Good news - June 17, 2009

Started by Rik, Jun 17, 2009, 10:56:25

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Simon has sunk his teeth deep into the jugular of BT and, as a result, the hostlink capacity was increased overnight (it may even be what kicked me off the system).

IDNet and, I am sure, all of us hope that BT are as good as their word - but the acid test will come early this evening, as people begin to use the system in earnest (you may be aware that this time yesterday, there was no hint of the problems to come).

If you do continue to have problems, please post your issues in the forum, so that IDNet can get a view on what's happening.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Phew! - That's good news -

It's nice to have an isp that is on the customers side  :thumb:


It's good for IDNet to have their customers on their side too, Mike. Simon et al are as frustrated as hell with the mess that BT have managed to create.

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I've just lost my conection for 4mins, would that be anything to do with IDNet?


I don't know, tbh, Noreen. I lost mine this morning, I suspect as the result of the BT changes, though it could have been an exchange fault as both lines went down. :(

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My d/s speed had dropped from 2900 to 480k by lunchtime. IDNet have found someone in BT who recognised the symptoms and aid he could fix it permanently. My speeds are back to 2800-2900, so I'm hopinh he's right.

If you do meet any problems, please post with details as this guy has given IDNet an 'out of hours' contact number.  :evil:

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It's looking promising, 9.3Mbps and no congestion indications   :D

Stupid BT tester finished the download then errored out (busy) on the results page... then refused to let me try again for 3 hours  :mad:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Hopefully progress :fingers: as long as the he's not dedicated the hostlink for your personal use. >:D Its a whole new learning process for a system that appears not very intuitive.

As individual apart from readjusting your own downstream margin there is little one can do. I did read somewhere that even this may not be possible on the BT system with a lock being placed on an individyals max sync somehow.
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So I've heard, Steve, not that I could do much with a locked 9db target and 63db of d/s attenuation.

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Quote from: Bill on Jun 17, 2009, 15:57:10
Stupid BT tester finished the download then errored out (busy) on the results page... then refused to let me try again for 3 hours  :mad:

Don't you just love that BT tester. :sigh:

My 'conclusion' after 24 hours or so is that I will gain nothing downstream, as expected from all the graphs I looked at, but have gained 300k upstream and, of course, a much larger allowance. If speeds hold up, it will have been worth the move.

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I was hoping for a higher sync... the tables I looked at indicated 16-17Mbps rather than the 12 I'm getting, but so far I'm happy.

Now if I can get interleaving turned off and (hopefully) the target SNRM dropped to 6db after the training period... I'll see if I can get a 10Mbps speedtest  ;D
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Go for it, Bill. I live at that point where all the graphs converge, so I knew what I was in for. Did you try Andrew's calculator?

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Yeah, Andrew's gave me the 16-17 figure, and one or two others I tried (can't remember where). The most accurate was the BT figure from the IDNet page, which was a bit of a shock because I've always found that to be pessimistic in the past.

When I first went to an 8Meg line it predicted 6-6.5Mbps, and I got a rock-solid 8128 with 2 or 3 db spare... gone down since of course, with more and more people on broadband.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


That's part of the problem, imo, Bill, crosstalk has gone up in BT's cables by a huge amount when I look back at my line stats over the past three years (yes, I am anal enough to keep records ;D)

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Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 16:09:17
So I've heard, Steve, not that I could do much with a locked 9db target and 63db of d/s attenuation.

When things have stabilized would forcing ADSL2 give enough to up your profile.
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I don't think the 2700 can, can it, Steve?

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No it can't, you'd have to try something like a 585v6. I have seen results posted from a billion which achieved far higher sync rates on a long line with ADSL2 compared with ADSL2+. Not sure whether netgears are capable unless the DGTeam firmware allows it.
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It might be worth a play, Steve. Remind me next month when I'm all sun-tanned (or rusty!). ;D

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I will, I'll have to look in my adsl router "museum"to see if any are compatible  with ADSL2. Hopefully I wont be rusty (just knackered)as off walking in an uphill direction (massif central) in Languedoc for the whole of next week.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Bill on Jun 17, 2009, 15:57:10
Stupid BT tester finished the download then errored out (busy) on the results page... then refused to let me try again for 3 hours  :mad:
That's what happened to me. >:(


You'd think by now they'd have got it to work, wouldn't you. :sigh:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 17:02:36
It might be worth a play, Steve. Remind me next month when I'm all sun-tanned (or rusty!). ;D

More likely rusty in the UK, Rik.  ;D :whistle:

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QuoteMy throughput is suddenly perfect.

