does this look right?

Started by coreservers, Mar 29, 2010, 20:11:43

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BT speedtester result
internet is actually struggling, up to 20 seconds between pages, and photos coming in in lines.

Download speedachieved during the test was - 5559 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 600-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :7710 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1082 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6500 Kbps
The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 14.14:22.5:63.36 (SBE:NBE:PBE)
These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic.

The results of this test will vary depending on the way your ISP has decided to use these traffic classes

If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Woah, your BT Speedtest is nothing like your one... You ran these right after each other?

The speed looks good compared to your profile on the BT test, but even with 2Mb at worse case, it will not take 20 secconds to load pages etc. When you leave your PC idle, does all network / modem activity stop?

Whats the result of a ping test to say (Or any other site/server you use a lot)? You get any packet loss or large latency at all? It may be congestion, but I would be inclined to rule that out as both speeed tests would show this up.

Someone else might be slong with some more ideas in a bit. Rik's usually very good at this stuff :)
A signature, would usually go here. You've just wasted 2 secconds of your life looking for it...


It looks like mild exchange congestion, VP or backhaul, the speed is a bit low for the profile, but not unduly so. Run a few more BT tests, preferably at different times of day, Core, then let support have them so they can investigate for you. The slow page loading makes no sense, though, given that speed, so suggests something different is also going on. Can you try a different browser, check for background processes etc?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rik for once i agree.

go to samknows find your exchange and see if it's congested or you can also see how many users are on it and the area it serves and draw yuor own conclusion's.


well samknows shows no congestion at my exchange.
but here we are again

Download speedachieved during the test was - 3322 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 600-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :7710 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1082 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6500 Kbps
The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 18.66:27.09:54.24 (SBE:NBE:PBE)
These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic.

The results of this test will vary depending on the way your ISP has decided to use these traffic classes.

And an absolutely fantastic

Looks remarkably like trafic shaping to me! whether it's BT or IDnet.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


IDNet do not traffic shape.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What's the packet loss like?
CompuServe 28.8k/33.6k 1994-1998, BT 56k 1998-2001, NTL Cable 512k 2001-2004, 2x F2S 1M 2004-2008, IDNet 8M 2008 - LLU 11M 2011

coreservers was unable to test packet loss.

at 3.45pm I am happily at 5.5-6.5mb. at 4.05pm...... less than 1mb

at 10pm, back to normal again.

If IDnet aint doing it the BT must be. I've mailled support, as the ping times are never better than 50ms now, sometimes 104ms, making gamnig impossible with lags and disconnections.

Tried plusnet's exchange congestion tool and that also shows a green light.

router stats show pretty good snr at 7 and 5 up and down
no collisions
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


It looks like classic exchange congestion to me, especially given the timings you report.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I don't see what else it can be my line was similar before Xmas.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Many BT exchanges show good chunks of packet loss at particular times of the day for the past few months. Typically as one is patched up another one falls over. I can't help but imagining someone trying to catch water from leaks in the ceiling, with them moving the fuller pots and pans to the less serious leaks as they start to get full... without every emptying them :(

Or maybe that's what they are *actually* doing given the status of Paddington.
CompuServe 28.8k/33.6k 1994-1998, BT 56k 1998-2001, NTL Cable 512k 2001-2004, 2x F2S 1M 2004-2008, IDNet 8M 2008 - LLU 11M 2011



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


This is exactly the reason I moved from sky's BT package. And now get the same here.

Shame as I like IDnet, but I need the ability to upload and download photos of archaeology, reliably and quickly, which up to now I've been able to do.
Or maybe it's just another thing that doesnt work in the UK. Sorry to sound angry, but since joining I've had issue after issue. I'm down to 400k at the moment, making even browsing pathetic.

Support say nothing they can do, it;s the exchange.  I dont want to move to talk talk or tiscali, but if IDnet cant help me then my money will have to go elsewhere.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


It's BT, pure and simple. If you can get an LLU supplier, go for it. Remember, though, that the 'last mile' is still over BT's circuitry, so any instability will remain.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 01, 2010, 19:15:26
This is exactly the reason I moved from sky's BT package. And now get the same here.

Support say nothing they can do, it;s the exchange.  I dont want to move to talk talk or tiscali, but if IDnet cant help me then my money will have to go elsewhere.

