It's me pings again / tech support

Started by ou7shined, May 25, 2009, 11:46:46

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A guy from Idnet just called and said there's a problem with the line and I should contact BT and ask for a PSTN ???

But you guys were saying that my stats suggest the line's ok  :dunno:

Klaatu barada nikto!


No, the line is rubbish, Rich. It should be good, based on the attenuation, but the sync speeds you're getting says that it's very noisy. IDNet would appear to have detected a basic line fault, try dialling 17070 and selecting option 2, the quiet line test. If you hear more than a background hum or hiss, report that to BT as a voice fault, and be careful not to mention ADSL.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This may sound odd but we don't have a telephone. We are a household of mobile users and only have the line for BB, so I can't do that.

How best to get in touch with BT? Google seems to bring up a load of numbers and services that I don't need.
Apologies for being such a space cadet. :blush:

Klaatu barada nikto!


Quote...and be careful not to mention ADSL


Klaatu barada nikto!


If you do, BT will immediately try to pass the buck.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: ou7shined on Jun 01, 2009, 10:33:47
This may sound odd but we don't have a telephone. We are a household of mobile users and only have the line for BB, so I can't do that.

How best to get in touch with BT? Google seems to bring up a load of numbers and services that I don't need.
Apologies for being such a space cadet. :blush:

Can you pick up a cheap, wired, handset? You need to be able to dial 151, ideally, from that line. You can do it via the BT website if needs be, but using the phone is the best way.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


While trawling BT's site looking for a tech support number (still haven't found it) I found "track a fault". I don't know if this means much...


Klaatu barada nikto!


You should be able to report a fault from that section of the site, Rich.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Cheers Rik.

Ok BT found a fault and fixed it. I'm impressed. And now I'm syncing at a rip roaring.....


Klaatu barada nikto!



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 01, 2009, 16:08:39
That's what I call a result. :)
Yup the line gets fixed and my connection drops another 128Kbps. :bawl:
Phoning IDnet as I type.

Klaatu barada nikto!


Ouch. Doesn't look like they've really fixed it! Let us know what IDNet say.


Spoke to a fella at IDnet who said "they simply can not push anymore frequency down my line in the state it is in" :dunno: ??
They are sending a BT ADSL engineer out to me.

Klaatu barada nikto!


Well that's true, nothing to do with IDNet. I'm sure INet made you aware, but BT charge £160+ if no fault is found. There definitely is a fault, though, so if they try it on, stand your ground! :)


He never mentioned no £160! :o

What's likely to happen like?

Klaatu barada nikto!


The engineer will check at the test socket behind the faceplate if you have an NTE5, or will disconnect the exchange pair and test there if you don't (hint, if you don't, ask nicely and he'll probably fit an NTE5 for you). If that test shows all is well, he'll say it's your internal wiring (though I don't think that is the case). If it's internal wiring, you will be charged.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


And just to cheer myself right up I checked my pings. Yup...... they've doubled.

Klaatu barada nikto!


There's a few of us seeing higher pings at the moment, Rich, IDNet don't have any network congestion, so I'm not sure why. Often, for reasons I can't explain, re-booting the router will fix it.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 01, 2009, 16:47:22
The engineer will check at the test socket behind the faceplate if you have an NTE5, or will disconnect the exchange pair and test there if you don't (hint, if you don't, ask nicely and he'll probably fit an NTE5 for you). If that test shows all is well, he'll say it's your internal wiring (though I don't think that is the case). If it's internal wiring, you will be charged.
Ah ok. Well I do have a NTE5 and my pc is connected directly to it. So if I understand correctly no internal wiring... unless you mean the stuff between my ears and that's definitely not what it used to be. :D

Mate I have rebooted my router about 15 times today already. But cheers.

Klaatu barada nikto!


No extensions from the NTE5, Rich? Have you tried plugging into the test socket behind the faceplate?

I'm stuck on the pings, IDNet can see no reason, but there's three or four of us at least seeing high figures. I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can spot a pattern.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 01, 2009, 16:58:49
No extensions from the NTE5, Rich? Have you tried plugging into the test socket behind the faceplate?
Yep that's how it is just now. I've just left it like that until the engineer sees it.

Klaatu barada nikto!


You shouldn't have any problems, then.  :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Whenever I try a ping test it always seems to be " []" giving largely varying times, such as  "43 ms    53 ms   146 ms". Obviously something isn't quite consistent "at the hop - hop hop hop."


Most of the idnet servers are set to give ping requests low priority which is what can sometimes cause the variable results. If you do a search for nameserver you should be able to find the ip address for it which is the one idnet recommend pinging (i'd find it for you but i can't search from my phone).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.