WBC - successful connections

Started by Rik, May 31, 2009, 11:59:52

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None, Steve. My best guess would be two routers obtaining very different results, especially as one was a Draytek.

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Guys, thanks for the comment. Any idea how i could improve on that? different modem?  and anyone manage to get vigor110 to work on this?



Just to keep you updated, I've now installed the router sent out by IDNet yesterday.

Account Name DG834Gv5
Firmware Version  V6.00.25

Rather oddly my stats are somewhat different than they were with my original Netgear.

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 6958 kbps 1252 kbps
Line Attenuation 28.5 db 13.0 db
Noise Margin 15.00 db 7.0 db

I'm not too bothered about the loss of throughput if my connection stops continually dropping. It's too early to tell if this is a fix or not though.

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Quote from: VaderDSL on Jun 02, 2009, 22:58:06
You connected to My 100 doesn't have a set username or password, and if you get into it type show adsl hopefully that should show you your stats.

I mean I cannot get connected on ADSL. I am okay with the modem login and stat.  ;)


Quote from: willgoat on Jun 03, 2009, 13:06:35
Guys, thanks for the comment. Any idea how i could improve on that? different modem?  and anyone manage to get vigor110 to work on this?


Simon_idnet posted on Thinkbroadband that Draytek requires the latest firmware to work, but I haven't seen anything more specific.  Your symptom was like what happened to my Speedtouch 585v6 on old DMT-supported firmware.  I'm not sure this is completely fixed as I stopped monkeying when I got it to go after several failures on the same new firmware.

Maybe Simon_idnet has more detail on the other Draytek user's experience.



Quote from: zappaDPJ on Jun 03, 2009, 13:09:18
Just to keep you updated, I've now installed the router sent out by IDNet yesterday.

Account Name DG834Gv5
Firmware Version  V6.00.25

Rather oddly my stats are somewhat different than they were with my original Netgear.

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 6958 kbps 1252 kbps
Line Attenuation 28.5 db 13.0 db
Noise Margin 15.00 db 7.0 db

I'm not too bothered about the loss of throughput if my connection stops continually dropping. It's too early to tell if this is a fix or not though.

Your margins jumped from 6 to 15 no wonder your throughput is down considerably
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Yeah, I don't know what's going on, it's rising all the time, currently sitting at 20.25 db and my line is now syncing at 3068 kbps.

It's very odd because prior to switching to ADSL2+ everything was rock solid, the noise margin was always a constant and my throughput rarely varied from 6.1 Mbs on the down stream. It's been escalated to BT so I'm hoping to hear something positive in the next few hours as my line is currently dropping every couple of minutes.

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The words "Guinea Pigs" comes to mind.Not impressed.
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From what I can gather from talking to IDNet my case seems to be a one off special. If it wasn't for the fact this coincided with the switch over you would assume that something was causing interference on the line. However nothing has changed at my location and every single bit of hardware has been swapped out including PC, router cables and filter, all to no avail. I just hope if I have to switch back to ordinary ADSL things go back to normal as I'm totally reliant on the Internet for work.

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That's always been part of my fear about adopting WBC, Zap. I have a reliable ADSL connection and I'll get little or no benefit from ADSL2+.

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Is it worth running routerstats? Not sure which router though, it is compatible with v4 whether to use the .14(PS3 XBOX issues) or the .09 your pick. Or is this futile as its just going to tell us what we already know?
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It's probably just going to confirm what I already know but nevertheless it might provide a more complete picture so I've now got it running  :thumb:

What is getting particularly annoying is every time the line drops I have to reapply the wireless page in the router config (my daughter uses the wireless facility). This wasn't necessary with the Netgear v4, only the v5. The data doesn't change but wireless devices won't connect until the data is reapplied.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Sounds like a bug in the v5 firmware to me.


Quote from: Sebby on Jun 04, 2009, 17:28:28
Sounds like a bug in the v5 firmware to me.

That's  what I thought, but I wonder if its a feature of the wifi protected setup on this version but even so why is the wireless disconnecting on adsl2+ connection loss unless the router is rebooting?? That's why I wondered whether v4 might be an easier beast "as  the devil you know"
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I definitely think I'd go with a v4 over a v5 at the moment.


One odd thing about the v4 is that it wasn't logging the dropped connection which the v5 does.

Here's my RouterStats for the last 90 minutes.

[attachment deleted by admin]

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Netgear dropped that logging function for a while, I can't think why. :(

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Hi zappaDP.

You may already know this about RouterStats, but if you use the Netgear browser interface whilst running RouterStats, it can drop the noise graph to zero falsely.  I can't remember if that's only on the Telnet noise graph.   I run an overlay of rx sync and noise.

Anyway, I just started using RouterStats, so you probably know better than I.



The problems I had with Speedtouch 585v6 have turned out to be shoddy firmware. As I said above, is the only one I could find that works with ADSL2+ WBC with the Huawei MSAN on my line. Thomson have seen fit to make almost all new firmwares unavailable on their web sites, so you'll have to get it from a site like Modem-Help:


It also turns out that has a bad boot loader for transferring the firmware file to the router. The many error popups I described above occurred on the Thomson upgrade wizard and on another loader, DeviceFinder, sent me by DSLSource support staff.

Finally, has an odd bug in it's browser interface. I tried Opera, Firefox and IE8. In case the router gets disconnected from your provider, I have not been able to use a browser to authenticate ('connect to Internet') to my provider. The log message ends with 'Disconnected by user'. The solution is to use the telnet interface:

    * telnet to the router with the same IP as with the browser
    * type ppp to get to that command group
    * type iflist and find the internet interface name (mine was Internet)
    * ifattach <interface name>

The router on should connect and authenticate automatically on startup. You can try changing the ifconfig pairs retryinterval = 10 and auth = auto (probably chap but pap is also there) if you have trouble. Changes can be made permanent by changing to the config command group and doing 'save user'.

Again, when sticking with Thomson Speedtouch, good luck!



Quote from: rireed3 on Jun 05, 2009, 01:43:21
Hi zappaDP.

You may already know this about RouterStats, but if you use the Netgear browser interface whilst running RouterStats, it can drop the noise graph to zero falsely.  I can't remember if that's only on the Telnet noise graph.   I run an overlay of rx sync and noise.

Anyway, I just started using RouterStats, so you probably know better than I.


I wasn't aware of that, thanks for the heads up :)

My profile has now all but consumed itself...

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 1148 kbps 1248 kbps
Line Attenuation 29.0 db 13.0 db
Noise Margin 26.85 db 7.0 db

The BT report doesn't appear to have found anything at the exchange or on my line and I now don't have enough bandwidth left to browse content rich websites. I have a BT engineer booked for tomorrow but if there's nothing wrong with the exchange or my line (and I know there's nothing wrong the equipment this side of the BT plate which was recently wired and tested by a BT engineer) then I'll probably end up with a bill for the call out and no working Internet. Needless to say I now regret switching from a rock stable connection to this nightmare.


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Hopefully, BT will turn up and fit an NTE5 for starters, Zap. Once that's in place, you'll be in a much stronger position to test things yourself. If things can't be resolved, you'll be able to move back to Max.

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I live in hope. My bandwidth has gone up a bit in the last couple of hours so I can at least browse and spam  :thumb:

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Is that how you view the forum?  :eyebrow:

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 ;D This is probably the only forum I visit that is actually spam free and in a language I can understand.

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Wow. I must make a note in the diary. ;D

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