This I posted on the 'slow ADSL2+' topic at 17:31:52




Sorry, missed that. It looks like the nice man from BT did know what he was doing. This time yesterday I was falling asleep waiting for pages to load. :)

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Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 17:54:26It looks like the nice man from BT did know what he was doing. This time yesterday I was falling asleep waiting for pages to load. :)

Showing a touch of contention here, but the decimal point has shifted up a couple of places since last night  :rub:
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


My speeds have been stable since the fix went in, Bill, just as they were with Max. Slow, but stable. ;D

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This is a bit more like it;

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
   Your DSL connection rate: 17987 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  1244 kbps(UP-STREAM)
   IP profile for your line is - 15000 kbps
   Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 13754 kbps

And after calling IDNet today just after 5 to see how my line has behaved (it had been on since 9.04pm without a hitch) I've had two disconnections in about 5 mins! Is this normal when the line is training? And, I believe it has sync'd at a slightly higher speed.

Maybe it's still finding it's level?


It is, Jonathan, you'll get some odd re-syncs, eg it connects at the same speed or higher, as it finds its level.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 17:29:09
You'd think by now they'd have got it to work, wouldn't you. :sigh:

I've not been able to test my speed with the BT Speedtester either, I reckon it's because of all the Idnetters trying to test their speeds too and it can't cope  ;D

Just browsing, it does seem to be faster  but the speed can vary quite a bit anyway.


I've been using the BT tester when I can, Namesco, ThinkBroadband, and They've all been fairly close with BT and TB probably a little more conservative than the rest. What has been clear this afternoon and evening is that the treacle has been removed. ;D

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Just noticed that my ADSL now drops every time I use the phone  :o


Usually that's a bad filter, Jonathan. It can be an esoteric fault called an HR fault, but the filter is the most likely candidate.

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Whats the best site to check how fast you "may" get when changing over?



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Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 20:21:18, Paul.

12mb for me, dont believe it thou, testers think i should be getting 8mb now but only get 5mb.


Quote from: Rik on Jun 17, 2009, 19:15:09
Usually that's a bad filter, Jonathan. It can be an esoteric fault called an HR fault, but the filter is the most likely candidate.

That seems to be what it was thank goodness!


I did see the NM drop to zero while I was on the phone to my Dad, that was at 20:28 but the call started at 20:20 so it definitley looks like it was my filter that had died.

Odd thing is it doesn't seem to have caused a re-sync as the router uptime didn't reset.


My noise margin drops to 0 when the phone is used, it used to disconnect me. I tried about 20 filters (even to top end range) and nothing worked. I then double filtered and that stopped it.

Might help you more if you try doubling your filters (esp on sky boxes)


Quote from: PuncH on Jun 17, 2009, 21:20:26
I did see the NM drop to zero while I was on the phone to my Dad, that was at 20:28 but the call started at 20:20 so it definitley looks like it was my filter that had died.

Odd thing is it doesn't seem to have caused a re-sync as the router uptime didn't reset.

Some routers hang on more grimly to sync than others... my old LinkSys could sometimes go down to -2db before it gave up.
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: psp83 on Jun 17, 2009, 21:32:19
My noise margin drops to 0 when the phone is used, it used to disconnect me. I tried about 20 filters (even to top end range) and nothing worked. I then double filtered and that stopped it.

Might help you more if you try doubling your filters (esp on sky boxes)

How would I got about doubling the filter? Just plug a 2nd filter into the socket where the phone should go? I do have a sky box as well which I might just unplug from the phoneline!


Quote from: PuncH on Jun 17, 2009, 21:41:15
How would I got about doubling the filter? Just plug a 2nd filter into the socket where the phone should go?

That's it. Just make sure you plug the router into the first filter, otherwise you don't get double filtering and it won't work anyway!
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6


Quote from: Bill on Jun 17, 2009, 21:47:34
That's it. Just make sure you plug the router into the first filter, otherwise you don't get double filtering and it won't work anyway!

Lol, good point!

I will try it if I get anymore problems, but for the moment it's been fine since I changed the filter and I've been on the phone 3 times.


Quote from: PuncH on Jun 17, 2009, 21:54:22's been fine since I changed the filter and I've been on the phone 3 times.

