WBC - successful connections

Started by Rik, May 31, 2009, 11:59:52

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Here are my results for a Netgear DGFV338 with a TI AR7 chip:

/bin/cat /proc/avalanche/avsar_modem_stats=
AR7 DSL Modem Statistics:
[DSL Modem Stats]
   US Connection Rate:   1128   DS Connection Rate:   20674
   DS Line Attenuation:   23   DS Margin:      6
   US Line Attenuation:   11   US Margin:      6
   US Payload :      429552   DS Payload:      2249472
   US Superframe Cnt :   18074   DS Superframe Cnt:   18074
   US Transmit Power :   0   DS Transmit Power:   0
   LOS errors:      0   SEF errors:      0
   Errored Seconds:   4   Severely Err Secs:   0
   Frame mode:      0   Max Frame mode:      0
   Trained Path:      0   US Peak Cell Rate:   2660
   Trained Mode:      16   Selected Mode:      1
   ATUC Vendor Code:   54535443   ATUC Revision:   3
   Hybrid Selected:   1   Trellis:      1
   Showtime Count:      1   DS Max Attainable Bit Rate: 20688 kbps
   BitSwap:      1   US Max Attainable Bit Rate: 1362000 bps
   Annex:          AnxA   psd_mask_qualifier: 0x0000
   Power Management Status: L0   DS HLINSC: 0
   US ACTPSD:       -345   DS ACTPSD: -406
   Total init. errors:    0   Total init. timeouts: 0
   Showtime init. errors:    0   Showtime init. timeouts: 0
   Last showtime init. errors: 0   Last showtime init. timeouts: 0
   ATUC ghsVid:  b5 00 54 53 54 43 05 00
   T1413Vid: 00 00      T1413Rev: 00      VendorRev: 00
   ATUR ghsVid:  b5 00 54 53 54 43 00 00
   T1413Vid: 00 00   T1413Rev: 00   VendorRev: 00

   [Upstream (TX) Interleave path]
   CRC:    0   FEC:    0   NCD:    0
   LCD:    0   HEC:    0

   [Downstream (RX) Interleave path]
   CRC:    0   FEC:    0   NCD:    0
   LCD:    0   HEC:    0

   [Upstream (TX) Fast path]
   CRC:    0   FEC:    0   NCD:    0
   LCD:    0   HEC:    0

tream (RX) Fast path]
   CRC:    4   FEC:    0   NCD:    0
   LCD:    0   HEC:    0

[ATM Stats]
   Good Cell Cnt:   8949
   Idle Cell Cnt:   808473

   Tx Packets Dropped Count:   0
   Tx Bad Packets Count:   0

   Good Cell Cnt:   46864
   Idle Cell Cnt:   14935137
   Bad Hec Cell Cnt:   31
   Overflow Dropped Cell Cnt:   0
   Rx Packets Dropped Count:   0
   Rx Bad Packets Count:   0

[SAR AAL5 Stats]
   Tx PDU's:   1529
   Rx PDU's:   2093
   Tx Total Bytes:   371925
   Rx Total Bytes:   2196256
   Tx Total Error Counts:   0
   Rx Total Error Counts:   0

[OAM Stats]
   Near End F5 Loop Back Count:   0
   Near End F4 Loop Back Count:   0
   Far End F5 Loop Back Count:   0
   Far End F4 Loop Back Count:   0
   SAR OAM Ping Response Drop Count=0

We'll see how stable it is in due course.  ;)

Sky/Easylink LLU. Thankfully! ;-)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thought you might say that.  ;D

Sky/Easylink LLU. Thankfully! ;-)


You were right. I expect to see little change downstream, more upstream.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: stevethegas on Jun 01, 2009, 22:33:23

Are you able to telnet from the Windows  machine to itself in a cmd window ? (Presumably Vista run as administrator)

telnet open localhost

If not, you need to a) ensure the telnet service is installed and started, and b) Windows firewall (or other) allows the connection.

I think I am as it allowed me to enter debug mode but after that it's a page not found when I try further commands.

I appear however to be hovering between this thread and the unsuccessful thread at the moment. After a successful migration I keep losing connection to the Internet although my connection as far as IDnet and my router are concerned is reporting as being connected.

I've factory reset the router to see if that helps sort the issue out which appears to be router based.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Is this a wireless based connection or ethernet connection? Are your DNS servers set manually or automatically I ask as there seems to be an issue with the latest GT firmware with manually set router DNS servers . If it picks them up autmatically the problem of apparently being connected without an internt connection seems to dissappear.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Interesting. It's Ethernet for me although there are users that use the wireless facility. DNS servers are set manually so the next time I lose connection I'll try switching to automatic.

[EDIT] I've also got another modem (thanks to IDNet) on its way to try.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Tried using an automatic setting but still getting disconnects I'm afraid.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Does anyone have a ST585v7? I've read that it has the same chipset as the Netgear DG834Gv4. I'm not sure the ST585v6 has the same, though; if it does, it means it's a firmware issue rather than chipset.


I am on the Plexus WBR-T2 V 0.2 (Tenda TWL548D) but only connected at this... hmm...

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 15320 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  852 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 13000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 11807 kbps

Will it likely improve? :(


ST585v6 is definitely Broadcom, but the CLI is different between DG834v4 and ST585v6.  I'm still working this out on ST585v6.
I don't have any information on TG585v7.