And if it is an exchange issue/line problem you will move and move and move and move............


but I cant sit on 400k. up until last Friday it's been ok. I can work with 3mb, 4mb or higher, but tonight (I've just not been able to connect at all, it slowed down so much!) and It's currently whizzing at 128k. so slow the BT speedtester falls over!

could always mvoe to latvia, they have better service than this awful country
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


If it's 128k on a BT test and your profile is still the same, then it's outside of spec and BT will investigate.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Another email to Ian Livingstone?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


just sent one although it took nearly 45 seconds to send it.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


up until last Friday it's been ok.  So what has happened since Friday?  Any floods/roadworks etc.?

My line is perfect 11 months of the year, then we get flooded ducts and all hell lets loose. BT have been going down the tubes at the end of my road for a week now, and my line has been up and down like the proverbial.

When these issues come up I get high pings/packet loss and dire speeds, then it comes back again. BT always deny there is any problem.

Support need to see BT speed tests and ping/tracert evidence to help.


see there's the problem
Download speedachieved during the test was - 6597 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 600-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :7710 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1082 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6500 Kbps

all looks lovely dopwnload speed is actually higher than the profile
but and my crawling browsing, and uploading tell a different story

in half an hour it'll be back to less than 1 meg

7711 kbps 1082 kbps
Line Attenuation 37 db 9.5 db
Noise Margin 9 db 5 db
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


If a BT test falls below 600k, BT will look into the issue. Otherwise, as far as they are concerned the product is working correctly as it is contended.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 01, 2010, 19:45:19
see there's the problem
Download speedachieved during the test was - 6597 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 600-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :7710 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1082 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6500 Kbps

all looks lovely dopwnload speed is actually higher than the profile
but and my crawling browsing, and uploading tell a different story

in half an hour it'll be back to less than 1 meg

7711 kbps 1082 kbps
Line Attenuation 37 db 9.5 db
Noise Margin 9 db 5 db

Those test figures are BS. You are testing with your anti virus software running. You need to test in safe mode for the BT test to be correct.

Given the figures you have ,why not ask to go back on ADSL 8MB which is less liable to the noise interference and go for the Office package (Super Max) which has priority over other traffic at the exchange.


seems tonight, it's a permanent fixture
as we're past hte 10pm improvement

If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 01, 2010, 22:21:33
seems tonight, it's a permanent fixture
as we're past hte 10pm improvement

Seems IDNET is having some speed problems today... hope it'll be fixed by the weekend.


I know its not helpful but I am an IDNet customer on adslmax. I strongly suggest the issues lies with BTs pipework before the point its get taken off by IDNets hostlink

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 01, 2010, 22:21:33
seems tonight, it's a permanent fixture
as we're past hte 10pm improvement

Quote from: GizmoTheMogwai on Apr 01, 2010, 22:23:42
Seems IDNET is having some speed problems today... hope it'll be fixed by the weekend.

You are aware that there have been 2 serious incidents which have affected the internet?

The status page >> << has the details, are you in the listed phone areas ?


It's more likely to be the BT problems. Have you checked whether your exchange is listed on the IDNet status page...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


was fine up intil 10 minutes ago
but it died again. my 10mb download has taken 26 minutes. my dialling code isnt listed as I'm 013145. cant see that the exchange has suddenly become congested. certainly no tester is showing that. now doen to the usual 340-400k  :rant2: . I just give up. best to accept that the UK is a 3rd world broadband country
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


I'm afraid testers don't show congested exchanges.  :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So samknows etc, are basically a waste of time... fantastic.. nothing does work.
Still stuck at 728k even now at 23.40.
I stated when I opened my account exactly what I would like to do... photos, both upload adn download, and online gaming.
No problem we have a very reliable service, was the sales pitch... my 1st 2 weeks I had no connection at all (BT's fault, i know). and since then the lowest ping I've had has been 48ms. not enough to defeat lag, making gaming embarrasing, as I get dropped connections all the time.

Support seem not to be abl to help on that front either.

Now I'm faced apparently with an exchange that's congested 23hours and 50 minutes every day. So both of the things I particualrly wanted from IDnet, i;ve rarely been able to have... not impressive. Sorry but thats how I feel. they are who I pay every month.

If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


But it is only a one month contract. If you feel you have exhausted all possible avenues you can always try elsewhere.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Where! each of them are one and the same, it's all BT, except bt and sky openly traffic shape, every night. And cant get cable, but thats traffic shaped as well.

no point going llu cause BT own part of those lines as well,
what I'd like is what I asked for and was told No problem. not a service that I never know from one minute to another what speed it's going to run at. Well actually I do know now, that it is rarely above 1meg at any time of the day.

But as it's within BT's acceptable service, most of the time, it's ignored. nothing anyone can do. I've passed 4 BT speedtests to support, along with the very slow speeds reported, "exchange congestion" was the reply, the connections are contentious". Tough really. just put up with it.

