Actual Speeds vs. Sync Speeds

Started by StevieV, May 11, 2006, 23:47:13

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Hi All wondered if you could answer a question for me if possible. I'm on Max DSL and I'm finding that whatever my router syncs at - anything between 3.5Mb and 4.8Mb depending on time of day,  my actual download speeds don't seem to vary very much at all - always about 2.4Mb. I'm not complaining and am very happy with this as before the most I could get was 1Mb. I joined IDNET 18 days ago. Thanks for your help.




During the 10 day training of your Max connnection, the BT systems will try to find your maximum stable rate (MSR) that your line can hold regardless of your sync rate. This is then fixed after the training period. To find out what your MSR is you will have to ring support as I don't think its on the user panel.

You sync rate will need to be above your throughput rate to achieve the speed you recieve as shown by this post.

Other than that it could be contention at your exchange.


Hi Gilba thanks for the reply. I am way beyond the 10 day training period but every time I disconnect and reconnect my router - which I do every few days on average for various reasons - it resyncs at a different rate. Actual speeds however don't change that much, always around 2.4Mb. This is even in early hours of the morning when contention wouldn't be an issue.  Don't understand this myself