Broadband Packages

Started by colonelsun, Jan 23, 2010, 21:00:57

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I wonder if somebody could explain the difference, for the average user, between the ADSL Home Max & Home Super Max packages to me?

As i alluded to in another post, i have gone from just me using the computer to 3 or 4 people, 3 of them studying, and i'm obviously getting perilously close to busting my current 30GB download limit on the Home Max package.

My problem is understanding what, if anything, i would be gaining from upgrading from the Home Max package to the Home Super Max package? As i understand it they both carry a 30GB & 60GB download limit and yet the last one has another 30GB to use during off-peak i correct? I  was all ready to switch to the Home Super Max package when i suddenly realised, for us, there is little between the two packages, unless the kids started their homework after midnight every night.LOL. Basically, surely the other 30GB allowed to me on the Max package would be wasted every month as rarely would anyone be using the web after midnight.

And yet our problem remains: we only have basic ADSL (not ADSL2) at our exchange, my circumstances have changed dramatically but the IDNET packages appear to be inflexible, i don't mean that as a complaint, if i could get an extra GB allowance i'd rather give my money to IDNET than anyone else!!

I'm sure there must be others here with a similar problem, lots of demand via kids for bandwidth, there's your own demands and yet the download allowance sticks stubbornly at 30 GB whether you're on the Home Max or the Super Max product. Apart from some incidental frills like exchange priority both packages seem exactly the same to the average user. If i'm looking for a bigger download allowance it appears i have exhausted the basic ADSL IDNET packages, am i right?

As a loyal IDNET subscriber i'd hate to leave, and i'm sure some will think i should look at other ISPs if i'm dis-satisfied.....but i'm not.....IDNET have been good to me and i'm very grateful for their superb service, it just galls me that i find myself having to consider switching ISPs because of a change of circumstances.

IDNET....any chance of you looking again at the broadband packages please? I'm a loyal subscriber who doesn't want to go anywhere else. I've experienced the best why should i settle for second best or worse?



Max has 30GB to use per month.
Supermax has 30GB per month to use during the daytime and another 30GB to use from midnight-9am.

Max is on standard domestic priority so when everyone comes home at 6pm and starts downloading your connection may slow down if the exchange becomes congested.
The big plus on Supermax is that you are on business priority so when everyone comes home at 6pm and starts downloading music and movies your stuff wins and you don't see a slowdown if th exchange becomes congested.



Have you any idea how much download a month you need?
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Colin Burns

im on the supermax package....

to avoid going over my peek time bandwidth usage plan big downloads to be done at night but i leave my PC on 24x7


Super Max is £10 per month more than Home Max, Dave, but as you say, you would only benefit in off-peak hours.  However, if the £10 per month is disposable, then it might be better spent on excess bandwidth on the Home Max package, which would then give you an extra 10Gb to use at any time.  It's obviously not the most economical way to do things, but it could be a means to and end, and at least you'd only be paying for the extra that you use.  Just a thought.  :)
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They were my thoughts as well.
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Quote from: Dangerjunkie on Jan 23, 2010, 21:13:04

Max has 30GB to use per month.
Supermax has 30GB per month to use during the daytime and another 30GB to use from midnight-9am.

Max is on standard domestic priority so when everyone comes home at 6pm and starts downloading your connection may slow down if the exchange becomes congested.
The big plus on Supermax is that you are on business priority so when everyone comes home at 6pm and starts downloading music and movies your stuff wins and you don't see a slowdown if th exchange becomes congested.


Thanks Paul. I had an inkling the benefits of Super Max were of a business or telephone exchange-nature.

Ideally, IDNET could do with a package higher than Super Max but with more convenient download usage hours that better suits families. This after midnight off-peak thing is absolutely useless for people like us unless we keep the hours of a badger!!


Quote from: Steve on Jan 23, 2010, 21:24:12
Have you any idea how much download a month you need?

Well probably 40GB or 50GB, although ideally 60GB....but that's just a dream.

About 40GB or 50GB would stop me having a coronary every time the kids logged on, i'd still be clock-watching but at least i'd know that we'd have at least 10GB in the bank, so to speak, if i only used the computer 3 days a week.


Quote from: Simon on Jan 23, 2010, 22:09:20
Super Max is £10 per month more than Home Max, Dave, but as you say, you would only benefit in off-peak hours.  However, if the £10 per month is disposable, then it might be better spent on excess bandwidth on the Home Max package, which would then give you an extra 10Gb to use at any time.  It's obviously not the most economical way to do things, but it could be a means to and end, and at least you'd only be paying for the extra that you use.  Just a thought.  :)

Hi Simon

What do you mean by " an extra 10GB to use at any time "?

Could that mean in peak hours?

