Migration Query

Started by fnarrr, May 07, 2010, 11:27:17

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Hi, possible migrant here  :D
I currently get adsl2+ from an ISP who is a Murphix reseller. Having an issue in that actual connection rates have dropped by over 1000 kbps in the past few weeks. All other stats are the same, attenuation, noise margin etc.. Only thing that has changed is interleaving is now off. Line was transferred from enta to murphix and went through retrain.
Have tried test socket, differet routers but no improvement. Have raised issue with current provider, they now wittering on about stuck profile, no use to me.
Anyhoo, question is if/when I migrate to Idnet would there be any retraining or physical changes made to my connection?
Ta in advance.

Bit cheeky but here's what I mean from January to today:


Hi and welcome to the forum. :welc: :karma:

If the current underlying service is BT, there should be no retraining as it's all done with a few strokes of the keyboard. A stuck profile, though, should be easily fixed - are you sure they didn't say banded profile? Your error count does seem quite high, and that could have caused you to be put onto a banded profile.

If you could do a BT speed test, we might be able to get a better idea of what's happening.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Hi Rik, thanks for the welcome.
No mention of banded profile, they said stuck. I did explain to them I got an extremely low connection rate from one of the routers I tried and the profile wasn't the issue. It was middle of last night so another 3 or 4 days or so for the profile to recover I think.

Before I would happily sit at a 4 meg profile, sometimes 4.5 meg, now I don't get 4 meg at all


This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


You should be on a 3.5M profile, sadly BT's systems take up to five days to restore a profile.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Here's one from the good old days :

4048 kbps down from 5275 kbps  :'(


That's profiles for you. :(

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Does that mean there are 2 profile regimes then? One band that limits connection rate and then your actual IP Profile? If that's the case then I was better off under adslmax  :(


It does, but unfortunately we can't tell what is happening to your line as you're with another ISP. Banding can be, and is, removed - it's just a call to BT from your ISP.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well they now say my MSR is only 4544 kbps, determined when migrated from Enta to Murphix, so I can say goodbye to 4 meg profile which I had for months before the migration.


Ask them to initiate a new training period, though, tbh, MSR has no practical value, your line constantly adjusts to the best speed/stability combination regardless of MSR. I sense you're being given the mushroom treatment.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thing is, and I'm sure you've heard it all before, for months my 2wire would show max rate around 5000 kbps and I would easily get 4 meg profile. Now the max rate rarely goes over 4500 kbps with same stats.
They're going to try interleaving on and see how that goes.
If that fails then I will definitely give you guys a go. In fact will do that anyway once dust settles.
Thanks for the assistance.


Have you checked over your internal wiring to eliminate any possible issues?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: fnarrr on May 07, 2010, 18:31:12
Thing is, and I'm sure you've heard it all before, for months my 2wire would show max rate around 5000 kbps and I would easily get 4 meg profile. Now the max rate rarely goes over 4500 kbps with same stats.
They're going to try interleaving on and see how that goes.
If that fails then I will definitely give you guys a go. In fact will do that anyway once dust settles.
Thanks for the assistance.

Unfortunately it sounds like it is just the line degrading. I had that problem at the previous place I lived and there is bugger all you or the ISP can do about it, short of moving house or paying BT to dig the road up.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: Rik on May 07, 2010, 18:39:04
Have you checked over your internal wiring to eliminate any possible issues?

Yes, got two different filtered faceplates and a few normal filters to try. Pruned wires long time ago, also use short shielded router cable.
I fear Lance is on the right lines but can't help feeling this retrain I has had something to do with it. I always assumed interleaving on would make things slower but my line seems the opposite under adsl2, was fine with it on before the retrain.
Will wait and see the results, nowt else furrit.


Interleaving makes pings higher but can actually improve throughput.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Would certainly explain it but didn't think it would knock 1000 kbps off my rates with interleaving off. Certainly do seem to have huge errors now and router rebooted again last night after only 2 days, normally does it every 10 days, 43000 crcs after only 12 hours and down at 4033 kbps.
Will report back with interleaved stats for completeness.


It's not so much the interleaving being off which drops the speed, but the resultant instability, caused by the error count being high. As thtis usually manifests with an evening/nighttime resync, your sync speeds drop due to the higher ambient noise levels.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Well no great improvement with interleaving on. However 240000 FECs in 20 hours whereas before I only had 280000 in 10 days at a higher connection rate. CRCs also higher.
Waiting for suitable response from current ISP, is there anything that IDNET could do for me or is it just one of those things?


No ISP can do much to reduce error counts unless there's a fault on the line. If the latter is the case, IDNet will generally do better at getting it fixed than a large ISP.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Current ISP so far suggested going back to adsl max but waiting further feedback. Even if IDNET can't do anything at least I'd be saving a couple of quid a month.
Did join current ISP because supportwise they seemed very good but in recent months that's taken a back seat to major changes so probably time for a move anyway.
Thanks so far, hope it doesn't come across like I'm playing one against another. Just frustrating dealing with a ticket system that takes ages to resolve.


No problems. If you raise an issue here, you'll get someone to talk to who will see it through with you, we're on first name terms with all the staff.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.