IDNet has gone to the dogs !

Started by cs2008, May 13, 2010, 13:30:13

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Recently, and particularly since the monthly data allowances were increased, I have found that download speeds from IDNet are absolutely pathetic.  I just did a speedtest on Think Broadband, and it reports 0.2Mb/s, whereas I always used to get around 4Mb/s.  Nothing has changed at my end.

Then I get a snot-o-gram from IDNet telling me my subscription was overdue, and that they would be charging me a £40 penalty if the bill wasn't paid.  They said that "details of amounts owing are listed on the Statement of Account sent in a separate email", except that no email was ever sent to me.  I paid the bill, telling them this, but got no response.

Even PlusNet were never this bad - Dreadfully poor performance and contempt for their customers !
Scumbags !

Actively seeking an alternative ISP,



It sounds like you have a local connection problem causing your slow speed. Please can you post your router stats and the results of a BT speedtest.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


1) If you have a speed problem have you asked here or at support for help?

2) There is a Customer control panel that shows all your details and has the latest invoices for your information.

3) The change in package size has NOTHING to do with throughput,the change is in allowance only and makes no physical difference to your connection.

If you communicate with IDNet the way you have posted here today I am not that surprised that replies are slow in coming your way..............

Would suggest you take a deep breath,then post your stats so we can see what is happening to your set up.


Quote from: DorsetBoy on May 13, 2010, 13:41:18
1) If you have a speed problem have you asked here or at support for help?

They don't respond to emails.

Quote from: DorsetBoy on May 13, 2010, 13:41:18
2) There is a Customer control panel that shows all your details and has the latest invoices for your information.

All very well, but useless if you don't know it has changed.

Quote from: DorsetBoy on May 13, 2010, 13:41:18
Would suggest you take a deep breath,then post your stats so we can see what is happening to your set up.

Download speedachieved during the test was - 231 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 50-250 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :1344 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 448 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 250 Kbps

Quote from: DorsetBoy on May 13, 2010, 13:41:18
If you communicate with IDNet the way you have posted here today I am not that surprised that replies are slow in coming your way..............

But they are not slow in taking my money !


Your downstream sync rate is particularly awful.  What would it be typically if it weren't for your recent troubles?


They are usually not slow in responding to problems, either. 
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Chris, do you have your router stats available too?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Your problem lies between your router/modem and the local exchange it is not an Idnet broadband issue. BT have set your IP profile at 250 no one else.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: cs2008 on May 13, 2010, 14:08:36
They don't respond to emails.

All very well, but useless if you don't know it has changed.

Download speedachieved during the test was - 231 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 50-250 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :1344 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 448 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 250 Kbps

But they are not slow in taking my money !

I have never known support to fail to respond to an email,they are also available on a freephone number.

The Control panel has not changed much to my knowledge,I see the same features now as 3 years ago.

They take your money as per  your monthly contract as does any other supplier and their terms are very clearly laid out along with the "penalty" clauses.

Your Line Profile is 250 kbps which is why you have a speed problem, that profile is set by the BT exchange equipment so you have probably had noise issues or frequent disconnects.

Has your power been off or your router been disconnected frequently ?


Quote from: klipp on May 13, 2010, 14:11:21
Your downstream sync rate is particularly awful.  What would it be typically if it weren't for your recent troubles?

Normally 8Mb/s, giving me typically 4 to 5Mb/s throughput.


Quote from: Glenn on May 13, 2010, 14:12:47
Chris, do you have your router stats available too?

System Up Time 03:46:19
Port    Status    TxPkts    RxPkts    Collisions    Tx B/s    Rx B/s    Up Time
WAN    PPPoA    51962    50164    0    774    3173    03:45:37
LAN    10M/100M    50319    54324    0    3236    871    03:46:15

ADSL Link    Downstream    Upstream
Connection Speed    1344 kbps    448 kbps
Line Attenuation    38 db    10 db
Noise Margin    16 db    24 db



As others have said, your slow speed is due to the low BT profile on your line. Your low sync indicates there is either a fault on your line or a fault within your house (filter, router, cabling etc).

Your router stats show that your low sync is caused by a high noise margin. BT automatically increase your default noise margin from 6db in 3db steps up to 15db in an attept to stabalise the line.

Once you're sure that your equipment is all fine, speak to support and ask them to test the line.

I have to be honest, but I think you owe IDNet an apology for being unnecessary offensive towards them when your slow speed is not caused by them.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: DorsetBoy on May 13, 2010, 14:17:53

The Control panel has not changed much to my knowledge,I see the same features now as 3 years ago.

Has your power been off or your router been disconnected frequently ?

That's not the point.  They said that the invoice was sent in a separate email - it wasn't.
So I had no knowledge that the bill was due.

