Just jumped ship from O2....

Started by tredders, Nov 04, 2009, 13:23:56

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Any update from the op? As this thread has been hijacked somewhat, thought it'd be nice to hear from the op.


Tredders was last online on 19 Jan, with a IDNet IP address, so the transfer happened.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



That seems likely. Although the MAC's use will generate a cease to them, companies often want a formal cease direct from the customer. Wait until you have a date from IDNet before you call.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

hells bells

I can really relate to this poster as I've had pretty much the same problems! (don't get me started!!)
I actually gave up and switched off last night when I couldn't even get from one http page to another!

I've also been told to contact o2 to let them know that I've "jumped ship" and I have been given an email address with a person's name to contact (Richard Davies I think?)
Hopefully I will have migrated over by this evening so I will be sending that email out tonight!  :thumb:
What on earth was I thinking going on to O2 Access?!
Fortunately I got rid and discovered IDNet!



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: hells bells on Feb 02, 2010, 12:57:46
I can really relate to this poster as I've had pretty much the same problems! (don't get me started!!)
I actually gave up and switched off last night when I couldn't even get from one http page to another!

I've also been told to contact o2 to let them know that I've "jumped ship" and I have been given an email address with a person's name to contact (Richard Davies I think?)
Hopefully I will have migrated over by this evening so I will be sending that email out tonight!  :thumb:

I was told when I was sent my mac key that i would have to call them after the key was used.  The guy said all the information would be emailed. I got my mac key with no clue who to contact afterwards.   :dunno:

I have had issues with them with my phone too, little OT here, similar issues though. I changed my package to a cheaper one as I did not use it much. Was told I would still get free txts each month. Then had a bill for over £200. thankfully they refunded it was it was their own fault in the first place. I know someone on Orange who had similar issues, but Orange refused to refund. What the heck is wrong with this companies ?! :rant2:

I'm in motion to join IDnet, see ya all soon  :thumb:

Technical Ben

I had the exact same thing happen to me Exxos!
£200 is the usual offer for free upgrades/discounts on O2. But the "charge" and "refund" buttons must be really close together over in the office. So I got charged £200, instead of refunded. :(
Got the bank to freeze the DD so it never left my account.  :thumb:
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


When I left O2, I thought I just had to handover my MAC and that would be the last I would hear of O2. So that is what I did. The following month I was billed by O2. I called to complain. They said that I was billed because I did not tell then that I had left. I said I have left several ISPs and only had to use MAC and that was all that had to be done.  O2 CS chap said that was how they worked! :mad: :rant2:

Be warned any potential ex-O2 customers.



I knew O2 would pull that trick. The classic "well you didnt tell us you left so we kept billing you".

on a brighter note..


:eek4:   :thumb:

Actually i have never in my life been on such a fast and stable ISP!!!!

Best part is, I can't get on O2's site to tell'um ive left! lol


Hi exxos

Glad to hear it's working out well for you.

We're grateful for any and all ratings of us on www.thinkbroadband.com

WRT O2, I would recommend that you cancel the Direct Debit, or whatever your payment method was used, to ensure that they can't just take what they think you owe without proving it.




i did not register there, though there is another site where i have left lots of feedback on, none of it was good, ill try n find it again later! I know idnet had reviews on there (all good) but were over a year ago if I remember right.


still ongoing fun for me!

Hi Chris

I'm sorry to hear that you want to cancel with us.

I've checked and see that you're on Home Access package. As you're on
this package, I'm unable to cancel your account. If you want us to
proceed further, you need to call our customer service team on 0800 230
0202. And we'll assist you for cancelling your account.

However, there's a technical difficulty which has occurred on our
website. Our maintenance team is currently investigating this at the
highest priority and trying to resolve as early as possible.

I apologise for the inconvenience which may have caused you.

Kind regards

Broadband Customer Liaison Advisor


I had none of these issues with O2, I called up, they were slow with the Mac called back mentioned the 5 days rule they gave me the Mac, I transfered over, called O2 broadband support and said I had left as I was asked to, end of subject. A lot of the big ISP's ask for you to let them know you have finally left so they can stop things there and then, they can see the Mac has been used and stop further charges.

If you dont call O2 they may possibly charge you further, as they are such a huge company it can take a few days for the systems to update and say you have left, hence they ask for that call. You have to remember they have millions of customers and the system cannot update instantly I imagine there is a routine for updating their accounts, and it may be weekly/daily who knows but the point is call them, especially If they have asked you to call beforehand to say you have migrated.

After leaving O2 Broadband I cancelled my direct debit, it was really painless, not sure why you people have had major issues  :dunno:. As for phone, been with them years and no problems, but I rarely talk to CS and check my account from my iPhone or from my PC to see what's been used so no nasty surprises.

Time has moved on these companies are huge multinational beasts, you have to help yourself as much as possible or you do get lost in the machinery sadly, after all there is no human face to them like Idnet.

In all honesty its up to us to make sure we shut the door behind us these days as no one else will, if you dont, well expect issues sometimes, mistakes happen.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


I just rang them up.. again. They must be bringing in more staff as they were not english like they were a month ago.I have lost count the amout of emails and times I have had to call them. must have tried to cancel like 20 times over the past month so far. Granted mistakes happen, but seems to be rather a lot. Was getting on for 3 weeks before I got my MAC key and then had to keep emailing and calling them. Going around in circles, well, just read my previous posts! seesh what an epic, at least I can say they were not as bad as demon net which dragged on for 6 months or more!

