WBC - successful connections

Started by Rik, May 31, 2009, 11:59:52

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From my 'final' 585v6 post above.

Quote* ifattach <interface name>

Oh dear.  That should be "ifattach intf=<interface name>"

Hope this didn't cause any trouble.




Guys it's a long time since I have been on this Forum.....well, because I am extremely happy with Idnet and I don't have anything to complain about (not that this forum is only used for complaining but you know what I mean)
What I am on about is I have just received an Email (Tim) from Idnet that my Bangor Northern Ireland Exchange has been upgraded for ADSL2+ too.
Although it appears that this won't give me extra speed it will give me extra allowance (in the off-peak period) Therefore can you give  me your opinions whether or not I should take up this offer.
My worry is that when I was with my Last Internet Service Provider (Eclipse) moved my connection to LLU (without my permission) I had awful speeds and wished they had never moved my line......my thoughts at the time were "Leave well enough alone".......and eventually I had to leave them, and I am glad I did.
Therefore should I take Idnet's offer and move to ADSL2 or should I adopt the option of "Leave well enough alone.....don't tamper with something that is working"


PS I would be very interested in Rik's view of this dilemma......because he is someone's opinion I respect a lot (sorry for being a complete lick)

Now playing: John Martyn - Solid Air
via FoxyTunes
Bangor, Northern Ireland


Hi Harry

My best advice atm would be to wait a week or two. A whole raft of us will be moving to WBC in the next 10 days, and we'll have a better feel for it after that. Like you, I stand to gain little but extra download allowance and higher upstream speeds (though pings are reputedly better too), but I'm going to give it a try. We know that some people have had no problems while a few have had a number of issues. Remind me what router you have, would you? I must admit, I did consider staying put with a stable Max connetion, but I know IDNet will sort things out if they go wrong, so I'm going to sacrifice all for the forum. ;D

Thanks for the compliment.  :blush:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'd make the move if I were you, Harry, even if its only for the better allowences and lower latency :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well I was swapped over today and came into this

Rate:     9009 kbs     1064 kbs
Max Rate:    9009 kbs    1471 kbs
Noise Margin:    5.7 dB    6.0 dB
Attenuation:    34.3 dB    16.6 dB
Output Power:    20.5 dBm    -31.0 dBm

Protocol:    G.DMT2+ Annex A
Channel:    Fast
DSLAM Vendor Information    Country: {46336} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {5 }
ATM PVC:    0/38

As I was connecting at 6000+ on ADSL and the various graphs predict around 12000 I'm hoping that the 9000 I'm getting will improve.

I'm on a 2Wire with firmware btw. :D


Thanks for that. Your noise margin and max rate suggest you won't be going much faster, though.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rik, Could you expand on that for me. I thought that I'd be on another training period and it would find it's own level. Least I'm on a Texas connection.


You are, it will, but it won't go up, given that the router is reporting the max rate at the same level as the attained rate.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ok but where does the router get the max rate from?


From the handshaking with the DSLAM/MSAN.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Don't ask me to explain why it doesn't always connect at the highest speed, though, it's one of the 'black box' moments. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rik.............yes I think I will wait for another week and see how things go for you all.
My Router is a Zoom X6 but I do have a (which was suggested by users on this forum)  Netgear DG834G (mind you I haven't looked to see what version it is.....I got from Ebuyer for about £45) which I have never connected because I'mmmmmmmmmm Lazy  :blush:....maybe the move to ADSL+2 will make me connect it!!!!  Do you know does the Zoom X6 work with ADSL+2?
Bangor, Northern Ireland


It's certain ADSL2+ capable, but whether it works with BT's equipment is probably something you'll just have to see. :)


Just got switched over yesterday, not seen much of an improvement in speeds sadly.

> adsl status
  --------------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A) -----------
   Running Mode            : ADSL2+(G.992.5)       State                : SHOWTI                     ME
   DS Actual Rate          : 10187000 bps   US Actual Rate       :   888000 bps
   DS Attainable Rate      : 10132000 bps   US Attainable Rate   :   888000 bps
   DS Path Mode            :  Interleave    US Path Mode         :  Interleave
   NE Current Attenuation  :       31 dB    Cur SNR Margin       :       12  dB
   DS actual PSD           :    12. 0 dB    US actual PSD        :    20. 8   dB
   ADSL Firmware Version   : 1401201_A
  -------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------
   Far Current Attenuation :       14 dB    Far SNR Margin       :       14  dB
   CO ITU Version[0]       : 00004946       CO ITU Version[1]    : 0000544e

So Infineon chipset at the DSLAM yes? Using a Draytek Vigor 100 set to ADSL2+(G.992.5) sync is around 10 meg but through put is the same as before, around 6.5. Reckon a different router/modem will be better?


You need to wait for your profile to catch up, Vader, that's going to take 3-5 days. The Draytek with the Infineon is not an ideal combination, but you've connected so it shouldn't be a barrier to your speed. You've got interleaving on, which is costing some speed plus a 12db target noise margin, so that's another chunk gone. It's possible that a different router might help, but I'd hang on a week or so, till we get larger numbers migrated, and then we'll have a clearer picture.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Three weeks into WBC, and I'm not impressed, but reserving judgement.

My attenuation is 24 db.

I have connected to my exchange's Huawei MSAN with Netgear DG834v5, and have gone back to my ST585v6 with  There have been DLM changes on my line and now the Netgear has trouble connecting, even though it bailed me out when all 6.x.x.x ST firmwares blew up.

I have had two involuntary re-syncs:

- About 0930 Wednesday 10 June:  Beginning on 18391 at 6 db noise margin, I was getting 60 CRCs per hour for a steady week of staying connected.  The first re-sync left me interleaved at 18119 at 6.5 db.  This cut my CRCs to 1 or 2 per hour.  Pings went from 16 ms to 21 ms.  I've been told by support that I "can't" be interleaved with a sync above 15 Meg, so don't tell anyone.   :thumb:

- The second re-sync was at about 0930 the next day.  Went from 18119 at 6.5db to 19690 at 4-4.5db.  Errors about tripled, but no more re-syncs yet.  Still interleaved, pings still 21 ms.

My profile of 15000 kbps is still at about 80% sync, and doesn't bother me, but I don't like such a low noise margin with the Speedtouch.

My main gripe is that I never get anywhere near the profile on any speed tests, the average being about 60%.  This is a big drop from two weeks ago when I was testing near the profile most of the time.

So, yeah, speed's a lot better, I don't know why DLM keeps fooling with my line, and I hope it doesn't wreck it next time, and I still think a loss of 40% to congestion is a little disappointing.



It is, Richard. I move next week and I can't say that I am greatly looking forward to it, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'll offer some encouragement -- I overstated my case  :whistle:

I was remembering the DSLZone speed test history that's based on connection speeds.  When I looked closer, my speeds are between 50% and 90% of my profile.  I think the median is about 75-80%, but still disappointing -- less than 12M on a 19.7M sync -- but not enough to complain about.  I think lower syncs may be more fully serviced.



I'll certainly be able to tell you if that's the case, Richard. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Can we confirm that you do go back on 10 days training when you swap over. It just that my SNR is rising and my connection rate is falling and if it goes on like this I'll be back where I started.


Yes, but fundamentally, it shouldn't make a difference. It's rate adaptive and so even a bad training period shouldn't cause problems later.


I just wanted it confirming as I will leave it alone for the training period. Thanks


May be of use not sure, there is output spec list for the DG834v5 and also a list of adsl commands

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.