Open Ports Globally.

Started by EvilPC, Aug 17, 2009, 20:21:43

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Using the 2700HGV is it possible to open a range of ports on the firewall pointing to multiple or all PC's ??

Thanks :)


I'm no expert, but on mine, there's a drop down menu to select each computer on the network, and I thought you had to set firewall rules for each PC individually, but I could well be (and probably am) wrong.  I'd also be interested in the answer to this.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I am not sure either. I know you can open a port on the PC which you then can port forward to the router, but using this method you can not share a single port or the same multiple ports between multiple machines. Port Triggering is slightly more complicated as the port is closed by the router after a certain period of time so sharing the same port is theoretically possible but will cause mayhem if both machines access the same port at the same time
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for the replies.

Just wondering if I can create a new firewall exception (test1) with the correct ports open and forward them to PC1.
Then create a new exception (test2) with the same ports and forward them to PC2.

Not sure if this would work!!


I don't believe that's possible, not just on the 2700, but any router. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong...


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks..  Didn't think that would work  ::)

My kids want to play quakelive, but we can't seem to get it working.

They are behind a proxy (restricting where they can go and what they can see) quakelive is an exception.
But it still won't work.. so I thought opening some of the ports suggested on their forum my help !!

Any ideas ??


It's a difficult one to troubleshoot as there are so many variables. :shake:


There is no global firewall options offered in the 2700's menus, but it could be a hidden feature.

You can specifically open any number of ports for each PC.

On the Firewall Coniguration Page, for each of the PCs add their own user defined applications to set up pin-holing for the ports required, check and see if any of the pre-configured game definitions match the requirements of Quakelive.

V5 firmwares have Firewall options for Quake III ports, V6 firmwares have Quake I, II, III options.

You may also need to give the relevant PCs static IP addresses.
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


Alan is this any different than portforwarding? As I understand (or don't) once a specific port has been forwarded to the router firewall it cannot be similarily forwarded by another machine.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That's also my understanding.


Quote from: stevethegas on Aug 18, 2009, 08:18:04
Alan is this any different than portforwarding? As I understand (or don't) once a specific port has been forwarded to the router firewall it cannot be similarily forwarded by another machine.

It is the same thing, 2Wire calls Port Forwarding pin-holing.

However the concept of each port being available for only one machine cannot be true, all my PCs share the standard ports for HTTP, POP3, SMTP, SSH, FTP, Messaging, P2P etc.

However to ensure correct routing, only one machine at a time on the network can be a Server for any particular Port.

It's still as clear as mud though
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


In its standard mode your 2700 does Network Address Translation (NAT). You have only one external address and you can forward packets arriving at any given port on that address to any single port on any single machine on your network. Forwarding to multiple machines isn't possible as the 2700 wouldn't know which of the multiple destinations a packet arriving on a given port was for and if we was delivered to more than one machine, the machine it wasn't for would probably reject it and that rejection would get sent to the sender, screwing the whole thing up.

If multiple machines on your network open an outgoing connection to the same port on a server the 2700 can then then correctly route the responses as it knows which machine opened each session. If it is the server doing the opening then the 2700 would have no idea what to do.

There may be some solutions to your problem:

1) Can you change the port number the game uses to communicate in it's settings? If you can then you can manually set one of the machines to a different port number and tell the 2700 to route th efirst port number to the first machine and the second to the second machine.

2) If you buy a multiple static IP addresses from IDNet you can forward a given port number on each IP address to a different machine.

Have you tried googling the name of the game and NAT?