Yes I'm angry, frustrated and thouroughly fed up with the whole of the UK's pathetic excuse for a telecoms industry

Hows that for a zippy 21st century connection!.

If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


IDNet were right to tell you they can deliver, as they can. They can't control BT, though, no ISP can. You may be on one congested VP at the exchange, but no ISP would know that in advance, and the situation is constantly changing. Unless and until Ofcom lay down a serious standard for broadband, BT will get away with doing as little as possible, all the time defining what is an acceptable service. It's unfortunate, but it's not untypical of the regulators in general. LLU might help you. Though the 'last mile' will still be BT, the VP and backhaul will not.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I've now spent most of today with no broadband at all. left a message with support.... no reply... Ok it's holiday weekend.. but!  :shake:
I now have a whole 1.1mb. but even that's intermittant and my pings have risen to 386ms. So sorry But I will speak out about IDnet's service. it's been poor. Will that anger the IDnet gods on the forum? Since last July I've had only 2 months without having to contact support. BT just tell me to contact my ISP, they just tell me it's BT's fault.

LLU unfotruantely means dealnig with indian call centres, and I really just cant be bothered any more. Still at least these connection speeds and download rates give me a memory trip back to good old dialup.... except, the downloads were faster.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


What message have you left? That your speeds are poor?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


no that I had no access at all from 9am this morning up until 1 hour ago. all the router lights were on, and I could see a sync speed of 7mb. but IE just came back "unable to find webpage". and outlook failed to download any mails from Yahoo. I'm guessing they could see me connected. and it had dropped so slow It was failing to connect, must have been below 28k for that to happen.

but what they gonig to do, tell me it;s BT's fault?
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


It sounds more like a stale session, were you getting an IP address?

TBH, you've never been happy with the service from IDNet, so maybe you'd be better trying someone else, maybe AAISP?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Rik, when I joined, i had no service at all for 2 weeks (which I ended up mailling ian livingstone, and it got sorted) on the simple circuit move, then massive instablility for 3 months? what was there to be happy with?, . Is it the case that no-one is allowed to be unhappy with IDnet's service on here? lets all be happy clappers. and for the record I have posted thanks to members of supprot on here. But I have not once had sufficient ping times to game with, I was sent a router to test, that died. Downloads have been Ok to very poor, a maximum once of 600k, but more normally 35-50k

I had no connection at all for a number of hours today, and have not been contacted? Now I have a connection below the 600k level, back down to 256k. but BT tester shows 4mb. so nothing will get done.

I'm angry and frustrated at getting pushed from pillar to post. All I want is a decent internet connection, one htat allows me to watch a U-tube clip without haivng to pause it for 20 minutes.

Is that too much to ask?
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


I didn't say you couldn't be unhappy with IDNet, I merely pointed out that you never have been, so an alternative ISP might be worth trying. LLU gets you away, to a great extent from BT, but as you don't want to do that, then AAISP would seem to be the next logical ISP, they can offer you a BT or Be based connection, support is in the UK, and they promise to sort your line or your money back.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


well that's me been off for another 10 minutes, got an IP address but no connectivity (your connection has limited or no connectivity).
Strangely rik, as said before I like the idea of IDNet, but am getting frustrated at unreliability and lack of direction. With my case, which may be different for other users, but I can only speak from my experience. The thought of another highly qualified and trained BT engineer moving my circuit or creating another datastream circuit fills me with dread.

just sent another begging mail to support for answers othe than exchange congestion. surely that cant cause me to be disconnected.  :'( It's slowing down day by day. rarely above 1 meg now at all times
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 03, 2010, 17:51:44
well that's me been off for another 10 minutes, got an IP address but no connectivity (your connection has limited or no connectivity).
Strangely rik, as said before I like the idea of IDNet, but am getting frustrated at unreliability and lack of direction. With my case, which may be different for other users, but I can only speak from my experience. The thought of another highly qualified and trained BT engineer moving my circuit or creating another datastream circuit fills me with dread.

just sent another begging mail to support for answers othe than exchange congestion. surely that cant cause me to be disconnected.  :'( It's slowing down day by day. rarely above 1 meg now at all times

Have you tried a different router?


I can't say I've had a problem with speed or congestion for weeks. My BT results:

Download speedachieved during the test was - 6357 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 600-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :7127 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 970 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6000 Kbps
The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 16.12:23.12:60.75 (SBE:NBE:PBE)
These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic.

The results of this test will vary depending on the way your ISP has decided to use these traffic classes.

