What is going on with my connection

Started by psp83, Aug 01, 2009, 15:58:00

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Last week i upgraded to home supermax, upgrade was done friday morning (early hours) i had 832 kbps all day friday and till 1pm (ish) today..

Just logged into the router again to setup some more IP's and took alook at my router status and notice this.

Connection Speed     5920 kbps     448 kbps
Line Attenuation    39 db    12.5 db
Noise Margin    12 db    26 db

its gone back to 448 kbps.

Also, Thursday, Brian got BT to drop my noise margin to 9 from 12, router was syncing at a 9 margin thursday, when the upgrade was done, my default noise margin went to 15 now it seems to be back to 12 with the lose of supermax  ???


I suspect the two issues are not linked, Paul. You'll need to talk to support to resolve the apparent switch back of the package. The NM will have been triggered by DLM in response to some instability.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Aug 01, 2009, 16:01:15
I suspect the two issues are not linked, Paul. You'll need to talk to support to resolve the apparent switch back of the package. The NM will have been triggered by DLM in response to some instability.

But its weird, my line has been stable for months (6+ months) at 12 margin and suddenly when the upgrade gets done the noise margin goes higher!


AFAIK, the upgrade would have been software only, so I can't explain why it should cause a problem. Fwiw, my line did better, upstream, on Max premium than it does on WBC, but stability was the same as vanilla Max. Possibly, the extra u/s frequencies caused an issue?

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Quote from: Rik on Aug 01, 2009, 16:08:20
AFAIK, the upgrade would have been software only, so I can't explain why it should cause a problem. Fwiw, my line did better, upstream, on Max premium than it does on WBC, but stability was the same as vanilla Max. Possibly, the extra u/s frequencies caused an issue?

Dunno, all i know is that i've had supermax before (on a diff ISP) and my line was fine.

Will see what support says.


BT are idiots lol.

Support has said BT did the software part but not the physical part. BT said it be done by this morning, Still nothing.

Support is again, Asking BT whats going on..

I bet IDnet are fed up with BT messing them around.



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Does upstream have profiles aswell ?

As my line has gone back up to 832 kbps but my upstream is roughly 80 kbps slower than when i had 448 kbps upstream  ???

I used to get around 360/370 kbps.

07/08/09 08:29:25
Speed Down    4271.00 Kbps ( 4.2 Mbps )
Speed Up    282.32 Kbps ( 0.3 Mbps )
Port    8095
Server    speedtest1.thinkbroadband.com

Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.
    Your DSL connection rate: 5856 kbps(DOWN-STREAM),  832 kbps(UP-STREAM)
    IP profile for your line is - 4500 kbps
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was - 4261 kbps


I found u/s speeds looking very odd on a number of testers, Paul. I don't know whether to blame the testers or raise a fault.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Whats IDnet local phone number again ? i get charged for 0800 numbers and i've been on hold for 10mins and its costing me when i could be using my mins.


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Quote from: Simon on Aug 07, 2009, 13:07:11
01462 476555

That was our STD number when we were in Letchworth. Our new number, in Hitchin, is 01462 480 092.



I keep telling them, Simon, but do they listen?  :shake: ;D

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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I can get you some cream to put on it. ;D

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I'd only just managed to memorise the old number too!  :bawl:
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The new one is much harder, I think it's very inconsiderate of Simon & Tim. ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What the hell are BT doing.. My line has again gone back to my old package AGAIN :(

Connection Speed     5600 kbps     448 kbps
Line Attenuation    39 db    12.5 db
Noise Margin    13 db    26 db

:( :( :( :(


I'm convinced that BT are sending engineers out to exchanges tasked to wind customers up, Paul.  :shake: Have you let support know?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've only just got home from work and IDnet are closed for the night :(

I email support last night about my slower than usual upstream when i was meant to be getting upto 832 kbps as requested by simon to see if the line stabled itself over the weekend.. Looks like BT strike again.


You can arrange an out of hours call if you email them, Paul. It won't be tonight, now but could be set up for tomorrow.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Its ok, i can wait to phone support tomorrow morning..

Just getting fed up with BT not knowing what they are doing.

I will talk to idnet about not getting charged for my upgrade as i haven't been able to use it yet.

Hope BT can sort themselfs out and get it working this week as i have to upload some large files this weekend (one of the reasons i upgraded)


Sorting out Supermax should be relatively easy, Paul, even for BT.  :fingers: It's not even engineering work, it's all done from a keyboard.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Aug 10, 2009, 19:10:14
Sorting out Supermax should be relatively easy, Paul, even for BT.  :fingers: It's not even engineering work, it's all done from a keyboard.

Support says there is some physical work at the exchange to be done aswell... for the "Traffic Priority" part of the service.

But its not like its a new service.. I had Premium (business) ADSL on tiscali and didnt get these problems with upstream (just downstream, well downtrickle)


I don't remember any engineering work when I moved, but then it went smoothly.  :dunno:

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well i'm going to phone support tomorrow and leave it in there hands again, bet there getting fed up with me!  ;D


Had a chat with Brian this morning, BT have rebuilt my connection at the exchange. Still on 448 kbps but the upstream has improved, getting around 410 kbps up (usual was 372 kbps before the upgrade issues), so its better than i had before. Lets hope they can get supermax performing the same today!



This is getting crazy. We keep hearing of people having to have their connections rebuilt at the exchange, it gives the impression that BT are using unqualified staff to do it first time round, and are not testing properly.  >:(

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Their probably using temps, like the Post Office do at Christmas.  ::)
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Well the router stats look better. At work at the mo so cant test the speed until i get home tonight.

Last night stats :
Connection Speed     5600 kbps     448 kbps
Line Attenuation    39 db    12.5 db
Noise Margin    13 db    26 db

Stats as of now :
Connection Speed     6688 kbps     832 kbps
Line Attenuation    39 db    12.5 db
Noise Margin    12 db    14 db

Downstream sync has improved aswell!


I think your margin may have been dropped by 3db, Paul.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Margin has been on 12 for last 6-8 months.

Time will tell when i get home and do some testing  :evil:


Just been on the phone to support.. my upload speed has still not changed even though the sync has.

Support say theres nothing else they can do.

What i dont unndertand is that i've had this package on my line before.. the only difference this time is ISP and router.

Before i had the Netgear DG834PN and now i have a Netgear DG834G.

Could the router be at fault ?


It would be worth eliminating it, Paul.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


i've noticed something... when my upstream is sync'd at 448 kbps, i get around 400 kbps upload and when its sync'd at 832 kbps i get around 280-300 kbps upload.

I will try my old PN router tonight, but this one doesn't hold a connection for long, thats why i replaced it.


BT don't guarantee u/s speeds in any way, Paul, which is why their speedtesters don't test that aspect of speed.  :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Aug 11, 2009, 13:13:46
BT don't guarantee u/s speeds in any way, Paul, which is why their speedtesters don't test that aspect of speed.  :(

I know my line can have the higher upload speed. I had it for over 24hrs when they first did the upgrade!

As soon as the line downgraded itself on the sat and BT started messing around with things, my line hasn't been able to get the same upload speed.


Try a router swap, Paul, and see what that does.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I am now on the DG834PN and the upstream is no diff (still around 280-300).

Connection Speed     6816 kbps     832 kbps
Line Attenuation    39.0 db    25.0 db
Noise Margin    12.3 db    15.0 db