Very Slow Connection

Started by net91, Dec 15, 2009, 18:16:59

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Thanks Dan, I have just dropped them an email as well. I don;t really mind if there is a small temp problem, but I just don't want to be without (or on slow) internet over Xmas! :)




Another IDNet customer who lives a few miles from me is also saying they've still got a slow connection.  :-\


Quote from: wecpcs on Dec 16, 2009, 11:25:58
After my v4 Netgear was replaced under warranty by Netgear for a replacement v4 (which looked brand new), this is now giving me problems once again. Every other day for the last 8 days (regular as clockwork), I loose my entire network and internet, but after I turn it off for a couple of minutes and turn back on again, it is fine. This has happened 4 times now over the 8 day period, so I have bought a new Netgear DGND3300 and it seems fine so far, but if I get the same problem again at least I can eliminate it as a router problem. If it remains Ok then yet another call to Netgear to sort out my v4, before I chuck it in the bin.


Since using my new Netgear router my download speeds have halved and are now very erratic and I have emailed this to support. They suggested I try my old DG843Gv4 as a test which I have since done and in fact it was slightly worse, which rules out the router as a possible cause. My speeds are now between 0.77Mb and 6.21, jumping all over the place, when normally I get around 6.7MB 24/7, with very little variation. I have reported back to support for their findings and am now just waiting for a hopeful quick fix or I will be forced to ask for my MAC, as I just cannot stand any more hassle than I have had just recently.



Quote from: net91 on Dec 16, 2009, 19:56:11
They just asked for the test result from the first part of the BT speed test. And they can get my IP address from my phone number (my lack of technical knowledge is showing here)?

If you gave them any personal data in the email, or if it was the email address your are registered with, they could identify you. I'm guessing neither was the case so they'd need an IP address or the phone number the service is active on. Forum staff can see IP addresses, so these anonymous tokens can be used by us to follow up on a post and try to help members. Although we each have unique, and fixed, addresses, I can't identify a member from it by name, but if I give it to IDNet, they can. It allows us to do a bit more to help out.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: net91 on Dec 16, 2009, 22:55:06
Another IDNet customer who lives a few miles from me is also saying they've still got a slow connection.  :-\

Have they spoken to IDNet?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: wecpcs on Dec 16, 2009, 23:30:25
I have reported back to support for their findings and am now just waiting for a hopeful quick fix or I will be forced to ask for my MAC, as I just cannot stand any more hassle than I have had just recently.

It's your call, Colin, but unless you go LLU, the problem may move with you. BT seem to have a record number of 'hot' VPs at the moment, and they seem to be shuffling bandwidth from one place to another, depending on who's shouting loudest. I do know that IDNet's network has plenty of spare capacity at the moment.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Gee on Dec 16, 2009, 22:06:26
Hi guys

I'm in London and I'm also having very slow connection tonight, normally I connect at 6.4 Mbps, tonight 384 Kbps!!!  I am not sure when this has started as I wasn't logged on for couple of days. I'm on old ADSL Max 8Mbps, 5Gb dl limit.

BT test:

"Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test:  -provides background information.

Download  Speed
197 Kbps
0 Kbps 250 Kbps
Max Achievable Speed

Download speedachieved during the test was - 197 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 50-250 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :384 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 192 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 250 Kbps

If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.
If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.
Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester.
Please visit FAQ section if you are unable To understand the test results.
If your download speed lies in this range then your connection seems to be working fine.

The Download Speed is the average rate that was achieved during this test.

Your line is configured to the maximum rate that it can support or at your chosen fixed rate, this is known as the line rate and would be viewed through your CPE software or in your router configuration.

Your IP profile is always less than the line rate and is normal on any network. "


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=60

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 46ms, Average = 45ms

Any problems in London guys? Can anyone shed any light?


Your problem is not the same at Net91's, you have a very slow sync speed. That it down to your equipment, your internal phone wiring, the line to the exchange or the exchange equipment itself, it has nothing to do with IDNet, who handle the traffic after BT pass it to them.

