WBC - successful connections

Started by Rik, May 31, 2009, 11:59:52

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I have a connection speed of 16982KBs and I ran a speed test on TBB at 10.45pm yesterday and got a result of 0.8MBs down and 0.9MBs up, I wasn't happy. :mad: This morning at around 8.30am I managed to get on the BT test site and got the attached result. Is this yo-yo effect to be expected after reading of the problems that IDNet are having with BT?

There have been no disconnections.

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It is, unfortunately, Noreen. BT are promising the extra capacity though, we're waiting to hear a date or time.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Would you say that this morning's BT test result is OK for my line, Rik?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thank goodness that I don't normally go online after around 7pm. ;D


You should, we all should, be OK today, Noreen.  :fingers:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Had a resync this morning at 08:18 and my down sync has gone up to 16252kbps and my throughput on various speedtester sites is between 10000-14000k.

Although my NM is below 6db, things have certainly improved since last night.  :fingers:
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Hi there, despite a severe telling off I gave my self today I sadly bought something from Argos :( I am too impatient for my own good.

Basically I have been using a Draytek Vigor 100 and Linksys WRT54GL for a long time and have always been happy with them, however since being moved over on the ADSL2+ regrade I have been experiencing a few problems.

The following are my connection stats on the Draytek.

> adsl status
--------------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A) -----------
Running Mode : ADSL2+(G.992.5) State : SHOWTIME
DS Actual Rate : 10187000 bps US Actual Rate : 888000 bps
DS Attainable Rate : 10132000 bps US Attainable Rate : 888000 bps
DS Path Mode : Interleave US Path Mode : Interleave
NE Current Attenuation : 31 dB Cur SNR Margin : 12 dB
DS actual PSD : 12. 0 dB US actual PSD : 20. 8 dB
ADSL Firmware Version : 1401201_A
-------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------
Far Current Attenuation : 14 dB Far SNR Margin : 14 dB
CO ITU Version[0] : 00004946 CO ITU Version[1] : 0000544e

In fact the sync was unstable at 10187000 bps and dropped to around 9018700 bps, shade under 10mb. Add to that the upload was stuck on 888000 bps also. The sync speed just wouldn't hold at the higher rate on my draytek and I would get disconnects and would re sync at a lower speed.

Today I setup the Netgear DG834G V4 and upon connect I am seeing the following line stats.

Connection Speed :
Downstream : 12790 kbps
Upsrtream : 1175 kbps
Line Attenuation :    
Down 30.5 db // Up 13.8 db
Noise Margin :
Down 12.1 db // Up 6.3 db

Now I am not sure if it is coincidence but so far the connection has been a lot more stable, however my profile is stuck in the gutter it seems, anyway to get this improved?

    Your DSL connection rate: 12790 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  1175 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 7150 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 4337 kbps

So just a heads up, may or may not mean anything but as Rik pointed out to me early on the Infineon DSLAM and my Vigor 100 appeared to have not gotten on well together.


Thanks for the information. :thumb:

I've merged this in with the main WBC connections thread. :)


It's just a case of patience, Vader, the profile will rise in BT's time - probably about 3 hours or 3 days, depending on which gods you sacrifice to. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi all first post.
Got transferred over from the mire that is entanet on Tuesday  only to land in some treacle when i arrived here :D
First of BT lost my order which resulted in an even longer wait then the latest BT bandwidth debacle.

But haven't had a problem with Idnet and i reckon we may be a good fit. :)

I am connected with a sky router flashed to a netgear DG834
Firmware Version     V4.01.28
ADSL Firmware Version

Router stats
Connection Speed      21733 kbps      976 kbps
Line Attenuation        15 db              3.5 db
Noise Margin              6 db               7 db

just ran a speed test fastest yet was getting from 4 to 10 mb. ( 3mb on enta after all their probs lately)
Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 21733 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  976 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 19000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 17683 kbps


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

You're just trying to make me jealous, aren't you - go on, admit it. ;D

We believe the initial bandwidth issues have been fixed by BT now, so you should see those sorts of speeds permanently. I call it jammy. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


after being with enta i am just happy to be above the 2mb mark mate :)



