Ubuntu 10.04

Started by D-Dan, Apr 25, 2010, 21:37:08

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After some problems with an earlier RC, I installed the latest on PC2 today and, after a lot of messing around trying to fix the screen resolution (hint - you need to create an xorg.conf file if you hit problems) I have to say it's looking quite nice.

Previous versions of Ubuntu have always caused problems getting streaming video to play properly, but this time it worked out of the box. The OS ATI drivers seems to be pretty well matured, now, too. I'm off to test emerald to set it up how I like it :)

Have I lost my way?

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 I thought it was to be released on 29th and it is still only an R.C. at the moment
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


It is still RC - but repositories are frozen - so only final bug fixes left.

Have I lost my way?

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I'm looking forward to the actual release - thursday isnt it?

Going to be installing it for my uncle, using him as a a guinea pig.

Side note - can someone recommend an easy to use app to make and burn a photo slideshow you can add music too etc.?


Looking forward to trying out Lucid Lynx.

Sorry Sam, still finding my way around the Linux apps myself.


Waiting to see how the netbook remix performs
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


I've been running both the Netbook Remix ( now called Universal Netbook Edition - UNE ) and the Desktop edition, both in Virtual Machines, prior to upgrading my 8.04 desktop and my 9.04 UNR Netbook. Both are looking good so far. The netbook was a clean install of 10.04 Beta keeping an existing /home partition ( since upgrade from 9.04 directly is not possible ) whereas the Desktop was an upgrade. Initially tried the desktop upgrade from 8.04 using the alternate install iso , disaster!!, booted only to console prompt. Tried again over the weekend upgrading from the network and flawless!! :)


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If you like your eye candy - EMerald is broken in 10.04 - but otherwise - no problems :)

Have I lost my way?

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I've just downloaded and installed 10.04 64bit.

Installed as a VM using VMware player (already have ubuntu mint and ubuntu 9.04) but it doesn't pick up my keyboard but my mouse works.

Keybaord is a desktop set from microsoft : wireless laser keyboard/mouse 7000 (worked straight away with the other ubuntu installs)


Trying it on my laptop

its great - leaps and bounds over the rest in the way it works and runs nicely :)

apps are easy to get and the built in social networking is awesome


I'm not a Linux user, hell, I barely get out of Firefox these days, but those of you who are might find the Linux board on PC Pals useful:


Sam lives, eats, breathes and sleeps the thing. :)

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I would give 10.04 ago but I can only get as far as the login screen, then the keyboard doesnt work :(


Touchscreen >:D

Edit; Its a bug see http://www.geek.com/articles/news/ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-lynx-now-available-to-download-20100430/

and temporary work round http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/keyboard-issues-with-ubuntu-lucid-10-04-and-vmware-workstation-7-0/

I found the :0-greeter.log file in /var/log/gdm had errors complaining about not find symbols for "U.S. English" keyboard layout in us keyboard file. A little grepping later finds "U.S. English" is set in /etc/default/console-setup.
<from original file>

<changed to this, matching other linux installs>

Reboot and keyboard now works at login.

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QuoteTo login to the console, left click on the red "Shutdown" icon, then select "Console Login" from the drop down menu:

You don't get that option when clicking on the shutdown icon on Ubuntu 10.04  :(

Any other way to get into the console from the login screen?


I think your a bit stuck without a wired keyboard unless you know of away of editing /etc/default/console-setup. Can you mount this 10.04 virtual disk as a secondary drive on another Linux virtual machine and then use nano to edit the file as suggested.

Edit : Just to confirm using virtual box, I created a new machine, with the 10.04 virtual disk added as a secondary drive, then loaded the 10.04 iso as a live CD and I was able to see the secondary drive and gedit opened up /etc/default/console-setup.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Installation of Lucid was not as straightforward for me as Karmic.  It went like this

Download iso and wubi from ubuntu.com.  Stick them both in a folder and run wubi.  Select parameters for installation and wahey ......of it goes.  Tells me to reboot.  Reboot computer and select ubuntu at the operating system select screen and then..............nothing.  Nada.  Nowt.  Completely blank screen.  Seemingly the computer is not doing anything.

Went to bed.

Got up today and boot into Vista.  Do a bit of googling and searching of the Ubuntu forums.  Found a few things to try.  Burn ISO to a disk.  Reboot and boot from CD.  Press F6 and select the nomodeset switch.  Select try Ubuntu without making changes to system.  Everything working ok.

Boot back into Windows and run wubi again.  Reboot and select Ubuntu.  Press Escape for additional options.  Edit the boot loader and replace "quiet splash" with "nomodeset"

Wooo installation working now.  Reboot and blank screen.  Reboot again and do the above, working ok again.  Then I looked for a way to manually and permanently edit the grub loader. 

open the grub.cfg file with

sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Make the changes mentioned above.  Reboot and everything working, just have lots of text on screen during boot !

It's this kind of thing that puts people off trying it imo.  Surely the installer should use a set of boot commands that are completely fail safe.  If the same happens with 10.10 then I wont be using ubuntu again. 