The router is switched off overnight, and has been every night for the last 10 years.


Quote from: Lance on May 13, 2010, 14:25:08
I have to be honest, but I think you owe IDNet an apology for being unnecessary offensive towards them when your slow speed is not caused by them.

Actually, they owe me an apology for their threatening and offensive email.


We all get upset and sometimes blame the wrong people, if Idnet have messed up they will apologise.

We can't stop you leaving Idnet, but if you allow us, we will help you carry out all the tests to find out why your line is performing so badly.

Download Routerstats, or Routerstats Lite from VL Owen and  install it; it provides us with important data about your line.

Read the Idnetters Support Faqs and read about broadband connections at Kitz these will help you understand what needs to be done.

If you change ISPs the problem remains and if you have your line checked by BT and the fault is in your house then it will cost you £160.
Alan  ‹(•¿•)›

What is the date of the referendum for England to become an independent country ?


Hi CS2008,

We have just received an email from you regarding your speed issue, however this is the first we have received. I believe my colleague is replying to you now.

I can assure you, all emails sent in to are responded to in a timely manner. I would urge anyone who does not receive a reply to call us on our free phone number 08007012000 as it is likely the email was not received.

If you would like to complain about your billing, invoices or the way we request payment please do call our Account Team who will be more than happy to discuss this with you.


IDNet Support


Quote from: cs2008 on May 13, 2010, 14:20:15
Normally 8Mb/s, giving me typically 4 to 5Mb/s throughput.

OK this has all the tell tale signs of a noisey line existing between your physical location and your local telephone exchange.

If it were a case of IDNet providing a lesser quality of service, yes your throughput on would be slow, but your sync rate would still remain 8mb.

What you are witnessing here is BT automatically lowering your sync rate to provide a more stable connection, triggered by something which has happened (or is still happening) on your house phone line.  If you have not made any recent changes to your phone line, eg. new sockets or extension cabling, then it could be a simple case of requiring new ADSL micro filters (they don't last forever!!).

One final note.  Just as BT automatically lower your sync, they also automatically raise it back up again when a sustained period of stability has become evident, however switching your router off over night, every night, will greatly reduce the ability for this evidence of stability to manifest.  I recommend if possible, you leave your router plugged in and connected 24/7 for a week.


Two weeks would be better still, Klipp.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: cs2008 on May 13, 2010, 13:30:13
Even PlusNet were never this bad - Dreadfully poor performance and contempt for their customers !
Scumbags !

You know, I deal with support most days. Not because I have any issues, I rarely do, but in order to help forum members resolve any technical problems, to ask for line tests etc.

Your description of the company is the antithesis of my experience and that of most people here.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


I am not a 'fan boy', indeed I am quite critical of any service I receive from anyone.

All my dealings with IDNet (including their support side) have been prompt, courteous and accurate.

'Keyboard not detected ~ Press F1 to continue'


Just to say like JB I am critical, mostly to critical, but IDNet have always answered emails, or calls, been very helpful and so far so good  :fingers: having just joined the telephone service as well I could not be happier.
Damned, if you do damned if you don't


You know, I deal with support most days. Not because I have any issues, I rarely do, but in order to help forum members resolve any technical problems, to ask for line tests etc.

Your description of the company is the antithesis of my experience and that of most people here.

I am not a 'fan boy', indeed I am quite critical of any service I receive from anyone.

All my dealings with IDNet (including their support side) have been prompt, courteous and accurate.

Just to say like JB I am critical, mostly to critical, but IDNet have always answered emails, or calls, been very helpful and so far so good  :fingers: having just joined the telephone service as well I could not be happier.


I have in the past had issues with IDNet , whilst I may have disagreed with some of the replies I got via email or phone they always without fail answered and very promptly too.

If I had an issue with speeds/throughput I would be on the phone to them,they supply more than one number plus several email addresses AND the forum none of which it appears were used prior to todays rant.

As to the billing issue......... sorry but we all know exactly when the invoice is due to be paid and the customer pages have had the billing info ever since I joined IDNet just a few weeks after Rik.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


It appears to me that you have three problems. One, your speed problems that may be down to IDNet, two, your payment problems, how have you had a 'warning' when most of us here have never had a similar request?  And three. your attitude.

Firstly, how do you pay your bill? If you pay by DD or continuous CC payment then you should never ever be in debt to IDNet. If you have opted for a different method the finger of suspicion must point at your deficiency.

With regard to your attitude, I would say that  you should just take a step back and look at your stance.  I would like to say that I am definitely not in love with IDNet as perhaps some others are here but I have never experienced circumstances that you describe in your post.


The speed problems are not down to IDNet, Q, it's a low sync forcing a low profile.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.