Tell me a bit about your phone wiring, what's connected to the line, are you using any extensions, are they flat our round? Where's the router relative to the master socket?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 17, 2009, 07:57:14
It's your call, Colin, but unless you go LLU, the problem may move with you. BT seem to have a record number of 'hot' VPs at the moment, and they seem to be shuffling bandwidth from one place to another, depending on who's shouting loudest. I do know that IDNet's network has plenty of spare capacity at the moment.

My speeds have returned to normal today without changing anything, but my ping has trebled. On it is showing at around 100 when it normally is 22/23. Pinging Idnet gives me 40 which normally is 12. So something strange is happening. Support gave me the usual check filters etc, but I know that is not the case and I have emailed them back regarding the download speeds are back to normal, but with increased latency. The increased latency does not particularly bother me as I do not do on-line gaming, my priority is fast reliable download speeds so friends and family can upload to my Windows Home Server.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Are you affected by the Birmingham and Kingston problems, Colin?

Or what Glenn said. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 17, 2009, 16:48:16
Are you affected by the Birmingham and Kingston problems, Colin?

Or what Glenn said. :)

It is certainly possible, because when I was with BT internet, when I first moved here I was illegally intercepted by PHORM equipment in the hush hush BT trials in 2007 and I still have the cookie they dumped on me as proof and the trials where reported to be on the Kingston RAS.



Don't you just love BT.  :mad:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Dec 17, 2009, 07:54:22
Have they spoken to IDNet?

No, and they've just left to go and visit family for Christmas so won't be home until the end of December.  :(

IDNet have emailed me today saying they are currently waiting on a response from their contact within BT regarding the current state of the VP in my local exchange.

If it was the VP in my local exchange, would that affect all ISPs? Someone who lives just a street away, with AOL, has a download speed of 2.9Mbps according whereas mine is 0.22.


It affects the customer connected to that VP, regardless of ISP. Unfortunately, that has the result of making some ISPs look bad while others are fine, or may mean one area is bad and another is fine. I do know we have been seeing a lot of hot VPs over the past 4-6 weeks, BT seem to be juggling capacity as fast as they can. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So doesn't that mean that the person who lives close to me would also be having a slow connection speed despite being with another ISP, if it was a VP problem?  ???

Quote from: Rik on Dec 17, 2009, 18:40:20
...BT seem to be juggling capacity as fast as they can. :(

BT =  :mad:


Not necessarily, which VP your are on is pot luck. Sometimes, IDNet can get people moved to an uncongested VP, but first they have to get BT to agree there is a congestion problem, and that's hard work.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So I guess it's likely that all the IDNet customers in my area are on the same VP, explaining why my friend who's also on IDNet is having trouble.

BT :mad:


I don't know how many VPs there are at your exchange, but yes, it is quite likely.

On BT, we agree completely.  :mad:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Out of curiosity I've looked up my local exchange;
and read this;

So if my exchange serves over 5,000 and each VP serves 100 customers I guess they'll be a few VPs.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Just to add, another person who'd be on the same exchange has been experiencing v.slow speeds over the same time period as me. (They're on Orange.) I've encourage them to report the issue to their ISP to help 'persuade' BT there is a problem.


Thanks, that's the only way BT take notice these days. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: wecpcs on Dec 17, 2009, 16:45:51
My speeds have returned to normal today without changing anything, but my ping has trebled. On it is showing at around 100 when it normally is 22/23. Pinging Idnet gives me 40 which normally is 12. So something strange is happening. Support gave me the usual check filters etc, but I know that is not the case and I have emailed them back regarding the download speeds are back to normal, but with increased latency. The increased latency does not particularly bother me as I do not do on-line gaming, my priority is fast reliable download speeds so friends and family can upload to my Windows Home Server.


It has just reversed again with pings back to normal and erratic and slow download speeds. What on earth are BT doing.



IMO, Colin, they are moving bandwidth, robbing Peter to pay Paul. Proving it is more difficult, of course, but I've seen it happen three times since I moved to WBC. I think that you, too, are on WBC, so it might be worth suggesting to IDNet that they get your circuit rebuilt, they'll need some BT speedtests to show it's operating out of spec, though.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.