If you had the option - would you?

Started by D-Dan, Feb 26, 2010, 22:06:34

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Let me start by saying - on a copper line, no-one can tempt me away from IDnet.

However, I have a 5,500 IP profile on DSL2, and possibly a fibre 50 Mbs option with Virgin. I'm running a server here (which is, admittedly, fairly low bandwidth at the moment, but could gain momentum), and I value D/L speed purely because I live my private life either in the pub or on the net.

To confuse the issue further, my exchange is one of the first FTTC exchanges scheduled by BT, and the cabinet is close enough that I can (with some low powered binoculars) read the print on the label from home - maybe 150 - 200 yards away.

So would you take the 50 Mbs option? (If it was available).


I should add - I called Virgin in a purely enquiry capacity (and I made that VERY clear) and they are going to explore whether Fibre is an option and get back to me. It's definitely available in the locality - a friend has it)
Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Its a hard choice, especially with VM annoucing 100mb coming this year. I would maybe ask support if they have a date for FTTC enablement and perhaps offer to trial the service if they need that still by that point.  :dunno:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I called Virgin 2 years ago, they assured me then, that I could get 20mb if I signed up, but there are no fibre cable services on my estate, only phone lines.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You will need therapy and medication if you join VM, their support is diabolical/dire/non-existent and that is being exceptionally polite.


I'd avoid VM if I could, Steve, do as Lance suggests and check with support for an FTTC date.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well........ Wareham exchange was listed as going ADSL2+ in Oct2009 which never happened :shake: :shake: that has now changed to "No plans to upgrade exchange listed".

Yet 3 weeks ago we had BT /Open Reach types walking around the street ,clipboards in action,then they were up the poles looking at the connection boxes. 3rd time around I went out and asked the engineer and suited type with him what they were up to.

"It's for your line upgrade" says engineer. "You are getting FTTP"  :o :o "FTTP?" I asked... "Yes it means fibre to the premises, we are running lines through the ducts,up the pole and over to the house,you then have a fibre drop cable into the house."

"I thought at best we would get FTTC" I said. "That is what they are getting in some areas,you are getting FTTP here "

:dunno: :pig: :pig:


I hope it happens, Dorset. I know we're scheduled for FTTC here, but no date yet. As I'm 213m from the cabinet, it should be a bit of an improvement.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


If they do bring in FTTP what then?

From what I have been told, the modem/router/converter needed to connect to the system is not available yet.......

Sounds like lots of cash or long contrats to BT to cover equipment costs.


It won't be cheap, to judge by FTTC.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Here's an update - and I think you'll like this.

The engineer from VM has just called and confirmed that 50 MBs cable is available to my address. During the course of the conversation (after he realised I actually know what I'm talking about) I said that my enquiry was tentative, and I was exploring options. I voiced my concerns re VM (locked in contract, DPI, poor CS etc.) and said that for my distance from exchange I had an excellent connection. His response was that he thought most ISPs employed traffic shaping and DPI these days, to which I replied "Mine doesn't - and I have a low contention ration, too". So he asked me who I was with, and I told him IDNet.

I went on to add a couple of the other plus points (UK based office based support - no call centres here, and no scripts when you phone them. You get to know the team by name.)

Turns out the VM engineer is on a copper internet connection, and may now be making a call to IDNet to sign up :)

As for me - still undecided.

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: D-Dan on Mar 01, 2010, 19:51:50Turns out the VM engineer is on a copper internet connection, and may now be making a call to IDNet to sign up :)

I think Idnet still give you £10 if you recommend somebody and they join, so I hope you've got his details.


I have his number - and told him to mention me :)

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's

Technical Ben

That is wonderful D-Dan! I almost did the same, when I called to cancel O2, to some poor tech help guy who had his Xbox Live running poorly on O2s connection.

Could you sell car insurance to those cold callers too? Or sell Virgin Cable to Sky dish installers? I'd love to see how far we can take this!
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


If you like gaming avoid Virgin - just putting that out there. You get a lovely download speed for browsing and downloading but gaming on it is terrible.
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