Have we told you about IDNet's Phone Packages:)
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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I did a TBB speed test last night at 10.15pm and got 11.6MBs down, which is a vast improvement on the 0.8MBs which I'd got the previous evening at around the same time. Well done IDNet! ;D


That's good. I suspect that we will see more speed variation on WBC simply because it's more prone to noise, especially crosstalk, and I seriously doubt that BT have upgraded with enough backhaul for the extra traffic.

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Just ran a speed test and got 13.1MBps down and 0.8MBps up, very happy  :thumb: I think there may even be more juice left, as I'm syncing at 16MBps. Could it be that my IP profile is around 13MBPs and could rise? Can't get on the BT speedtest to check. Or should I be grateful for what I've got and stop moaning hehe :D


Depending on your exact sync speed you'd be looking at a profile of 13 or 14M.

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I just got the following results from the BT speedtester :

    Your DSL connection rate: 5276 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  832 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 4500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 4184 kbps

Router stats are :

ADSL LinkDownstream Upstream
Connection Speed 5278 kbps 835 kbps
Line Attenuation 42 db 12 db
Noise Margin 11 db 6 db


All looks about right, John. The high noise margin is costing you, though.

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Speeds are definitely looking better. :)


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Get onto support, David.  :)
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You need to talk to support, David. Ever since the fix went in yesterday, my speeds have been very consistent. Have you managed to get a BT test done?

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Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
   Your DSL connection rate: 6312 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  1035 kbps(UP-STREAM)
   IP profile for your line is - 5500 kbps
   Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 1709 kbps

Just managed this
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Send that to support, David, there's something badly wrong - you're getting nowhere near your profile.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have just spoken with Miriam who is confused at the figures as the profile us smaller than the connection rate ? the line has to be tested now and also BT need to come up with some answers.last night I got so fed up I switched off..... :dunno:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


If Maz is on your case, David, you're in good hands. Something's wrong, it's finding it and getting BT to fix it.  :fingers:

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 :fingers: Hope her hands are warm  ;)
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



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Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


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 :dunno: Just got back Simon Miriam was going to run a test which she advised could take 15 mins,didnt call back so not sure what happened there but also it could be the dreaded BT.had a problem a little while ago which I thought was a speed issue but was told it was an exchange dial out problem at the exchange (whatever this might be) but its in the hands of support now which is a great weight off my mind  :fingers:

I have total faith in my isp and Im sure it will get sorted ...will run a speed test in a while to see but Im confident  :fingers:

Cant do another BT test but this one speaks for  itself Simon
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Oh, sorry, I thought the  :cheers: was because she'd fixed it. 
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No just because she is nice  ;D
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Miriam is great - always get's the job done :)

Damn - I think I'm in a love. She's a woman, and she can fix my broadband. What a package ;)
Have I lost my way?

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Quote from: D-Dan on Jun 18, 2009, 21:03:07
Miriam is great - always get's the job done :)

Damn - I think I'm in a love. She's a woman, and she can fix my broadband. What a package ;)


Just imagine...if she likes football & curry as well! OMG!


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Quote from: Sebby on Jun 18, 2009, 22:55:22

Maybe she does...

I also wonder if she'll read this tomorrow! LOL!


Quote from: PuncH on Jun 18, 2009, 21:24:30

Just imagine...if she likes football & curry as well! OMG!

You forgot to mention 'beer' as well PunchH  ;D


Hi guys Im just pasting this her for support to look at this thread hope you dont mind  :fingers:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



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Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Quote from: badpianoplayer on Jun 19, 2009, 14:31:41

Hi guys Im just pasting this her for support to look at this thread hope you dont mind  :fingers:

Your DSL connection rate: 6644 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  999 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 3000 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 2121 kbps
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Throughput for the profile is a little on the low side, but the profile is wrong for the sync, which suggests instability to me, David.


Yes Sebby but BT say no fault found and Im awaiting supports view on this

Please send us the results. Tests on your line show no obvious fault
condition and the profile for your line is currently set at 5500kbps

It was fine until the change to the new service  :dunno:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


I can't help you there, David, this is one for support. :(


 :thnks:  Sebby..hope to get my old speeds back  :fingers:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.



 :hehe: We will see if it stays that way Jill  :fingers:
Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.


Awesome speeds lately on ADSL2+ extremely happy :)


Many hammer all over the wall and believe that with each blow they hit the nail on the head.