You'll like it here then.  :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 12, 2009, 15:55:45
Hi Harry

My best advice atm would be to wait a week or two. A whole raft of us will be moving to WBC in the next 10 days, and we'll have a better feel for it after that. Like you, I stand to gain little but extra download allowance and higher upstream speeds (though pings are reputedly better too), but I'm going to give it a try. We know that some people have had no problems while a few have had a number of issues. Remind me what router you have, would you? I must admit, I did consider staying put with a stable Max connetion, but I know IDNet will sort things out if they go wrong, so I'm going to sacrifice all for the forum. ;D

From what's going down with BT and ADSL+2......I think I will wait a bit longer before taking the plunge. It looks like a right mess.....It reminds me of Eclipse and LLU days....and I don't want to go there. I know that Idnet are not like Plusnet or even Eclipse.....promising  you everything and giving nothing but any tie up with BT is a disaster (yes I know that Idnet can't go anywhere else).
I will give you a wee example of BT's efficiency, my phone is with the Post Office and over the last year I have got about 15 phone calls from BT asking me if I would be interested in coming back to them. My reply is always the same....."please send me details  to my address or my Email address of your offers and I will consider it"....I'm not nasty or impolite to them because I think somebody has to do this job (and it might be my daughter doing this job in the future).... but.... they do try my patience. Does it happen? No, never despite the promises. Only last week, I got a phone call from them and again they promised to send me details, only to receive "duck all" Then last night about 5.00pm another phone call from them and again they apologised..only to be cut off in mid sentence when I was trying to explain that I never get any details and the amount of times they have phoned  :rant2:........Do they want any Business? clearly not  :shake:

I just don't know what you would do them  :-\ but I think on the ADSL+2 issue, I will just have to wait a bit longer  :(

Now playing: Susan Marshall - Back to You
via FoxyTunes
Bangor, Northern Ireland


Hi Harry

We've had some initial pain yesterday, thanks to yet one more BT foul up, but that was fixed around lunchtime today, and since then people are generally reporting stable, sustained improvements. I haven't seen a reduction in pings, but at 23ms I'm not bothered. My d/s speed is pretty much identical to Max, but my u/s speed has gone from 448 to 675. Above all, I'm now getting 10GB peak and 40GB off peak, compared to 5GB.

I'd say it's safe to stick your toe in the water now. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Welcome to the forum, Ronin. :thumb:

:welc: :karma:


My ADSL2+ connection appears to be working correctly now (tested during peak time to be sure):

Your DSL connection rate: 4195 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  888 kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP profile for your line is - 3500 kbps
Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 3250 kbps

ADSL Link                Downstream     Upstream
Connection Speed     4195 kbps         888 kbps
Line Attenuation       41.5 db             22.0 db
Noise Margin           14.1 db             6.5 db

Router:  IDnet supplied Netgear DG834
Exchange:  Foxhall (Ipswich)

My download speed has gone up from about 2.5M on the old ADSL to about 3.3M (~300kB/s to ~410kB/s)  :).



You're trying to make me jealous, aren't you. ;D

BT do finally seem to have come through on this, it seems it's a matter of finding someone who really knows what they are doing. I've been testing all day, things went sluggish at lunchtime, but after 'our man' worked his magic, my speeds have been consistent, whilst last night I could barely get the forum to load.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 20:10:24it seems it's a matter of finding someone who really knows what they are doing.
Phone menu systems need an extra option...

Press '1' for Accounts
Press '2' for Sales
Press '9' for someone with a number of brain cells into double figures

BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


well things are definitely more stable now but my RX speed has actually lowered a little and the TX has increased. At least it's stable for now. We've been having bad weather here too so would have thought the extra water would dampen the string BT are using to connect me to the exchange :)


It's normal for the d/s speed to drop during the training as DLM kicks in to stabilise the line.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I managed to get on to the BT site this morning and I've now got different results than that previously shown. ;D

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