Gaming Question

Started by zrerz, Oct 20, 2009, 17:25:41

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Hi All,

Just returning to IDnet after being away far too long, going live on October 27th with Home Super Max and plain line only package, and my question is a gaming/router one, namely, my sons use an Xbox 360 and a PS3 online at the same time every evening, and I'm wondering what wireless modem/router you guys recommend to avoid any NAT issiues or conflicts?

Both machines will  be on wired ethernet connectors, one directly (PS3) from whaterver router recommended, the other via netgear HDXB101 powerline HD metwork adaptors, which plug ethernet cable into them from wireless router then fed through mains cable to upstairs room where matching adaptor feeds the xbox

Thanks in advance for any help and advise.



Welcome back Dave.

I don't have any experience with the consoles, but I would have thought a Netgear DG834G would do the job

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Indeed I would be surprised to find a router not capable of this basic function :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My advice would be to pray alot, I use a DG834 and the enclosed pings are typical of what you can expect on a daily basis on a max package. 7 reboots today with little or no effect.

I sincerely hope you have more luck, I just wish more people who have already got their mac codes would post back with a decent alternative, my downloads speeds have remained good with IDNET but the pings make them no longer a viable option for me.

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I am a gamer too, my pings have been good some spike issues but settle down quick , i use a zoom modem u can adjust the bandwidth on it , i have 75 % and give me misses 25 % bit tight but she doesnt know any difference .


A Netgear DG834Gv4 is a safe bet. :)

Technical Ben

Hmmm. Not been on any games lately, as my laptops in pieces. However, checking the ping times manually for game servers, they have creeped up a bit. Any reason for this? It would be sad for the service to start to lag like other ISPs.
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


It's possible that it isthe effect of the traffic balancing but all if that is going to be sorted out once the new link is in place. Timeframe for that is, depending on testing requirement, I estimate 4 weeks.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.