Quote from: Rik on May 01, 2010, 10:21:44
I'm not a Linux user, hell, I barely get out of Firefox these days, but those of you who are might find the Linux board on PC Pals useful:


Sam lives, eats, breathes and sleeps the thing. :)

Why don't you try the Live CD Rik?  All you have to do is download it, burn the iso to a CD.  Reboot your computer and boot from the CD.  Select "Try ubuntu without making changes to your computer"  It runs the whole o/s from the CD.  Pretty cool.


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That seems like a slightly different problem to mine.  I was always able to reboot into Vista.

I downloaded the iso again today, having read about that but I still had the problems untill I used the nomodeset switch.


Quote from: vitriol on May 01, 2010, 18:06:44
Then I looked for a way to manually and permanently edit the grub loader.  

open the grub.cfg file with

sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Make the changes mentioned above.  Reboot and everything working, just have lots of text on screen during boot !

For future reference, with grub 2 you shouldn't edit grub.cfg directly. Instead,
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Go it working.

Did what you said, Attached as a virtual disk in Mint and then sudo nano /media/disk/etc/default/console-setup and changed the settings, Now I can type :)


If anyone is dual booting Ubuntu 10.04 with Windows (not a VM) there's a bug been introduced into grub that prevents DEFAULT=saved working.

There's a workaround posted (that failed to work for me), but what did work was uninstalling grub2 and installing grub.

Here's how:

sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.old
sudo cp -R /etc/grub.d /etc/grub.d.old
sudo cp -R /boot/grub /boot/grub.old

(the above backs up grub2 - now to remove it. Note - don't reboot until you finish - otherwise you'll be left with a non-booting system)

sudo apt-get purge grub2 grub-pc

And finally - install the old grub:

sudo apt-get install grub
sudo update-grub
sudo grub-install /dev/sda

nb. sda is where you want grub installed - usually your linux drive - but modify as necessary.

In my case, this lost my windows 7 bootloader, so:

sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

And add the following to your menu:

title     windows 7
         rootnoverify (hd1,0)
         chainloader +1

where (hd1,0) = your windows drive and partition. You may also want to add "savedefault" to your Ubuntu entry.

Now working a treat here.


Edit - I forgot - in menu.lst - change the entry at the top to default=saved

Have I lost my way?

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Thought I'd try this yesterday on a dual boot machine that I have XP on. Eventually got it installed, it kept doing strange things, I thought it was the CD but it worked in the end. It was all looking good until it arbitrarily decided to shut the monitor down in the middle of doing something, at least that's what it looked like. The monitor hadn't actually powered down but no amount of key strokes or mouse usage would bring it back up. That's a new one on me, I assume its some sort of graphics problem, happened four or five times now all you can do is a hard reset to bring it back.
What with all the other problems people are having, on here and elsewhere, can't say I'm overly impressed.  :eyebrow:
There's no place like


Can't say I had that problem, though I usually disable screensaver and auto power down (after it actually does it a few times so that I get fed up of it). In the first few times before I disabled it always woke up again, though.


I have to say I do agree that despite the improvements, 10.04 does seem uncharacteristically buggy.

Have I lost my way?

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Quote from: D-Dan on May 01, 2010, 23:08:37
For future reference, with grub 2 you shouldn't edit grub.cfg directly. Instead,
sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub


The Update Manager has suggested a number of updates so I downloaded and installed them all.  It has removed the nomodeset switch that I performed in the grub.cfg file, so I have updated grub as per your instruction.  All working again.  Thanks mate.  :karma:


Don't you just love it when things work. ;)

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yeah, but you have to try these things now and again, remove yourself from the comfort zone that is Windows.


This is comfortable? I must be doing something wrong. ;)

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Try sitting in a chair

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What, and be normal??  :o

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Quote from: vitriol on May 03, 2010, 17:24:28
The Update Manager has suggested a number of updates so I downloaded and installed them all.  It has removed the nomodeset switch that I performed in the grub.cfg file, so I have updated grub as per your instruction.  All working again.  Thanks mate.  :karma:

Glad it helped, although technically you downgraded grub to the better, more stable V1

Have I lost my way?

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10.04 installed flawlessly on my Dell M6300 laptop. It is so slick. I'm really impressed. It even offered to download the nVidia proprietary driver for me (coupled with the usual warning - nVidia won't let us modify this driver so if it breaks please complain to them, not us.)

I love how installing new hardware "just works", no discs needed or drivers to download - Just plug and go. Like my 3G USB stick:

On Lucid:
Plug stick in.
Wait about 20 seconds for the stick to light up green.
Click the network icon on the bar.
Click "Mobile Broadband" that has suddenly appeared in the menu.
"This is the first time you've used this. Your provider appears to be Three UK - Is that right?" - Click
"I think these are the right settings - Is that right?" - Click
Unplug and replug stick.
Click "3 Internet" in the network icon.
All working (the above steps don't happen again)

On XP:
Plug stick in.
Wait about 20 seconds for the stick to light up green.
Click the installer then say yes to everything.
Have to reboot machine because the Three modem manager can't find the stick.
Click the Three modem manager.
Hit "connect"
"There are mandatory updates"
Follow the update process.
Have to reboot the machine again.
Run the modem manager.
Hit connect and we're on :)

I'd recommend trying the CD in the "try it out - don't change my computer" mode. It will be really slow as it has to fetch everything off the CD (and they are slow) but you'll end up knowing it works before you try to install it. Once installed it will be much faster.