Quote from: willgoat on Jun 02, 2009, 20:34:39
I am on the Plexus WBR-T2 V 0.2 (Tenda TWL548D) but only connected at this... hmm...

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 15320 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  852 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 13000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 11807 kbps

Will it likely improve? :(

The profile is correct for that sync, and throughput is about 90% of the profile, so it's unlikely.


Quote from: rireed3 on Jun 02, 2009, 20:36:18
ST585v6 is definitely Broadcom, but the CLI is different between DG834v4 and ST585v6.  I'm still working this out on ST585v6.
I don't have any information on TG585v7.

Thanks. :)


Ah, kinda disappointed then... I am kinda 215m from my exchange after all.... so it won't try to sync at higher speed in the next few days? 


Ah, okay. In that case, we need to look at ways to improve sync, if possible. Could you post the line stats from your router?


Thanks..   but i can't seem to find any line stat on this cheap modem on the web interface, that's what kitz say as well, need to hook up my other modem and see.   


got some data using CLI

adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime  Channel: FAST, Upstream rate = 855 Kbps, Downstream rate = 15
Link Power State: L0
Mode:                   ADSL2+
Channel:                Fast
Trellis:                U:OFF /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):       21.0            7.4
Attn(dB):       20.0            5.7
Pwr(dBm):       17.8            12.4
Max(Kbps):      24392           18999
Rate (Kbps):    15323           855
                        G.dmt framing
K:              239(0)          43
R:              16              16
S:              1               2
D:              64              4
                        ADSL2 framing
MSGc:           59              19
B:              238             42
M:              1               2
T:              2               4
R:              16              16
S:              0.4980          3.2000
L:              4096            255
D:              64              4
SF:             187939          187937
SFErr:          0               2188
RS:             24432162                6389858
RSCorr:         557             897
RSUnCorr:       0               0

HEC:            0               130
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    109934956               71542913
Data Cells:     1716215         313158
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               1906

ES:             0               90
SES:            0               87
UAS:            18              280


Tried with my Draytek vigor110. Can't seem to logon.  did get line stat out from that though
System Status   System Uptime:0:1:39
LAN Status   Primary DNS:   Secondary DNS:
  IP Address   TX Packets   RX Packets     1404   1505         
WAN Status   GW IP Addr:    ---   
  Mode   IP Address   TX Packets   TX Rate   RX Packets   RX Rate   Up Time
  ---   ---   0   0   0   0   00:00:00
ADSL Information       (ADSL Firmware Version:  131701_A)
  ATM Statistics   TX Blocks   RX Blocks   Corrected Blocks   Uncorrected Blocks
     93   0   0   1
  ADSL Status    Mode   State     Up Speed   Down Speed   SNR Margin   Loop Att.
     ADSL2+(G.992.5)   SHOWTIME          852000   15348000   13              15


Quote from: stevethegas on Jun 01, 2009, 22:33:23

Are you able to telnet from the Windows  machine to itself in a cmd window ? (Presumably Vista run as administrator)

telnet open localhost

If not, you need to a) ensure the telnet service is installed and started, and b) Windows firewall (or other) allows the connection.

I finally managed to connect to the router Telnet server only the ChipSet Vendor Id (I assume this is what I'm looking for?) is not returning any information. All I'm getting is the Channel info  ???

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I wonder if that's because the router cannot display a vendor ID that is unknown to itself.(database)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: willgoat on Jun 02, 2009, 21:53:47
Tried with my Draytek vigor110. Can't seem to logon.  did get line stat out from that though

You connected to My 100 doesn't have a set username or password, and if you get into it type show adsl hopefully that should show you your stats.


Quote from: willgoat on Jun 02, 2009, 21:18:14
got some data using CLI

adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime  Channel: FAST, Upstream rate = 855 Kbps, Downstream rate = 15
Link Power State: L0
Mode:                   ADSL2+
Channel:                Fast
Trellis:                U:OFF /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):       21.0            7.4
Attn(dB):       20.0            5.7
Pwr(dBm):       17.8            12.4
Max(Kbps):      24392           18999
Rate (Kbps):    15323           855
                        G.dmt framing


ES:             0               90
SES:            0               87
UAS:            18              280

Hi Willgoat

The main hindrance on such a short line appears to be the high SNR margin at 21db.  It may be that BT have set a high target for some reason like lots of re-syncs.  As far as I can tell  you don't have a lot of errors on it.  I have read that people are finding the Dynamic Line Management to be very sensitive on ADSL2+.  I lost some connection speed faffing around with routers, but after I was connected for a few days, I had a re-sync overnight and got a very fast connection, almost too low on SNR margin.  On 8M Max, after the 10-day training period, it apparently took a fortnight connection to get SNR target margin reduced.

Your line may be somewhat longer than 215m, but your attenuation is still low at 20db.  Mine is 24-26 at about a kilometer distance and I get 18.5-19.5M depending on routers.



I'm with Richard, the sync should be higher, so it suggests noise on the line which DLM is managing by upping the target noise margin.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I looked at those figures for the SNR and margin for the 2 different modems on the same connection, one gives a figure of 21 the other 13. Is this  misquote from router stats or is the actually figures being quoted different i.e actual figure 21 and the other the margin of 13 . Any ideas.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.