Problem with PPP after MK failure

Started by lozcart, Aug 19, 2009, 19:42:11

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I'm located in Birmingham but have had problems with my PPP dropping since about 5.00pm this evening.

I put this down to the MK problem but it is still occuring every few minutes and when it does reconnect I can't access any web sites.

I've reset and turned off the router for 5mins.

Anyone else not in MK experiencing the same or any ideas to try.

Sending this from my phone!!


That's typical of the symptoms, the PPP drops for several minutes, then appears to return but you can't get to the web. Try re-setting the PPP session on your router if you can, if that doesn't work I can only ask you to be patient, until BT fix it we are all stuck with the problem. (I've switched to my backup connection which, being Max, is not affected.)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for the info Rik, I've tried disconnect/connect from the router page it allows me to get to about two web pages but then nothing.

I throught it strange as I'm in Brum so shouldn't be affected?, or is the problem causing PPP drops at Idnet towers and so affecting everyone on WBC problems?


I'm not sure what else to suggest. If it's not working still, let IDNet know.


Nothing has changed overnight, holds sync ok but keeps dropping PPP. I pick up a IP address but can't download anything, then PPP drops after a couple of mins. Will call support at 8.00am.


Quote from: lozcart on Aug 19, 2009, 19:58:27
I throught it strange as I'm in Brum so shouldn't be affected?, or is the problem causing PPP drops at Idnet towers and so affecting everyone on WBC problems?

No, it's that, the node serves a large geographical area - it acts as a 'concentrator' for WBC connections and then feeds them into the main network. Unfortunately, we are all in BT's hands, until they fix it, there's nothing IDNet can do.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've spoken to James at Idnet who has run some tests and he confirms it is the node problem that's causing my PPP to drop.

As you say Rik lots of the country go through this node, so I wouldn't be surprised that BTs quote of 600 customers is somewhat low.

James says the fault is still not fixed and BT are still working on it. ::)


Yup, that's the first thing I checked at 8 - you were on the line just before me. ;D Perhaps BT mean 600 ISPs. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Aug 20, 2009, 08:44:20
Yup, that's the first thing I checked at 8 - you were on the line just before me. ;D Perhaps BT mean 600 ISPs. ;)

There's only around 6 ISP's using WBC so far.


Well, it sounded impressive. ;) No updates from BT yet, Simon?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Only 6 using WBC, the lucky lucky ISP's and their customers  ;D
Damned, if you do damned if you don't



Thanks, Loz, just checking for an update.  :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It should now be clear, I'm just going to switch routers and find out. I may be gone a while... ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Just called home and my teenage daughter says its working so she is happy  :thumb:



I know how she feels, my WBC connection runs 50% faster than the Max one.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My router log is showing PPP OK since about 6am... we won't mention the bit before that  :P
BQMs-  IPv4  IPv6



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It's just gone down again 6.35pm lost PPP reconnects then drops again. How's your connection Rik ?


Perfect, I'm afraid. :( It would be worth phoning support out of hours, either 0800 701 2000 or 01462 480092.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Rik, I'll give the router a reboot if that does no good i'll give support a call. It's the exact same symptoms as last night and this morning.


It would suggest something more local this time, unfortunately. Are you on this list at all? (Though as it didn't report last night's problems, I don't set a huge store by it.)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Not on the list of outages, I've tried a reboot and still no joy. Left a message on support answerphone hopfully they can help.


I don't know who's on call tonight, but I'm sure they'll get back to you.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.