ADSL2+ (Again?)

Started by drummer, Apr 09, 2010, 14:11:45

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Just some feedback if anyone's interested.

Although people have had major problems with ADSL2+, it's been pretty stable on my line although the first couple of months were problematic.

The current sync of 16139kbps with a 6db noise margin has now held for over 1000 hours which is a sort of milestone since first moving over to this service last June.  The previous resync gave me 18129kbps with the  noise margin dropping to 3db and lasted for just over 500 hours.

BT Profile is almost always 1400.

Pings are dead stable too:

Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=61
Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=61
Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=61
Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=61

Downstream attenuation is 27.5db.

It's in the nature of forums that problems tend to dominate, so I thought it might be useful to give some positive feedback on ADSL2+.

That's it really.

End of rumination.
To stay is death but to flee is life.


Thanks, Drummer. For me, ADSL2+ has been a success story as it has for most. What we have learnt this week is that if it doesn't work, forcing the modulation back to vanilla ADSL seems to work well, giving the user some additional upload speed and retaining the bandwidth allowance of the WBC package. It's as win-win a situation as we could ask for.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Only problems I've had on ADSL2+ is pings this week, The rest of my problems (not much of an increase in downstream) is due to my cr*ppy phone line.

Other than that, its been fine.


There is no doubt that many people have had a good experience with ADSL2+, good to see your figures Drummer  :thumb:
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

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