And tonight's in my sig (which is at the lower end of where it usually sits). Having said that, I did a lot of work on my internal wiring late last year which has made a big difference in stability.

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Out of interest - are you getting any loss of sync, or is it just slow speeds. If just slow, do you have another computer that you can install a clean OS on (Linux is probably a better choice than Windows for this) to rule out any kind of malware. You may have protection up to your teeth, but that's still not a gurantee on Windows that something is sitting there doing bad things.

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


not getting any loss of sync, malware clean. viruses clean, spyware clean. Been unable to connect again for an hour or so.

just tried a note book and my xbox360... all the same results, looks great on the BT speedtester (not the 360 obviously, but test gaming, just wont even connect to the servers), and back in the non BT fantasy, real world... awful.

286- 800k.
router stays up. says it syncs at 7710. no collisions, no packet loss. Bt wont and dont care. as the bt speedtester shows well above their aceptable limit, it;s the only result they'll listen to. meanwhile I again cannot view upload or download photos, u-tube clips. patches etc. unless i'm willing to wait hours for it, at an average 9k!

wont even run a speedtest, it just sits there, waiting to start.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Quoteooks great on the BT speedtester

Third time I have seen you say this............. if the BT tester is connecting and giving those results then the line is up and running,your issue obviously lies elsewhere.


Quotewell that's me been off for another 10 minutes, got an IP address but no connectivity (your connection has limited or no connectivity).

This error is frequently caused by you PC Network adaptor , you can use Windows to check the issue or just delete and make a new connection. That at least will remove that from the equation.


I'd certainly agree with that. I get that error message a lot and it's always been because the PC and modem/router are no long talking to each other. In my case it's due to a Netgear router wireless shut down.

How are you connecting to you modem/router?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ok I've been trrying to resolve this myself all day.
I've so far, updated the router firmware this is a new router bought only 6 weeks ago. replaced the microfilters, a now plugged into the test socket.

When I 1st reconnected it all , it gave a 5.78mb which is hugher than it has been all week, however 15 minutes later, it gave a ping of 256ms and was down to 2.8mb. and now take upwards of 1 minute to run, they seem choppy and erratic. I have also changed from the built in NIC in the pc to an asus one. although they both seem to be fine, and created a new wired connection. running at 100mb
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Only the BT test counts. Has the loss of connectivity stopped?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thats stopped, but the slowness hasnt, it still pauses for up to 5-10 seconds on each web page.
and pinging IDnet gives an average of 104ms, which is dead slow.

I've tried a reliable download, which should go at 600k plus. and it downloaded at an average of 15k. U-tube still wont load properly.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Quote from: DorsetBoy on Apr 03, 2010, 20:50:21
This error is frequently caused by you PC Network adaptor , you can use Windows to check the issue or just delete and make a new connection. That at least will remove that from the equation.

I totally agree with that, as my motherboard has 2 on-board network cards and the Realtek one failed and was giving similar errors, so I simply just switched to the other one and was back up and running. If your motherboard does not have two adapters then a new PCI network card only costs a few pounds.



Quote from: coreservers on Apr 04, 2010, 19:42:13
thats stopped, but the slowness hasnt, it still pauses for up to 5-10 seconds on each web page.
and pinging IDnet gives an average of 104ms, which is dead slow.

I've tried a reliable download, which should go at 600k plus. and it downloaded at an average of 15k. U-tube still wont load properly.

What is the make and model number of the router you bought ?


netgear Dg834G
and no I cant afford another £70 on a new router.

just managed to get back on, been off for another 5 hours.

If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Just a thought - but what DNS servers do you use?

I suggest trying OpenDNS - it may help.

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 05, 2010, 13:39:42
netgear Dg834G
and no I cant afford another £70 on a new router.

just managed to get back on, been off for another 5 hours.

Nobody suggested you bought another router,it would have been good to see the stats when you TELNET into the router.

If you are just going to whine and make stupid comments there seems little point anyone here even trying to help you.


sorry, but frustration is getting the better of me after 3 weeks of pretty much unuseable broadband. and being offline for 11 + hours over this weekend has seriously poiled my easter break.

The router stats are

Port Status TxPkts RxPkts Collisions Tx B/s Rx B/s Up Time
WAN PPPoA 17128 23939 0 464 1631 04:19:53
LAN 10M/100M 276120 190399 0 3722 713 23:00:21
WLAN 11M/54M 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 7594 kbps 1071 kbps
Line Attenuation 36 db 9 db
Noise Margin 12 db 6 db

MY snr has shot up from 6 to 12
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Which indicates an unstable connection, lots of re-syncs. If you remain connected for 14 days, it will drop by 3db, repeating until it reaches 6db or the line becomes unstable again.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Perhaps have the connection reprofiled as adslmax if the errors are ruining the connection?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


OK so when you have a problem you need to get these:

Router stats.

