Had to request MAC

Started by David, Jul 10, 2009, 22:46:13

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Quote from: Sebby on Jul 11, 2009, 10:58:17
Someone else had the same problem. If you're maxing out the upload bandwidth, then even when you try to download, it can't upload the small amount of data needed, hence everything grinds to a halt.

It was me Sebby. The problem was completely resolved in my case. I don't really know how but it it did involve a change of modem.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jul 11, 2009, 10:04:54
That's a shame, but I know other ISPs are doing that because of the cost benefits. Take a look at Newnet, David, they may suit your needs. Whatever you do, don't stop coming here.  ;)

Looking at the forums ADSL2 looks a whole pile of hurt wherever you go.  The good thing about iDNet is that unlike the others they aren't keeping the whole cost advantages to themselves - they're giving some back to the customers in the form of additional bandwidth.

Ironically that may have been their undoing as it attracts a lot more new customers and, with the difficulties that WBC appears to bring, it's putting support under greater strain than they anticipated.  They can't win.....


Sadly true, Tac. :( BT can ruin another business and walk away without any liability.  :mad:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Sebby on Jul 11, 2009, 10:58:17
Someone else had the same problem. If you're maxing out the upload bandwidth, then even when you try to download, it can't upload the small amount of data needed, hence everything grinds to a halt.

I understand that. However, both IDNet support and BT say that uploading should not significantly affect download speed, so if IDNet's systems are allowing a volume of upload so great as to destroy the ability to download, the answer is in their amending their systems, not in me fiddling at home. I've changed routers, used a test router sent to me by IDNet, used different machines and OSs, used separate machines to upload and download, done everything that can be expected of me, but the problem continues whilst they take several weeks "checking this hypothesis". Is it any wonder that I'm not impressed?


Have to say that my speeds are not as they were just 3 months ago. A little disappointing to say the least.  Something is not quite right :dunno:


Can you be more specific, Q?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes Rik

When I used the tester on DSL Zone I almost always came 'top' (or very close) of the readings. Now, my readings are well below average and many other ISP's are jumping over my head, easily. I know you (and others) will say that you can't rely on this particular test but overall tests show a decline in speeds. The speeds achieved are still OK but there has been an overall decline in my speeds. 

The big picture is generally OK and manageable and I know I will be accused of 'What are you moaning about?' but I have seen a definite drop in speeds over the past 3 months. During the day I was always getting around 6-7Mb  without a problem, now, sometimes during the day I  barely get 1.5Mb.

As I say, everything is manageable but there has been a definite decrease in the 'usual' speeds obtained.


Can you run a BT test, Q?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Yes I can. My evening meal is about to be served :thumb: So first things first ;)


Rik will understand, I'm sure. :)x


He must be on the desserts by now!  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on Jul 12, 2009, 00:42:38
He must be on the desserts by now!  ;D
Perhaps he had to do the washing up as well  ;D


Its sad that say O2's LLU and Be's work fine yet the implementation of adsl2+ by BT is a botched mess, My line at my old home line was O2 LLU and was great, good uploads, stable line, no mad profiling, it just worked. Sadly their access package does not, now if the big ISP's can get it right by putting equipment in exchanges, (not all are perfect I know Oranges LLU is not great) what the hell happened to BT, cost cutting and poor Chinese equipment that was known to have disadvantages and even security problems, its the same adage that gets us to spend more on IDnet spending more on quality. If you have a better quality devices at the exchange level then this simply would not have happened but like putting cheap oil in your car then complaining it runs badly later on, its just a false economy, and on such a scale its not ever going to get fixed I fear as the damage is done because the state of BT lines cannot seem to deal with the new service which is odd when other companies LLU seems to behave better, people should not have to be changing routers to match BT  :shake: it should work out of the box with companies like IDNet expecting this to generally work well with a few teething issues, not on the scale we have seen. The mess so far could do great damage and put strains on the original adsl max side eventually surely? People wanting to move back in then having failed speeds and migrating away as their profile remains a mess has to hurt pockets. IDnets purchase to get onto the adsl2+ wagon becomes a white elephant for them and puts great pressure on all concerned.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I mostly agreee with Gary, but it's difficult to speculate on the details.  A good example is the Huawei "security risk" often mentioned.  The Register reported it this way:

QuoteAt January's meeting, ministers were told security advice given to BT has cut the risks to 21CN from malicious hackers but the unspecified measures would not mitigate built-in vulnerabilities. Intelligence officials reportedly said they could not offer specifics on a potential Chinese strike, as they had "only limited understanding of our adversaries' attack capability".

Since the warnings of the intelligence services are always based on secret information, they are often open to criticisms that they are political, protectionist in this case.  In the same article, it was reported that the US Congress has blocked Huawei's acquisition of 3Com for the same security rationale.  The Cold War dribbles on as a pretext for the economic competition between nations.  Any foreign manufacturer could pose the same risk, but only China has one that our secret betters think "is too close to the military".

I personally would have preferred Fujitsu equipment in my exchange.  My sentiment favours Marconi also, but the actual failure was that BT and the router manufacturers thought it was just fine to make me buy a router and then faff around for a week tracking down firmware (no longer public to punters) for the first one.  They wouldn't put themselves out to anticipate this problem by testing and address it to our advantage.

All this is not the main problem.  Gary points out a congestion trend that I know I have seen, and I also wouldn't bother about because my 60% througput is adequate for me.  Now it has caused IDNet to lose a good, thoughtful customer who appreciated IDNet's support policies.  I still say that David would be best served by LLU if he can get O2-Be.  I have even seen Talk Talk LLU recommended recently has having improved.

I attach my DSL Zone speed test history graph.  Most of the low points and some of the highs are backed up by speedtester.bt.com.

Edit:  My profile has been 17000 for three weeks at least.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Interested that you mentioned TalkTalk LLU as that's the only one available on my exchange (31/03/2010 rfs 21CN).
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Jul 11, 2009, 19:20:58
Can you run a BT test, Q?


Haven't forgot your request re BT Test, unable to get on at all, will keep trying. :whistle:



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: stevethegas on Jul 12, 2009, 09:45:11
Interested that you mentioned TalkTalk LLU as that's the only one available on my exchange (31/03/2010 rfs 21CN).

I just saw this mentioned also:
Opal, same LLU as Talk Talk

Thread was here:


I wonder if that's a reaction to the poor name TT acquired.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Richard, Line checker suggests 14.1mb download. I'll file it away , long term tie-ins are best avoided.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've heard bad things about Opal at work, they signed an agreement recently to provide a service, now they say they can't do all of what they signed up to, without changing the specs in the contract.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



At long last here is the BT test result. Over the past couple of months or so daytime speeds have dropped dramatically. They were always rock steady around 6.5 to 7Mb virtually 24/7, this is not the case now :(

[attachment deleted by admin]


That's badly awry, Q, let support have that test result in the morning and see what they suggest. It looks to me like you have a congested VP or are on a congested part of the central (re-booting the router will often cure that).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rebooted yesterday and the day before without any noticeable change :dunno:
Have to say that it not always as bad as that, it differs greatly throughout the day, mostly it is manageable and not too dire. ;)


You need to let support know then, Q. Had it not been for the profile, I'd have been suggesting a stuck profile, but it's clearly not that. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.