Problem is, none of the ISP's get good reviews, so I was pretty stuffed, that even if I changed, I would still be no better off. It gets to the point where you just give up and just accept the trash service, which should not be allowed to happen! Thankfully a friend of mine recommended IDnet, I never heard of them, but could not find anything bad about them on google, Maybe poor logic for choice that they really could not be any worse than anyone else, but even though I have only been on IDnet 2 days now, I have never seen my net connection go so fast! Lets hope IDnet keep up the good work  :thumb:


I notice the use of the term cancellation, you don't want to cancel with O2, but to migrate away. If they cancel your account, you'll have to pay a reconnection fee.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


He's already with IDNet,so I would hope they can't cancel some other ISPs tag.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I'm only part-time, Steve, you expect me to engage my brain as well. ;D

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I have moved from about 10 ISPs over the years. I have never had to tell them (before O2), "Now that that I have migrated, I have left you and I really do mean it!!"  ???

Just being a big company does not automatically equal having dreadful CS. It just shows that they don't care!



O2 are really bad, when I called they said I only had to really return the router, fair enough, though I will send the "bundle" back so they can't complain. However I got a email telling me to return EVERYTHING including the CD! which I think I may have chucked about 6 months ago with the box. I never planned to leave o2, so after 6 months I chucked the box away and the "easy setup" CD never worked anyway so no doubt chucked it. I know I had problems getting connected and I had to call up o2 several times to get my username and password so I could manually put it in my router and get connected. Think it took about 2 weeks to get it sorted! I was talking to a girl at the time who said she had same problems with O2 but they gave up after 2 months as she couldn't get it to work. Thats the problem with things today. IQ of the nation seems to be on a decline so companies always making things "easier" however when something does actually go wrong your stuffed to fix it yourself like the good old days. If I remember right the O2 setup wanted you to do everything in a particular order step by step. I just plugged it all in then just needed the driver software installing.. it wouldn't let me do it so had to unplug it all and go though a very boring epic of following all the stupid pictures. Granted it would help most people but it took me hours to go though it all and after doing it all it didnt work and had to keep calling O2 who did not actually know which went wrong. So then they talked me though setting up the router manually. :mad:  </end rant>

How does this compare to IDnet ? Well In one way I was a little supprised the router wasn't included, but after all this hype with O2, its actually just one reason I choose IDnet and liked them, No router = no stress later!  Also as to the actual switchover, my net went off from O2, within a couple hours I got my username and stuck it in my old 330modem and I was back online a happy bunny again! So, sofar, I have already avoided a 2 weeks worth of waiting and several phonecalls. I have not had to spend days trying to get a router to work which someone else (o2) couldn't setup right in the first place.

One thing I have also noticed too, my line is still running fast! I have noticed on many other ISP's that after a couple of days my line speed would run at like 600k/sec and you think AT LAST A GOOD ISP! only to find the the rest of the year you will never see that speed again. I was lucky to get 150k/sec out of O2 "when it was good". Granted it was a cheap package of £17, actually I think it was £5 cheaper as my phone is with O2 so accepting 150k wasn't too bad for the price really. Though 3 months of 5k/sec wasn't good at all!

So I hope anyone else who is on O2 will find my info of some use. I've been though all the regular ISP's over the years so its great to finally find one that actually gives the service that it stats. Best of all IDnet actually  monitor the forums, best I got from O2 was my posts being edited for stating that the service they were offering was total BS. They took out that line totally, of course its not like me to go off in a rant anyway  :whistle:



You may well have done this, but, in case you haven't I would simply cancel any Direct Debit asap (I hope that was how you were paying?) and simply forget about the whole escapade including th router etc with 02 and let them whistle Dixie ;) I f they ask for money or the router, play them at their own game, ignore proceedings. I am sure you will find they lose interest very quickly indeed. Kick 'em into touch :thumb:


yeah, I stopped the DD a few days ago. Unfortunatly after dealing with demon net they could may well pressure you for stuff regardless of it you are in the right or not. After I left demon net they continued to bill me, when i complained they put me on a higher value contract and now I had two. Refused to pay both and they sent dept collection agency onto me. Told the story on the net and a little somewhere on here too. Went on for 6 months, so I do expect O2 to kick up a fuss over nothing, its just what I am used to with companies. If they moan about the CD then ill say fine, I will be more than willing to give them the current market price for a used setup cd.


Maybe topic drifiting a little now, but is there anyway to tell if my line is actually fixed up with ADSL2 yet ? Seems to be conflicting views about when our exchange will be done. Reasons is I will probably pay for one month on IDnet, then buy a package deal for ADSL2 and the internet for a year. Maybe a little confusing if I did the year thing now and then wanted to change package ? Though saying that the packages are the same price anyway ?


Log on to your account page with IDNet, it should tell you there if ADSL2+ is available on your line, I believe, or just call them and ask.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: PuncH on Feb 01, 2010, 22:47:00
nice of him to let us know

Well, I unsubscribed from my own topic when the last 3 or 4 pages were nothing to do with me  :whistle:

BT completed their upgrade of my exchange, and I'm pleased to say that after nearly 4 months of limited (or rather, unusable) connections, I'm now achieving rock solid and quite acceptable download speeds.  The speed is still slower than my old ADSL24 connection - I'm achieving 3.5 mps rather than 5, but to be honest, I'm so eternally grateful that I've got anything usable back now, I'm not *that* worried. 

Having just run a BT speedtest, my line profile is 3.5 - I guess I could get in touch with support and see what the options are for getting this reset.