Will i ever connect at 8mb again

Started by Colin Burns, Jul 03, 2009, 14:49:32

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Colin Burns

as the question states will my line ever sync at the full 8128 again

DSL Line (Wire Pair):     Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:    G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:    6336 kbps
Upstream Rate:    832 kbps
Channel:    Fast
Current Noise Margin:    15.0 dB (Downstream) 16.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:    24.8 dB (Downstream) 13.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:    19.8 dBm (Downstream) 12.4 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:    Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info:    0/38

Im just hoping that the problem was caused by the recent thunder storm and not BT shoving a yet another lampost in further down my street.


oh and this is from the test sockect


Don't know what to say, Colin, but I don't like seeing new threads unanswered, so just... good luck!  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

I did not know BT install Lamp posts?
Give it a few days. It apparently takes up to 5 days to get a higher sync etc. Someone here mentioned reconnecting and resetting the router at a really quiet time of day, to get a better sync rate.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Your NM is at 15db so it will take a few days for to drop

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What was your noise margin before? I have an 8128 line with interleaving off and a 7150 profile and my snr is 14. I imagine a lightning strike would have caused chaos on the lines so i'm sure it will rise again in a few days
Damned, if you do damned if you don't

Colin Burns

my SNR was between 9 and 10 well a sub contractor installed the lampost.  its the 4th one to be replaced i think they must have noticed the hudge rotten holes in the bottom of them


As Glenn mentions, you have a 15dB target SNRM, which is preventing you from achieving full sync. From the stats, there's no real reason for it. If you suspect a lamp post is to blame, you must get onto the council. Once sorted, try and get IDNet to get BT to lower it automatically - it's rare that it drops by itself.

Colin Burns

gave up on the waiting and just went for the Ring IDnet and ask phase never seen BT do somthing so fast.


Quote from: Sebby on Jul 03, 2009, 21:44:46
As Glenn mentions, you have a 15dB target SNRM, which is preventing you from achieving full sync. From the stats, there's no real reason for it. If you suspect a lamp post is to blame, you must get onto the council. Once sorted, try and get IDNet to get BT to lower it automatically - it's rare that it drops by itself.

Colin works for the council- so indirectly it's his fault :P
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Colin Burns

luckily it was enterprise that installed the telegraph pole

Colin Burns

woop woop

DSL Connection Details
DSL Line (Wire Pair):    Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:    G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:    8128 kbps
Upstream Rate:    832 kbps
Channel:    Fast
Current Noise Margin:    9.0 dB (Downstream) 16.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:    25.0 dB (Downstream) 13.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:    19.8 dBm (Downstream) 12.3 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:    Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info:    0/38

nice to have it back



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Colin Burns

oh well that lasted noise margin jumped back to 15db after the router crashing  :rant2: so im stuck at 6 MB again. can any one tell me how to access the router logs for the 2wire

Colin Burns

so much for syncing at 8mb

DSL Connection Details
DSL Line (Wire Pair):    Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:    G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:    3296 kbps
Upstream Rate:    832 kbps
Channel:    Fast
Current Noise Margin:    15.0 dB (Downstream) 7.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:    25.9 dB (Downstream) 22.5 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:    19.8 dBm (Downstream) -0.2 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:    Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info:    0/38

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 3296 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  832 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 2500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 2145 kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester.

is it just the profile reducing my sync speed  connnected with my very stable line becoming unstable.


Other way round, Colin, the sync speed is reducing the profile.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Colin Burns

yea but its really starting to annoy me


Unless you can get the stability back, and the target NM down, speeds aren't going to get a lot better I'm afraid. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Colin Burns

the hurtfull thing is my TNM is changing but its my upstream one as when i synced at 3mb it went to 7 and after being out all day its gone to 11 and im syncing at 6 ish

also wise rik how important is the power out put as it seems to have fell on the floor for the upstream

DSL Line (Wire Pair):     Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:    G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:    6272 kbps
Upstream Rate:    832 kbps
Channel:    Fast
Current Noise Margin:    15.0 dB (Downstream) 11.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:    26.2 dB (Downstream) 22.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:    19.8 dBm (Downstream) 1.8 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:    Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info:    0/38


I never really know what the output power means, but that upstream does seem lower that I've ever seen before...


I don't understand the power output stats either, I'm guessing they are specific to the needs of the DSLAM/Router combination. Upstream doesn't have a target NM, Colin.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Colin Burns

well its starting to look like my stability is coming back

DSL Line (Wire Pair):     Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:    G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:    6944 kbps
Upstream Rate:    832 kbps
Channel:    Fast
Current Noise Margin:    12.0 dB (Downstream) 15.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:    25.4 dB (Downstream) 12.5 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:    19.8 dBm (Downstream) 12.3 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:    Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info:    0/38

hope fully it will drop down to 9db and i can get my sync back once again


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Colin Burns

is this caused by syncing at night or is BT still not my friend

DSL Connection Details
DSL Line (Wire Pair):    Line 1 (inner pair)
Protocol:    G.DMT Annex A
Downstream Rate:    7840 kbps
Upstream Rate:    832 kbps
Channel:    Fast
Current Noise Margin:    9.0 dB (Downstream) 15.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Attenuation:    25.1 dB (Downstream) 13.0 dB (Upstream)
Current Output Power:    19.8 dBm (Downstream) 12.4 dBm (Upstream)
DSLAM Vendor Information:    Country: {0xB5} Vendor: {TSTC} Specific: {0x00}
PVC Info:    0/38

as the numbers are very similar to what would normaly give me 8128 but im drunk so am probably reading every thing wrong  :comp: