bad connection today

Started by Happy Surfer, Mar 13, 2010, 17:13:04

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Happy Surfer

hello peeps i posted topic bout this a little while back about speed drop and am getting it today.

im normally always around 6.4mb and drop to bout 5ish mb at peaktimes sometimes.

got an awful connection today though, bt speedtest reports back 2704kbps also when i ping in command prompt normally its 31-33ms but today it is erratic with the 4 times between 40 odd and 170ms and also is reporting tons of jitter on the connection,normally that is between 1-4 but im getting totally erratic from 20-70.

i know some will say 2704kbps is still good but it isnt when your line is always regulating normally between 5.5-6.6mb in the test.

i remember using a link on here that was in another thread that showed exchange colour status, not samknows but another site.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Happy Surfer

thanks rik yeah thats the one although it seems out of date at the moment as shown in the pic.

last time i made topic we came to the conclusion that i was one of the lucky ones on a good virtual path and avoided one of the cr*ppy ones.

i know saturdays are the busier period for this sort of thing but this is unreal how much my connection has dropped,i normally can stream any hd clips no prob but this lower speed causes the clips to stutter or the playback beat the straming rate and pause until more is downloaded.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Certainly looks like congestion with the rate drop and ping increase I presume everything else is ok  i.e router stats?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Sadly, most public 'exchange status' checkers are out of date. IDNet would be able to give you more specific information about yours. More sadly, as far as BT are concerned, your line is working within spec. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Happy Surfer

ive noticed that my noise margin has dropped, im normally always around 10.5-11+ but it fluctuated down to 8.4

[attachment deleted by admin]


Local noise from the sound of it, ie between you and the exchange. It might be worth looking at your error count in the router.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Happy Surfer

where do i look for errors rik?

sorry never attempted before


It looks like it is another line that suffered a resync this morning

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My connection has been very poor today - many sites, including BBC, just not available for long periods...

Happy Surfer

when everyone reboots their router do they use the reboot function in the router settings page or do they turn the mains switch off?

i do the latter with the mains.


Quote from: Happy Surfer on Mar 13, 2010, 17:52:34
where do i look for errors rik?

sorry never attempted before

Have a look at Kitz, choose the model of your router and follow the instructions:

I use the reboot function in the router.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've also had a drop in service today - roughly 5.30pm until 7.15pm.

Router was sync'd but unable to access any webpages - DNS error reported ???

Finally gave up and turned router (2wire 2700 HG-B) off for 20 minutes. Now back up and working - touchwood. Have however had 3 resyncs in the last week - all early morning - which has pushed my SNR up from a steady 9 to 15.

Router on the blink or exhange problems ? Any suggestions ?

Router is direct in main BT socket and filtered with an ASDLNation filter. No extension or sky boxes around to cause extra 'noise'.


Update - 7.45pm - back on dial up - broadband no web access but still have sync on the modem... HELP !!


So if you got sync the line's ok. Nothing showing on rss feed or on AAISP status pages, If you've got a spare router try that and if still the same leave disconnected for 30 mins and try again. IDNet support should respond to a lack of broadband. From network status page

2010-03-12 15:35: Start Date: 12/03/2010 Start Time: 15:06
Anticipated Clear Date: 12/03/2010 Anticipated Clear Time: 17:06


Incident Details: At the moment some Broadband End Users will be experiencing a loss of Broadband service.

It is likely some Broadband End Users are experiencing one or more of the following:

Throughput related issues
Intermittent loss of synchronisation
Packet loss

Further updates will be provided as soon as possible.
Dialling Codes Affected:
01142   01204   01244   01248   01253
01260   01270   01274   01283   01286
01352   01422   01432   01457   01484
015120   015125   015128   015129   015142
015143   015144   015147   015148   015149
015152   015153   015160   015164   0 15167
015192   015194   01524   01535   01538
01606   016120   016122   016123   016124
016125   016127   016128   016143   016144
016161   016162   016165   016168   016171
016192   016194   016195   016197   016199
01625   01630   01661   01678   01691
01695   01706   01743   01744   01745
01766   01772   01782   01827   01829
01924   01925   01943   01948   01952
01978   01925   01943   01948
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Cheers Steve.