This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Apart from the small problems that I had, Lucid is a fine operating system.  Just waiting for Rik to get round to trying it :)



When I retire, maybe. :)

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Just installed the screenlets app.  The Lyrics one is very cool.  Just play your music in a supported player, in this case Rythmbox and it runs off and fetches the lyrics for you.  LoL

[attachment deleted by admin]


What's it like on opera libretti? ;)

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Dunno but it's translating the Arctic Monkeys ok. 



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After trying the live CD I've just installed the latest version of this on the 2nd HD in my Win 7 machine, not having tried Linux for at least 18 months I must say I'm impressed with this version, installed, found my network and connected with my Win machines and my WHS with no problems.

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After which it sat and glowered. ;D

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It's certainly easier to install and set up than it used to be, I'm running on it now.

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Doesn't that damage the case, Ray.  :whistle:

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Quote from: Rik on Aug 07, 2010, 16:49:28
Doesn't that damage the case, Ray.  :whistle:

:nana: :nana:  ;D

I have to careful, Rik.  ;D

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This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: D-Dan on May 03, 2010, 19:55:52
Glad it helped, although technically you downgraded grub to the better, more stable V1


Except Grub v1 doesn't work on my work Dell PC & if my work PC doesn't work strange things happen!


I wish my work PC would break down sometimes  ;D


Well, after my extolling the virtues of Ubuntu, I've switched to Mint 9 now :)

OK, it's Ubuntu with a few extras, but some of the extras were compelling. Ubuntu failed to work with my Lifecam VX-300 whatever I tried. In Mint it just works.

And because Mint comes with codecs etc already installed, setup is much quicker.

Have I lost my way?

This post doesn't necessarily represent even my own opinions, let alone anyone else's


Hope someone can help me with something.

If I leave my computer alone for approx 5 minutes, the screen will fade to black.  A keypress brings up the log in screen again.  How can I disable this?

Oh Lucid Lynx 10.04


Likely your xscreensaver settings? You may want to configure that (I don't use Ubuntu but mine does the same because I configured it that way).
CompuServe 28.8k/33.6k 1994-1998, BT 56k 1998-2001, NTL Cable 512k 2001-2004, 2x F2S 1M 2004-2008, IDNet 8M 2008 - LLU 11M 2011


Quote from: vitriol on Aug 10, 2010, 19:38:57
Hope someone can help me with something.

If I leave my computer alone for approx 5 minutes, the screen will fade to black.  A keypress brings up the log in screen again.  How can I disable this?

Oh Lucid Lynx 10.04

Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


Yup it was the screensaver settings.........god I feel like a dork !!!

Thanks gus.

Technical Ben

Wow, Ununtu has a GUI? Might try it out. :D
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Sorry i know this threads a few months necro'd, but i've recently installed Ubuntu 10.04, and after a little bit of wrenching around on it, got the Mp3 and DVD side of it working nicely.  In every other way it worked from the get-go.

Did discover a problem on it last night though that i couldn't rectify so will try again tonight... i'm getting BT Wholesale isp type default pages (the type you see when bt mess with IDNET's configs), and despite trying the default DNS and OPENDNS settings in the network settings, couldn't get firefox on it to bring up an URL's.

Any of you Ubuntu users seen this behaviour? and moreover? got any hints/fixes that may help?  I'll have another crack at it later, but for now its breathed alot of magic and SPEED (oh how i loves the speed of it!) into my single core laptop.  The gui is VERY nice and if anyone out there thinks they'll be lost on it, think again, even my other 'arf was using it too.


Can't say I've much of an idea about the web-page problem, although I would suspect a problem with the default wifi drivers.  If you know what card you have in the laptop, grab a set of Windows drivers (Xp will be fine) and install the Windows Driver NDIS wrapper (available from Ubuntu Software Centre).  In my experience wifi connections are a lot more reliable with this configuration.

I've a couple of additional suggestions on the other points you raised.  Firstly, it's well worth downloading an installing the VLC media player (available from the Ubuntu Software Centre).  This is a very powerful media player and you don't need to mess about with any plugins.  It will even play DVD *.ISO files directly (you don't even need to mount the ISO).  I'd also suggest installing Google Chrome, if you think Firefox is quick, just wait till you try the Chrome browser!

Oh, and finally, Ubuntu v10.10 came out earlier this month.  It's a good step forward from v10.04.  You can do an upgrade, although I'd recommend a clean install if you can (I hope it goes without saying, but I will anyway, backup all important files first before upgrading!!!).

