hours support line (Sunday).  No reply.  I have sent several emails(Monday).  No reply.

My main router is a Draytek 2820(FW 3.3.2_RC5), and I have a 3G connection as a backup for my ADSL connection.

Anyone got any suggestions?

Draytek 2820 ADSL Router (FW 3.3.2_RC5) + 3G connection


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

I'm sorry you're having problems. There have been reports of problems with Drayteks and WBC connections and, tbh, I found my Draytek less than reliable after moving to Max. A Netgear should be fine, however. You've already tried the standard cures for a stale session, so I'm not sure what to suggest.

If you want to PM me your name and phone number, I'll see if I can get hold of IDNet for you.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Thanks for the reply.

PM Sent.

Draytek 2820 ADSL Router (FW 3.3.2_RC5) + 3G connection



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My ADSL line stats are

Up Speed 832000
Down Speed 8128000
SNR Margin 15
Loop Att. 22

Draytek 2820 ADSL Router (FW 3.3.2_RC5) + 3G connection


That attenuation makes me jealous.  :) Full speed sync and a 15db noise margin, it would be heaven... Have you got a date for WBC at your exchange? I think your line will be a prime candidate for the move.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


No date for WBC.  Its not planned at the moment according to various exchange checkers :(  

I would like a faster connection, but mainly for upstream application like VPN and VOIP and online games.  (I never use P2P).  I have the Home SuperMax  product for the 832kb/s upstream, and I can normally get 70-80KB/s in transfers upstream.

The thing is I am about 2km from the exchange in an area with  a lot of BT/SKY internet users.  (Most of which are using channel 1 or 11 for there WiFi access. ...Which is why I am using 6.)

Draytek 2820 ADSL Router (FW 3.3.2_RC5) + 3G connection


You'd probably get about 1M upstream from WBC, shame you don't have a date. I, otoh, who will benefit little or nothing, will be moving over in the next couple of weeks. There's no justice is there. ;)

Wireless interference is becoming an increasing problem, when I started, I was the only network in the area. Nowadays, I can see four of five at any time. Sooner or later, the spectrum will become flooded and unusable. I prefer cable as far as is possible for this reason, and only use my netbook wirelessly.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


:welc: :karma:

Very nice stats! I hope this is sorted quickly. You say you keep on getting BT faults... Does this happen a lot?


Only on warm days, apparently, Seb. So that's about twice a year I guess. ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



I get similar problems to this 4-5 times a year.  I have had BT swap my phone point with an ADSL Master plate.  They have swapped cables over in the roadside cabinet.

I suspect that it is a problem with a DSLAM in the exchange or the ATM backhaul.

I used to run an ISP (about 9 years ago), so I normally make sure its not my kit before placing any support calls.  Hence I have spare routers, filters, PCs etc.

QuoteOnly on warm days, apparently, Seb. So that's about twice a year I guess

Draytek 2820 ADSL Router (FW 3.3.2_RC5) + 3G connection


So you've tried different brands of routers?


Just FYI, my connection is back up and working OK now.

Thanks all for your help :-)


:welc:  John, hope this gets sorted for you soon.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: dlorde on May 25, 2009, 11:55:02
Just FYI, my connection is back up and working OK now.

Thanks all for your help :-)

Any explanation as to what went wrong?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on May 25, 2009, 11:56:16
Any explanation as to what went wrong?

BT had some involvement. :out:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.
