Xbox 360 DNS issue

Started by CountDuckulla, Sep 26, 2009, 22:47:05

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Greetings one and all

Ive been on IDnet now for a while(nearing two years i think) and i am really pleased with it(now to get on topic)

I use my connection alot for Xbox360 gaming, although i haven't been on line for almost a couple of months due to some major work commitments.

I now cannot get my xbox to work with Live, it fails the DNS part of the test connection. I have tried everything and still no joy.

I use a netgear DGN2000 running the latest 1.8.0 firmware, i have my xbox on a reserved ip address with ports TCP/UDP 3074, UDP 88, TCP 80 and TCP/DP 53 open to the reserved address. The reserved address is set manually in the Xbox config as the ip address.

I have now set the DNS of my router to openDNS, and mirrored this in the xbox manual settings for my DNS.

I also have my QoS priority set to Highest for the Xbox.

It still fails the DNS test.

on my routers diagnostics page i can perform a DNS lookup of and get the ip address of, when i then ping this address i get 100% packet loss via the diagnostics page and timedout via CMD PING etc

If i enter the IP address into my browser bar it takes me to the site no problems.

I am at the end of the line with my tests and trials and as such am really looking for some help here.

Does anyone out there have any ideas?



Colin Burns

have u tried setting the xbox to use DHCP as it can be a bit of a bitch when it starts this had a problem similar a while ago


Hi Colin

If you mean set the Xbox to do everything automatically? yes, but then the xbox cannot even get the IP from the Router




Hi Mike, :welc:

I'm sure someone will be along soon to help.  :)
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: CountDuckulla on Sep 26, 2009, 22:55:51
Hi Colin

If you mean set the Xbox to do everything automatically? yes, but then the xbox cannot even get the IP from the Router



I think thats the issue that the xbox360 is not getting an IP address from the router unfortunately I don't have a solution I presume you looked here You could try perhaps using the dgn2000 in modem only mode
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Simon/Steve,

:thanks:Thanks for the welcome

I Presume that if i switch it to Modem only mode nothing else will be able to use the network?

i wont mind so much but the wife would kill me   :rant2:

I'm tempted to reset everything back to factory defult and start again, although with 4 laptops, a mac, music server, printer, TV yada yada configured  into the poor little Dgn don't want to do this just yet.


The backup settings option works well for me on Netgears!
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Not sure if this helps but the DGN2000 is known to have DNS issues, there are various reports of people having problems with it if you google DGN2000 and DNS problems, try backing up your settings and reflashing your router, then reset it before use , then restore the file with all the settings, see if that helps
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


Hi Mike and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Hi Mike,

Not that it helps, but I too have the DGN2000 and my Xbox 360 works fine with it on automatic. It's often quite slow at connecting to Live, presumably something to do with the UPNP port forwarding, but it works.

I would recommend restoring Networking Defaults on the Xbox itself (not the router), and start over. Something I find that helps a lot that MS don't publicise much, is that you can use a USB keyboard with the Xbox to significantly simplify typing settings like IP addresses, WEP/WPA keys, etc. A hell of a lot easier than using the Xbox pad!

Something to note as well if you're using the Xbox wireless dongle, it doesn't support WPA2, only WEP and WPA. You can either create a separate SSID for the Xbox on your DGN2000 or change the security to be mixed WPA/WPA2 which is what I do.

Good luck.


Quote from: MattBeale on Sep 27, 2009, 20:45:12
Hi Mike,

Not that it helps, but I too have the DGN2000 and my Xbox 360 works fine with it on automatic. It's often quite slow at connecting to Live, presumably something to do with the UPNP port forwarding, but it works.

I have had NAT issues running in automatic previously, although this was before i flashed the router too 1.8.0 firmware, even on auto it still wont connect, in fact on auto it doesnt even find the network.

QuoteI would recommend restoring Networking Defaults on the Xbox itself (not the router), and start over. Something I find that helps a lot that MS don't publicise much, is that you can use a USB keyboard with the Xbox to significantly simplify typing settings like IP addresses, WEP/WPA keys, etc. A hell of a lot easier than using the Xbox pad!

I think i might have to reset everything back to factory and start again (router too) although i hoped i would have avoided this. I was aware of the keyboard thing although i have never tried it (i live in a house of laptops) i wonder if a mac keyboard would work?
On a side topic did you know you can get a mouse setup onto an xbox. I have looked into it, although i am so used to gaming on a joypad that i would struggle for a while with a mouse.

QuoteSomething to note as well if you're using the Xbox wireless dongle, it doesn't support WPA2, only WEP and WPA. You can either create a separate SSID for the Xbox on your DGN2000 or change the security to be mixed WPA/WPA2 which is what I do.

I dont dangle my dongle anywhere, being the king of my particular castle (good shes not looking over my shoulder :eek4:) i have set my network up for me and my xbox as such i run a wired connection

I am back to work again and have acouple of very busy weeks ahead so looks like i will have to come back to this thread when time allows.



hi all

i Still have not resolved this issue, i have tried everything, even stripping all the config from the router and setting everything to auto, it still doesn't work, in fact it gets worse as the xbox doesn't even find the network then. :wall:

i have tried hooking my laptop to the router wired and it fails to get through to the Internet which makes me wonder if the is a problem with the wired side of the router itself

could this be the root of my problem? if so how could i check this?




Hi Mike

So what works and what doesn't?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik

2 laptops on wirless work.

xbox wired doesnt work but finds the network when using static IP , fails to resolve DNS

Laptop wired to router doesnt work, seems to fail to find the network as i am unable to log into the router config page when connected wired (i havent tried setting this onto a static IP).

Xbox set to auto IP and DNS wired fails to find the network.

Was this what you was asking for, or have i missed the point?




No, that's what I wanted to know, Mike. It seems that wired connections are all failing, yes? If you can't even log into the router, and the lights on the ethernet port (if fitted) are not lit up, then I'd suspect the router. Do you have a spare or one you could borrow to eliminate the possibility?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik

I could take my xbox nextdoor and hook it onto thier router, i guess if it works there on auto it points at my router being the issue.

This could still indicate my config rather than hardware, but apart from setting it back to factory defult i dont think the is anything else i can unconfigure in the settings. i dont realy want to set back to factory defult today as it would mean me digging through a box of papperwork looking for the scrap of paper i wrote the password for the internet connection on.

I love my filing system, i know where everything is, in That Box!!  :red:

Thanks for the reply,



Hi Mike

Go to the customer account page, login, then go to Broadband settings, you'll find your username and password there.

If the Xbox works on your neighbour's router, using your ethernet cable, it would suggest there's an issue with the wired side of the router. There's really not much in the way of settings for that, so I'd suspect a hardware issue. If a factory reset didn't fix it, I'd be inclined to swap it out.

Unless anyone can think of the blindingly obvious factor I've missed. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.