What's the IDNET shame cupboard like when you go over your allowance? Is it bad? That's what i'm most afraid of...the label.

Ideally i'd like to have 10GB in the IDNET bank, so to speak, just in case. I don't suppose there's a way i could by GBs in advance and avoid that shame cupboard?


There's no shame cupboard, Dave.  ;D  You'd simply be paying £1 per Gb for excess bandwidth, which can be used at any time, as far as I know.  Maybe, though, if that's the route you choose, it might pay to give them a call, or drop them an email to explain, so that they don't keep trying to move you up to SuperMax.  You never know, you may be able to come to an arrangement.  :)
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Cheers Simon

When i get a moment to myself i'll do just that.

I don't want to leave IDNET, i'd be stupid to do that, and anyway moving ISP means another activation fee and then there's the cost of a all adds up financially.

I managed to log into my account and things don't look too bad on the monthly usage front. If i'm right i've only used around 17GB plus of my 30BG allowance....i think i'm right, details below if anyone can reassure me.

Meanwhile i'll buy some glove puppets for the younger kids and distract them, can't do that with the eldest one though.....he's a prize winning boxer in his spare time. LOL

14.23 GB Download - (Peak: 11.23 GB | Off-Peak: 3.0 GB)
0.85 GB Upload - (Peak: 0.71 GB | Off-Peak: 0.14 GB)

17.3 GB Download - (Peak: 13.48 GB | Off-Peak: 3.83 GB)
1.0 GB Upload - (Peak: 0.84 GB | Off-Peak: 0.17 GB)


You appear to have used 14.23G, with a projected usage of 17.3G from that...

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You can come and join me in the shame cupboard, I'll put the kettle on :D

Although with this new package I wont be there long :P
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


If that's for nearly the whole of January, you've only actually used about half of your allowance, Dave.  :)
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Quote from: Rik on Jan 26, 2010, 18:37:53
You appear to have used 14.23G, with a projected usage of 17.3G from that...

Yikes!! I'm under then. I'm so embarassed.

And there was me sat in the corner hugging a tumbler of whisky and praying for a power cut when the kids logged on.


Quote from: Niall on Jan 26, 2010, 18:54:12
You can come and join me in the shame cupboard, I'll put the kettle on :D

Although with this new package I wont be there long :P

New package? I'm envious.


Quote from: Simon on Jan 26, 2010, 21:29:40
If that's for nearly the whole of January, you've only actually used about half of your allowance, Dave.  :)

Oh God!! Where have i been....the Twilight Zone?

Actually i think the estimates of the broadband usage are some hours in arrears...but like you said....looks like i'm actually over estimating my usage.

I won't tell the kids's kinder just to watch them sweat it out and think the worse. LOL

Technical Ben

Yep. No need to feel bad Colonelsun and Niall. It's not like bank charges or late payment fees (horrible things!) but just like mobile phone call charges.
You get 30gb a month free, and £1 per GB after that. It's not a fine or a bad thing, it's just the price for extra usage.
I tend to run my mobile phones that way. I pay just £10 a month for the contract, get a few free calls/txts and if I use a little bit more it will only add a pound or two to my final bill. If I used alot more though, then I'd need to look at changing contracts, or using the home phone more!
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Quote from: colonelsun on Jan 26, 2010, 22:41:38
New package? I'm envious.

Yeah, my exchange just upgraded to the 21cn network so I'm now on that, and there's a slightly higher bandwidth allowance. I was only ever going over by a couple of gb each month, mainly because I seem to be buying games through Steam again (and may again tomorrow :D).
Flickr Deviant art
Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.
Leo Tolstoy


I'll definitely be in the shame cupboard this month. :blush: and I'm not telling you how much I'm over. Blame it on Celebrity Big Brother. I need to  :get:

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


Get the accordion out, Lona. :)

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Quote from: Rik on Jan 29, 2010, 09:47:47
Get the accordion out, Lona. :)

I think I will have to one of these days and go around the streets where nobody knows me on a Sunday morning playing The Old Rugged Cross. :D

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:



About 6am should be perfect...

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Seriously Rik, it was when I was a small girl I used to lie in my bed on a Sunday morning listening to an old man you used to go round our street and that's what he played on the accordion.

I made up my mind I wanted to learn how to play one and that is one of the first tuned I mastered.

I can still play it, note perfect to this day. :)

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


As can most pipers. ;) It's very much part of the culture, isn't it.

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 :blush: :blush: :blush:

Oh Lona...i'll bring a torch and you can chat to me about Big Brother while we're in the cupboard.


Quote from: Niall on Jan 28, 2010, 20:28:00
Yeah, my exchange just upgraded to the 21cn network so I'm now on that, and there's a slightly higher bandwidth allowance. I was only ever going over by a couple of gb each month, mainly because I seem to be buying games through Steam again (and may again tomorrow :D).