BT Speed test  (Not or any other  tester) and note that BT tests need to be run in Safe Mode with networking.

Telnet into your router ( IIRC ) and type :  show status    then : show adsl   (if the telnet commands are any different the router will tell you.)

Get screenshots of these , then use Command Prompt,  netstat -b  press enter then ping -n 10  then  tracert and get a screenshot of the results for the forum.

FYI , if your broadband is down for long periods BT and Idnet should be able to see that,just as they can see line drops and disconnections.

BT and your ISP can see the BT speed tests and can see if any other application is running at the time it was taken. BT will only accept their own tests as evidence so any other test is a waste of time,they are NOT accurate anyway.

Ping tests and checking for packet loss needs to be done from Command prompt not, their results are never accurate and vary from browser to browser.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 05, 2010, 18:18:42
Perhaps have the connection reprofiled as adslmax if the errors are ruining the connection?

That is what I suggested last week Steve.

Go back to 8mb adsl if possible and move to the SuperMax package which gives priority over other traffic at the exchange, it makes a big difference at peak times.


Quote from: DorsetBoy on Apr 05, 2010, 18:22:58
Ping tests and checking for packet loss needs to be done from Command prompt not, their results are never accurate and vary from browser to browser.

And server to server.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Surely if there are that many errors that are causing the connection to drop and the noise margin to rise, wouldn't the sync speed drop until BRAS found stability? Or has that already happened?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Sync speed is slightly lower than in the OP, Zap.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ah, that'll teach me to read the whole thread before posting  :blush:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It was a long time ago, Zap, I had to go and check. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I was never on the old adsl, as I moved from sky broadbands re-packaged BT deal straight to adsl-max, which was traffic shaped every night at 4pm precisely to 384k for nearly all users.

I'm  sure Rik et all remember the 2 week drama of my "simple move" after supplying the mac codes. Which involved me calling Ian livingstone driectly by phone. after the BT engineers created a "datastream" circuit.

I'm going to try one more thing, just to iron out anything within my house. and that is to change our phones, which are getting old now.
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


I think Dorset thinks you're on WBC.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Apr 05, 2010, 19:06:59
I think Dorset thinks you're on WBC.

No, surely those figures and the BT test show an ADSL2+ connection ?

Can you not get back to a standard Max 8MB from there?


Actually, they do, Dorset. Well spotted. Yes, it's possible to have the line re-modulated back to ADSL1.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on Apr 05, 2010, 19:15:03
Actually, they do, Dorset. Well spotted. Yes, it's possible to have the line re-modulated back to ADSL1.

Which on a line affected by noise would possibly mean a better/more stable connection.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: coreservers on Apr 05, 2010, 19:00:49
I was never on the old adsl, as I moved from sky broadbands re-packaged BT deal straight to adsl-max, which was traffic shaped every night at 4pm precisely to 384k for nearly all users.

I'm  sure Rik et all remember the 2 week drama of my "simple move" after supplying the mac codes. Which involved me calling Ian livingstone driectly by phone. after the BT engineers created a "datastream" circuit.

I'm going to try one more thing, just to iron out anything within my house. and that is to change our phones, which are getting old now.

Your connection is ADSL2+ not ADSL Max . ADSL2+ is more prone to noise issues so it may be better to go to a Max 8mb line.

The internal wiring and BT faceplate type are important things to check >>,1904.msg31528.html#msg31528


That's the word-remodulated sounds better than re-profiled.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thuoght changing phones might have helped, as it held up at 4mb for a bit tonight, but we're back again crawling with 15 to 25 second lags on web pages. cant upload photos to my detecting forum (really embarrasing, as I'm a moderator).
I've changd everything, phones, cat5 cables, network card, BT speedtester showing 1mb lower than yesterday.
Download speedachieved during the test was - 5061 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 600-7150 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :6715 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1071 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 6500 Kbps
The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 16.46:24.5:59.04 (SBE:NBE:PBE)
These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic

Asked support to go to adsl max. we'll see if they'll do anything.  (55 seconds to post this message!!!)
If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that 'says something' about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality. A mental illness, maybe - but not a personality


Perhaps I'm missing something but the speed test you've posted indicates pretty good throughput at 5061 Kbps. I agree that it could be marginally better for your profile but with that kind of throughput it couldn't possibly take 55 seconds to resolve a web page unless there were issues on your side of the BT line, surely?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.