Quick Noise Margin Question

Started by Danni, Feb 02, 2010, 04:01:13

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Before Christmas, a power surge/cut (we were having both) killed my 2-wire router, so it was limping along being noisy and unstable. BT set my noise margin to 12 to try and counteract this.

At the beginning of January, I bought a nice shiny Netgear router (thanks Colin), and the sync jumped by 2000kbps on the same noise margin of 12. After a few days I forced a resync to try and make it faster, but it didn't work.

While asking IDNet about something else, I asked how long it will take for the noise margin to start dropping, now the connection is very stable (it's not dropped out by itself once- the noise margin varies between 12 and 13). They said 14 days. The connection has been solid for more than 21 days now and the noise margin is being stubborn and staying set at 12. Is there anything I can do to make it start going back down towards 6 or do I have to ask IDNet to poke it?

For the geeks- here's what my router says:

System Up Time 591:31:51
Port   Status   TxPkts   RxPkts   Collisions   Tx B/s   Rx B/s   Up Time
WAN   PPPoA   92281628   117940047   0   2266   129   507:14:01
LAN   10M/100M   124581961   98327849   0   1697   1376   591:31:47
WLAN   11M/54M/130M   1941446   651031   0   437   32   591:31:20

ADSL Link   Downstream   Upstream
Connection Speed   6624 kbps   832 kbps
Line Attenuation   29.0 db   14.5 db
Noise Margin   12.1 db   9.0 db
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.


Danni. In theory a forced resync on day 15 should do the trick however if BT have fixed the margin at 12 only they can reduce it.Beware that they'll only usually do this once so ensure you eliminated any other internal sources of noise.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks Steve. I forced a resync, and it's only 32 higher (and the noise margin is 11.5- not sure now whether it's set at 12 and the Netgear is holding on well, or if it's set at 9 and just not synced high enough). I'm going to leave it an hour, force a resync again, and if it's still stuck then ask IDNet to get BT to reset it. I'm absolutely certain it was the router- the wireless had also gone very flaky on it, and replacing it resulted in a massive increase of sync at the same noise margin.

Before the router problems I had a solid sync of 8128 with a noise margin of 9, so really want that back :)
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.


Okay, resynced again, and it's definitely still 12, so emailed IDNet to see if it can be done.

They've already stopped me panicking today (billing question) so maybe they can make me happy as well? :P
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I went to bed (I'm nocturnal) and woke up to this:

System Up Time 07:57:41
Port   Status   TxPkts   RxPkts   Collisions   Tx B/s   Rx B/s   Up Time
WAN   PPPoA   84653   70637   0   596   1687   07:55:46
LAN   10M/100M   80070   90860   0   1863   669   07:57:37
WLAN   11M/54M/130M   14996   5552   0   153   21   07:57:09

ADSL Link   Downstream   Upstream
Connection Speed   8128 kbps   832 kbps
Line Attenuation   29.0 db   14.5 db
Noise Margin   8.0 db   10.0 db

Squee :D
IDNet Customer (ex-partner's name): 6th January 2006 - 23rd March 2007
IDNet broadband Customer (my name): 11th June 2008 - 21st April 2010

Now with Be for internets, IDNet for phone.



Not to mention the extra bandwidth you've now got, Danni.  :thumb:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


 Did it happen by itself I wonder or was it given a helping hand.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Did it fall or was it pushed you mean, Steve. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That reminds me, I must ask about mine, I've had no resyncs since the line was replace, apart from what I have done myself.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The only resync I've had on my line since it went live was when I had to turn off all the power to the sockets to replace a brokon one. Not bad really!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Now, if you'd run the router from a UPS...  :evil:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I thought UPS deliver routers

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.