MTU stuck at 1460? Can you check yours for me?

Started by Thar, May 02, 2006, 22:07:06

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Since being upgraded to Max I have attempted to tweak my connection. I changed the RWIN figure successfully but I'm having problems with the MTU.

I worked out using the ping test that the optimum for me is 1478 but despite changing it using DrTCP, it's stuck at 1460.

I've checked the MTU on the router which was 1500 so I changed that to 1478, no change, still reporting at 1460 by Broadband Reports Tweak Tester and

I downgraded my router's (Netgear DG834G) firmware and upgraded back but no change.

I've even tried other tweak tools, TCP Optimizer and Cablenut to no avail.

My PC registry shows the MTU as 1478 all the time?

I have finally found another IDNetter who has the same problem and am wondering whether it's something to do with the IDNet side rather than my side.

I know several of you have changed the MTU but did you reperform the Tweak Test and confirm the value has been at your value?

Would appreciate your comments.


I have the same router as you. I changed my mtu a while back from 1458 to 1400 and just ran the tweak test, which has just confirmed my change. So I don' think its a problem with IDNet.


Thanks for replying, strange someone else with a different router has the same problem though?


Not to state the obivious but do you restart your comp every time you change the settings in the tweak apps. I only changed the MTU within the router settings and left the Rwin alone.


Yes, I rebooted after the changes.

I found a good improvement in speed after changing the RWIN personally.


RWIN is a good tweak, particularly if you happen to download from far afield geographically ;)

One thing you can try Thar is to open up Registry Editor (Start > Run > regedit > hit enter), hold down CTRL and then type f, type in MTU in box, click find. It will search and find any entries for MTU. To continue with the search, just press F3 from here on in. If you see any entries that aren`t 1478, change them ;)

*Disclaimer - Registry is the heart and soul of everything on your PC, enter at your own risk! For safetys sake, before attempting to manually edit the registry, first click file and then export, which will back it up.*


Thanks Jeff but I've already confirmed that the registry has the MTU as 1478. 

I have 3 machines on my network. I've attempted to change the MTU on 2 of them so far without success. I finally checked my laptop yesterday which had the MTU value set at 1500, so I changed this to 1478. The testers then also came back as 1460 on this even though the registry clearly shows the MTU as 1460???

Been using DrTCP to tweak my settings for 3 years or so and I've never had this problem before.

I'm really at a loss with this.


same happens for mine but it does show as 1478 in reg
100% efficiency transfer according to broadband report  :D


Thar, I made a point of posting to someone before about making sure that if you have ever installed software to tweak connection, many of these programs reinstall the config. file on bootup to ensure that the changes you made are universal. Perhaps, if you have such a program(s) installed, maybe undo any changes you`ve ever made and uninstall the program(s)? :)

mrapoc, nice going man :)


Same here from Broadband Reports

1. Your Tweakable Settings:
Receive Window (RWIN):  76680
Window Scaling:  1
Path MTU Discovery:  ON
RFC1323 Window Scaling:  ON
RFC1323 Time Stamping:  OFF
Selective Acks:  ON
MSS requested:  1420
TTL:  unknown
TTL remaining:  116
TOS/TOS subfield:  0

2. Test 39761 byte download
Actual data bytes sent: 39761
Actual data packets: 29
Max packet sent (MTU): 1460
Max packet recd (MTU): 1460
Retransmitted data packets: 0
sacks you sent: 1
pushed data pkts: 4
data transmit time: 0.703 secs
our max idletime: 3013.8 ms
transfer rate: 10285 bytes/sec
transfer rate: 82 kbits/sec
This is not a speed test!
transfer efficiency: 100%

Jeff - I've only ever used DrTCP until now. I've tried blanking out the settings to go back to default settings but all this does is change the RWIN back to what it was. Since discovering the MTU problem I've tried Cablenut and TCP optimizer but have since undone the changes made in these.

The only thing I haven't tried is a format and reinstall :-\ If I get bored I might see if that would cure it.


Try this which I have installed and seems to work and doesn`t contain any dodgy config or batch files. Instead of uing optimise, click the right hand slider at the bottom and enter

MTU: 1478

RWIN: 145948

TTL: 64

Session Alive: 300000ms

Check Auto Discover and  Selective Acks

NDI Cache: 32

Last option, best left disabled. Clicky apply each time you change, reboot and retest, report back :)

The long method here:;en-us;826159

Hey, 1460 is probably not gonna change anything for you one iota I reckon anyway, but I think your RWIN may be a tad small, but should be OK. :);en-us;826159


I downloaded the program and used the settings you advised. I rebooted and re-ran Tweak tester and none of the changes had taken, I did click Apply to all before exiting.  :-\

So I blanked out DrTCP to be sure and re-booted (again) but RWIN now at default of 65535  ???

I realise the MTU value probably isn't a big issue but I'm a Why? person and want to get to the bottom of it  >:(


65535 is Windows default ;)

I`m a why person too, get ya drift ;)

This is what is throwing me, Windows is already recognising that you`re reverting to default, but not for MTU?? This is why I`m thinking that something 3rd party is gatecrashing!

Well, I`m man enough to admit when I`m stumped! :D

Any cliffs your way? :)


Well you're the 3rd person besides me that I've stumped with this.  :-\

Just have to stick with RWIN tweaks I think  ;)


i have tried 2 tweaks but none seem to have done anything... until i came across tweak tester at which proves otherwise - 100% transfer efficiency and all seems well  ;D


Hi all,

Sorry to bring this thread back up, but I've been searching since migrating in on Friday.

I thought I was going round the bend!!!

I too have this weird problem using a Mac, 10.4.7 and a DG834, and I cannot for the life of me get it resolved. Never had this problem in the past.

Has anyone found a solution?



It appears IDNets routers are set to MTU 1460 for some reason. I've set my MTU at 1430, Rwin 111200 which seems to work very well.


Thanks pmb53.

I wonder why the routers are set to 1460?

Anyway, at least I'm saved from the men in white coats!


Quote from: pmb53 on Jul 04, 2006, 11:34:38
It appears IDNets routers are set to MTU 1460 for some reason. I've set my MTU at 1430, Rwin 111200 which seems to work very well.

200220/1500 here.


Quote from: brizo on Jul 04, 2006, 08:53:20

I too have this weird problem using a Mac, 10.4.7 and a DG834, and I cannot for the life of me get it resolved. Never had this problem in the past.

I use Mac OSX 10.4.7 and a DG834G, although the Mac is connected via ethernet not wirelessly, The router has the MTU set at 1500. The System Prefs Network Ethernet pane is set to let the Mac configure "Automatically", I have tried fiddling with it in the past and found that it seems to work best for me if left on Auto. 8)


Quote from: maxping on Jul 04, 2006, 18:02:28
Quote from: pmb53 on Jul 04, 2006, 11:34:38
It appears IDNets routers are set to MTU 1460 for some reason. I've set my MTU at 1430, Rwin 111200 which seems to work very well.

200220/1500 here.

What does this test say your MTU is?


FEI, BT don`t recommend setting an MTU higher than 1458 in any case. ;)


I emailed Simon as i have DrTsp set to 1500 MTU but the speed test shows 1460.

I also changed it in the Router settings.

He said they do not limit MTU so how do i change it?

Test yours here  - -

