Loss of service reports

Started by rireed3, Sep 23, 2009, 16:37:06

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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: sobranie on Oct 20, 2010, 17:42:47
Mein Gott, surely not the tea lady. :eek4: :eek4:

No, the highest level within BT is Beattie from the old adverts, she moved into management after the campaign...... :whistle:


Quote from: winspiration on Oct 20, 2010, 17:45:36
This is how I'm feeling too, after over 6 hours outage today, 8 hours just over a week ago and a 22 hour outage a few months back.

I moved to IDNET largely because reliability is a lot more important to me than price. Support is very contactable which is excellent and someone (I think Miriam?) did call me back today - however reliability just isn't happening right now.

To the uninformed eye (i.e. mine) all three major outages appear to be very similar - it seems that the same problems are just recurring over again and taking forever to fix each time, which doesn't give much confidence for the future  :po:

I think even long-standing, loyal, customers are beginning to feel that these problems need fixing fast if IDNet is to have a shred of its reputation left. IMO, BT have done untold damage to their business in the past couple of weeks in particular, and in the past couple of years with delayed delivery dates etc.

BT should be forced to compensate ISPs who have received this sort of service.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


To be honest, it is very annoying when it happens, especially today when I came home early to have a lounge around and tinker around with the net for daily usage to give me time later for other things. That being said, I'm more than aware this is BT at fault so whilst irritated I don't blame IDnet at all. It's a shame that they're basically held hostage by incompetent morons.
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Technical Ben

Again, I'm not effected. But I can understand it is not reasonable for other customers. If you have backup systems in place. It's expected that they work.  :slap:
We do know it's not IDNet's fault, that it rests squarely on the shoulders of BT. It would be good if they could be held accountable though.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

Quote from: Rik on Oct 20, 2010, 17:16:47
Very similar to last time, I wonder if it suggests a repeat of the same problem with configuration?
I actually laughed really loud at that one. But if it's true, I might just cry!  :pmsl:

[edit] And on topic. If it's Openreach, at least there is no conflict of interest.
As regards BT. They have ZERO reason, interest, or drive, to fix their incompetence when it involves other ISPs. It's like the post service letting their cars "accidentally" break down in front of their rivals blocking a delivery!  :shake:
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


It just makes me wonder - or perhaps IDNet are marked down for 6 hour fixes?  :shake:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Why does it all have to go over BT anyway?  Why not have a backup with a different provider?


Cost, in a word. Be are much more expensive, some of the alternatives are no better than BT. IDNet are not big enough to do their own LLU.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Technical Ben

Gah. Stop changing Avatars Rik.  :laugh:
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


since everyone is on one link now should we be expecting slower speeds / packet lose / higher pings?


No, only one link is normally in use, Paul, the second one is there to provide transparent backup should there be a failure in the primary link. :rofl:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My noise and and connection is up and down like a yo-yo at the moment


went from 9db to 3 to 8 and now 0.3


0 now 16.3

you are gonna love this graph!!

if its unrelated ill make a new thread...

that is if my fudging connection would stop going on and off!


surprise, surprise another outage.

i rang support earlier, but got as far as the recorded announcement .. fair enough i figured, but the bit at the end about 'visiting our website' was a kick while down :)



Finally! Time to look for another ISP me thinks :( I have no objection paying premium prices for a good service, but this is silly now :( I don't care who's fault it is, just another day without access and having to top up a dongle I can ill afford so I can do my daily life


Please dont go of anymore tonight. I'm downloading Fallout New Vegas and nearly there :fingers:  I connected at over 4kbps, highest I have ever been. Trouble is I can never go more than 7-8 days before it disconnects :bawl:


Quote from: gyruss on Oct 20, 2010, 18:14:03
i rang support earlier, but got as far as the recorded announcement .. fair enough i figured, but the bit at the end about 'visiting our website' was a kick while down :)

They assume, rightly, that many people have an alternative way to access the net, Jase, eg work. As the posts here prove. I admit there is a certain irony, but it's impossible for them to phone every customer and, today, it would have been pointless even to email them.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I feel really sorry for Simon and Tim, this really must be doing their heads in.

There's obviously an issue with the piece (or pieces) of equipment at BT's end which services their hostlinks.


Exactly, Mitch, plus those responsible for configuring and operating the system. Understandably, people vent at IDNet, but for all the team there, who have worked hard for years to build a reputation for the business, this is a tragedy of considerable proportion.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well I will say their phone service rocks  ;D



My other line was fine too. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I should think the MAC code requests are flooding in

I too am looking at a potential temporary (or not) move to Zen.


I can wholeheartedly recommend them, service is on a par with IDNet.


Do these problems have anything to do with the "upgrade" that took place a few weeks back?

As to their phone service...   ???  I can never get hold of anyone OOH, and at the first hint of trouble all you get is a recorded message and a voicemail service. I wouldn't say it rocks.  I would say it was just barely adequate.

IDNet are currently in "Last chance saloon" for me.  Usually I would say three strikes and out, but as they have been so good up until the "upgrade", I am willing to give them one last go.