Modem settings

Started by Alex, Feb 23, 2007, 13:11:44

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Does anyone know if disabling 'DHCP' can reduce latency?

And if possible explain the effect of, and how i could turn off 'NAT'. And if this could effect online gaming.

Am trying to achieve optimum latency settings and was told these may effect it.


DHCP: If enabled, the router automatically assigns an IP address to your computer to identify you on the network. If disabled, you have to manually configure your IP address in your adapter settings. Effect on latency I would expect to be nil as it is simply to do with the allocation of IP addresses.

NAT, I think, hides the internal IP addresses of the computers (such as 192.168.x.x) on the network and provides the external IP address, allocated by IDNet. I might be wrong on this though, but if I'm right, I would again expect no effect on latency.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


DHCP should cause no latency at all as it only needs to get the IP address once, which is at the time of connection, so it should not be sending any traffic thereafter.

NAT would be a requirement if you have more than one computer on your network, including the router, as IDNet only supply you with one IP address by default. As for the effect on latency, NAT may cause a small amount of latency as the router has to translate the request to the appropriate computer, but any latency caused is barely worth thinking about.



Thanks for that guys  :)
Good job you lot know what your on about otherwise i would be asking why im not receiving 8mbps using a 56k modem.


Now I know why my figures are so lousy!!!  :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.