Loss of service reports

Started by rireed3, Sep 23, 2009, 16:37:06

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Quote from: dlorde on Oct 20, 2010, 13:52:59

ETA: Oh yes, and she suggested turning off the modem for 30 mins to see if it might then reconnect to a different (i.e. working) service.

I did wonder whether the above might get the adsl2+ users onto the other host link.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Steve on Oct 20, 2010, 14:07:28
I did wonder whether the above might get the adsl2+ users onto the other host link.

Unfortunately not an option for me - the router is located at a different office :(


Something to bear in mind here is that, just like the link that comes into your home, IDNet rent the host links from BT and it may well be BT are not coming forward with the info or if they do, IDNet's contract may stipulate that operational information is not made public (which wouldn't suprise me at all)

If they were to breach this condition they could be sued and the service ceased which of course would lead to an end to their ability to provide broadband and possibly telephone service.


Quote from: pctech on Oct 20, 2010, 14:11:21
Something to bear in mind here is that, just like the link that comes into your home, IDNet rent the host links from BT and it may well be BT are not coming forward with the info or if they do, IDNet's contract may stipulate that operational information is not made public (which wouldn't suprise me at all)

If they were to breach this condition they could be sued and the service ceased which of course would lead to an end to their ability to provide broadband and possibly telephone service.

As it happens, I recently discussed exactly that with my brother (who is also my lawyer), and he was of the opinion that this clause would be unenforceable since it is an unfairly weighted in favour of one party, and it is also likely to violate Freedom of Information legislation since the details pertain directly to customers.  It's also apparent that operational information is already being made public in that we're informed about the existence of a failsafe system, and the failure of that system to operate correctly.

If it is that BT are not forthcoming with this information, then IDNet should tell their customers that, and also take up the issue with their lawyers and the regulator.


Possibly not related but I have now lost DNS as well - refreshed the page (Having had it up for 3.5hrs) and got a 'page cannot be displayed' error. Could not open bbc.co.uk either but changing to Google's public DNS ( gave me service - swapped back and had the problem again, back to Google DNS and able to post here  >:(


I imagine BT are "conducting an investigation" still regarding the last incident. AAISP are always saying "x happened at y hours, we are chasing BT", and predictably nothing comes of it. Admittedly, if a few thousand lines glitch for a few seconds without explanation you can probably let it go. In the last case though, and a failure of a backup system, I agree there needs to be answers (though what answer can BT give apart from "oops"?). It might just be a case of them not thinking we are interested in the answers, or maybe they are not allowed to provide private communications for our perusal. I don't know; I'm not trying to make excuses, just fathom some reasonable answers. Yes, I did do a sentence break to avoid putting BT and 'reasonable' in the same sente.... oh wait.
CompuServe 28.8k/33.6k 1994-1998, BT 56k 1998-2001, NTL Cable 512k 2001-2004, 2x F2S 1M 2004-2008, IDNet 8M 2008 - LLU 11M 2011


Well I've missed my deadline now :(


Latest from the service page

2010-10-20 14:49: We suspect that BT are filtering our ADSL2+ customers' login authentications. We have informed BT of this and have asked to them to check through their filter configurations.


Why should Bt filter idnet customer logins?  What nefarious reason have they got, I wonder.
Alf :)


I think they are possibly filtering them in the wrong direction so to speak.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Inkblot on Oct 20, 2010, 14:54:51
Latest from the service page

2010-10-20 14:49: We suspect that BT are filtering our ADSL2+ customers' login authentications. We have informed BT of this and have asked to them to check through their filter configurations.

LOL, it looks like IDNet have to do BT's tech support job for them now.  It seems that the only thing BT is competent at is making sure they get paid.  One can only wonder why BT have decided to "accidentally" start filtering logins related to one particular ISP.  Net neutrality, anyone?


I think IDnet should filter there size 12 boots in the wrong direction. Right up BT's arses!!!! ;D


Quote from: Steve on Oct 20, 2010, 15:05:29
I think they are possibly filtering them in the wrong direction so to speak.

If it wasn't a situation like this ,that comment would be funny.


"Hey Fred, which direction is ON again?"

"Can't remember, Bill; just try one and leave it for a few hours.  They're bound to tell us if we did it wrong."

"Right you are.  Cup of tea?"

"Cheers, mate."


Quote from: DorsetBoy on Oct 20, 2010, 15:08:52
If it wasn't a situation like this ,that comment would be funny.

It was not intended to be funny!
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well I tried turning the modem off for 30 mins, but still no joy. This is getting seriously annoying...

wonder woman

How come mine aint working if it's because of ADSL 2 as I am stuck on a 1meg fixed line.  Mind you any hiccup and off line we go thanks to wonderful BT who know there is a fault on the line but wont do anything about it.  Dial up here we come.   ;D ;D


See the news banner for the latest 'state of play'. BT seem determined to ruin IDNet. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


At my previous employ, I once got so frustrated with BT stonewalling that I gave the story of my frustration to The Register. Within hours of it being published, the top brass were applying pressure for the problem to go away. (This was a possible breach of their internal procedures.)



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Latest update:

2010-10-20 15:44: BT Openreach are tracing the fault on the failed Gigabit circuit and BT Operate are working on the ADSL2+ login fault. We still have no estimated time to fix for either fault. We are chasing them very hard on this.


Quote from: Rik on Oct 20, 2010, 15:45:54
Shame we can't do that. :)

Why can't you?  An anonymous leak to The Register, an off-the-record comment to the mainstream press showing how the BT monopoly abuses it's position, and some BT middle manager who's currently clowning around might finally get his act together, or find his arse dumped on the street.

When I torpedoed those nice people at Independent Insurance (hope the porridge is nice, guys :D ), I first contacted the FSA.  When they sat on their hands, I then went to the BBC.  Within hours of being on the Ten O'clock News, the FSA were tripping over themselves to investigate my findings.  A bit of bad publicity goes a long way in this country.

As I said before, this keeps happening because IDNet act like they're afraid of BT.  It needs to be the other way around.  Don't just chase them hard when there's a problem, chase them hard even after it's been fixed, and keep chasing until it becomes in their best interests to ensure that it doesn't happen again.  You clearly can't count on goodwill from BT.


Quote from: karvala on Oct 20, 2010, 15:52:48
Why can't you?

Because we are not IDNet staff and we only know as much as everyone else.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Oct 20, 2010, 15:45:54
Shame we can't do that. :)

You're not here! Holiday, incommunicado  in Suffolk till Sunday is where you're supposed to be.


Quote from: Lance on Oct 20, 2010, 15:56:08
Because we are not IDNet staff and we only know as much as everyone else.

So? You know the problems and the effect on IDNet's  users .......