Interleaving and 2Wire

Started by joe, Feb 06, 2010, 12:05:18

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I currently use a Netgear DGN2000 router. RouterStats (attached) shows interleaving is operating. My d'ld speeds (consistently 13000+) are good in comparison to a lot of folks on this forum. What does the interleaving do? Is it a benefit to have it removed?

Is there any benefit in my getting a 2Wire 2700HGV? Will it operate with interleaving?

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Hi Joe,

There's an in-depth explanation of interleaving here, if you're interested:

I think you can request IDNet to have it removed, but if the connection deteriorates as a result, BT will automatically reinstate it, and won't remove it again.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



From the FAQ

What is Interleaving?

Noise on a line can cause interruptions to data packets. Interleaving is a process that spreads data over a series of packets so that any noise or other factor causing packet loss has less of an overall effect on the data traffic.

Interleaving will be set to AUTO by default. This will permit BT to adopt interleaving as a DLM tool to resolve issues with a line. Interleaving can be set to ON or OFF on an individual line basis.

Please note that Interleaving will increase latency within the circuit - typically between 20 and 40ms. For many users this will not be significant but for some applications it may be important (games playing etc.) Individual users will be able to request interleaving to be set to OFF for their line - although this may impact on line stability.

Where a fault condition occurs it may be necessary to switch line interleaving to ON to try to resolve the problem. It may be necessary to advise a customer that this should be left ON for improved performance - if the customer requires this to be left OFF then the original fault state may return.

A 2Wire 2700HGV will work fine with interleaving on, but I'm not sure will see much benefit from using one though, as your stats seem good to me.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Only to add if your not suffering any undue latency and your ping times are ok I would leave as is. If interleave is turned off, your errors will arrive at the router uncorrected and if the count is high, data will have to be re-transmitted so your overall throughput(download speed) will fall.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks to Simon, Glenn and Steve for the replies. Have bought 2Wire (ebay) and will try just to see what results are. Shouldn't upset the apple cart should it - I can revert to my existing set up if there are no benefits?



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It shouldn't disturb anything unless you have many reconnect over a short period of time. Power down the router before removing the adsl cable
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.