Of course the 21CN upgrades. Isn't that something to do with BT bringing their exchanges into the 21st century, or enabling them for new digital technology?

As per BTs whim my exchange isn't mentioned but then i'm not one of the really rural exchanges that were the last to get broadband....though some still can't get it. I'm hoping it'll get the upgrade and i won't find out until there is an announcement in the local press.

Congratulations on getting upgraded though.


I will be watching it in five minutes.  Alex to win as he's the only gentleman in the house.  :fingers:

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


Quote from: Lona on Jan 29, 2010, 20:26:00
I will be watching it in five minutes.  Alex to win as he's the only gentleman in the house.  :fingers:

Remind me he Jordan's ex...the guy who dresses up?

I never buy a daily paper these days, so i'm a bit out of touch.


I think he was a cage fighter, much the same thing really. ;D

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Quote from: colonelsun on Jan 31, 2010, 16:45:50
Remind me he Jordan's ex...the guy who dresses up?

I never buy a daily paper these days, so i'm a bit out of touch.

He is the guy who cross dresses but who cares he's still an all right bloke.  According to Jordon they are still very much in love.  I wonder if she would have said that had he not won CBB. :whistle:

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:


Quote from: Lona on Jan 31, 2010, 17:31:37
I wonder if she would have said that had he not won CBB. :whistle:

According to a leading authority (The Sun, so it must be true), she was going to dump him until he won CBB. Now she plans to get engaged to him and between them make £2M.  :bawl:


The Sun didn't say how, did it? ::)

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Yes, they were doing a deal with Hello or OK, or some such. Yo can read about it here and broaden your knowledge, Rik

Next to the Cardiff Tesco fag ban sensation, it's the story of the week.  ;D


Quote from: Lona on Jan 31, 2010, 17:31:37
He is the guy who cross dresses but who cares he's still an all right bloke.  According to Jordon they are still very much in love.  I wonder if she would have said that had he not won CBB. :whistle:

No i don't have a problem with him cross dressing, these days it hardly raises an eyebrow.

When i was younger our neighbours were Phil And Jackie, lovely people, they'd give you their last penny, both cross dressed. Jackie always sported a 3 year old beard and hands the size of dinner plates.


Eddie Izzard hasn't done bad out of it!  :)
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Quote from: Simon on Jan 31, 2010, 22:03:57
Eddie Izzard hasn't done bad out of it!  :)

He's a genius although he does overdo the lipstick a tad.


I don't actually have an opinion on it, Dave.  ;D
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Simon on Jan 31, 2010, 22:31:56
I don't actually have an opinion on it, Dave.  ;D

Cheer up, honey. Wanna borrow some size 10 stilettos? :whistle:


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Quote from: Simon on Feb 01, 2010, 21:59:30

Sorry Rik, looks like Simon needs them more than you do. :whistle:


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I've never been much of a leg man, Dave.  :whistle:

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Quote from: Rik on Feb 02, 2010, 09:01:36
I've never been much of a leg man, Dave.  :whistle:

Me neither Rik.

Maybe something to do with the fact that my grandad used to unscrew his and show us kids his stump. :blush:


He'd probably get arrested for that these days.   :laugh:
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Unless he was a politician...  :whistle:

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Just heard on the news:

"Katie Price and Alex wossisname have got married in L.A. They deny that they are doing it for the publicity but they had a film crew as well as several photgraphers with them and have reportedly signed an excluve deal for the wedding photos"

That's almost verbatim, even the local radio stations think that it's all about publicity!


I wonder which magazine got this one?

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I predicted that's what would happen.  Poor bloke, and he was such a nice guy. ;D

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:



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I'm sorry, God, why am i apologising? But that woman turns my stomach. My AGA cooker has more original parts than her body.

The only reason she's in the news is because she's a tart and her tawdry life is of no interest to me.

Her life is just one big car crash.


I couldn't agree more, Dave.  I think she is repulsive. 
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If you haven't got the email already, the bandwidth caps have been increased by three-fold. ;D

Just not having any luck finding that regrade link on my IDNet portal this time, so gonna contact them by form to downgrade me back to Home Max :)
IDNet Home Pro ADSL2+ 4Mbps | Billion BiPAC 7800N


Just a word of caution, if you are on a Super or Business package, there will be a £15 downgrade charge, as BT make this charged to IDNet (as there's a fundamental change in the underlying service).

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Feb 04, 2010, 09:45:31
Just a word of caution, if you are on a Super or Business package, there will be a £15 downgrade charge, as BT make this charged to IDNet (as there's a fundamental change in the underlying service).

....oops.....anyone notice the tumble weed speed across the screen?


I thought it was my eyesight. :)

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