On on the Witney (Oxon) exchange 01993 number.

I'll try leaving router off again for another 30 muniutes and see if it comes back up again.

Also doing a 'hard' reset as well.


As has been mentioned earlier this week, the 2700 power supply is very prone to failure.

See status announcement
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


BT are having trouble with one of the links into us this evening. They have engineers on their way to investigate. In the meantime most connections are failing-over to our backup link but not all. This is cause of great concern and BT back-end support are investigating this too.


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



I was down from approx 6pm yesterday evening until just before 1am this morning although my exchange (Southend, 01702) is not on the list and is a long way from Manchester! My router was picking up a 172.16.x.x address which was changing every 10 minutes or so, I guess that's the 'retry' time:

Sat 2010-03-13 10:30:16 - Router get real time with time-zone +0
Sat 2010-03-13 12:30:22 - Router get real time with time-zone +0
Sat 2010-03-13 14:30:29 - Router get real time with time-zone +0
Sat 2010-03-13 16:30:36 - Router get real time with time-zone +0
Sat 2010-03-13 18:05:58 WAN Connection terminated
Sat 2010-03-13 18:06:19 WAN connection restarted, please check your internet settings
Sat 2010-03-13 18:06:20 WAN CHAP authentication success
Sat 2010-03-13 18:06:20 WAN connected IP address
Sat 2010-03-13 18:16:40 WAN connection restarted, please check your internet settings
Sat 2010-03-13 18:16:41 WAN CHAP authentication success
Sat 2010-03-13 18:16:41 WAN connected IP address
Sat 2010-03-13 18:21:49 login
Sat 2010-03-13 18:24:07 login
Sat 2010-03-13 18:27:00 WAN connection restarted, please check your internet settings
Sat 2010-03-13 18:27:01 WAN CHAP authentication success
Sat 2010-03-13 18:27:01 WAN connected IP address
Sat 2010-03-13 18:37:07 WAN connection restarted, please check your internet settings
Sat 2010-03-13 18:37:07 WAN CHAP authentication success
Sat 2010-03-13 18:37:07 WAN connected IP address
Sat 2010-03-13 18:37:45 logout
Sat 2010-03-13 18:38:12 login
Sat 2010-03-13 18:47:28 WAN connection restarted, please check your internet settings
Sat 2010-03-13 18:47:29 WAN CHAP authentication success
Sat 2010-03-13 18:47:29 WAN connected IP address
Sat 2010-03-13 18:48:13 logout
Sat 2010-03-13 18:53:32 login

I spoke to another person (Not IDNet) who was also having problems so almost certainly a BT issue.


The Manchester issue was a red herring,however it was the only thing I could find until Idnet posted the  routing/login issue. Latest from RSS

Update: 2010-03-14 00:37: BT have fixed the routing issue and all customers are now authenticating correctly. The issue appears to have been caused by a failure on one of our Gigabit connections to BT. An engineer is on site testing the circuit now.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

Happy Surfer

my speed and ping went back to normal later last night so dunno wether it was loads of congestion earlier in the day?

the town i live in though is made up the majority of retired and elderly people so thats why i was a bit hesitant bout it being congestion and rather another issue,especially being on idnet's excellent service.


 :fingers: I often find late Sunday afternoon is a busy time for me.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So, did they wiggle the 1000BaseT connector and everything came right again?  :evil:

(BTDT, pulled the all-nighter. I used to run an ISP.)

Happy Surfer

is there anything bt can do on there end to prevent exchanges becoming congested?

also is it just the adsl max service that suffers congestion or does adsl2 and llu and cable all suffer the same consequnces?

BT are like millionaire landlords they only fork out or update anything unless they have to


They can spend more money, but they've never shown an inclination to do so.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.