Loss of Service

Started by Entity, Jun 03, 2010, 08:29:58

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About 36 hours ago, I randomly got disconnected from the internet which happens, but when I went to reconnect it wouldn't. Still can't.

I rang IDNet who confirmed everything is normal from their side & suggested trying an alternative Router, So the next morning I bought another although my original was near new anyways.
Plugged the new router in & set it up etc, Still with no change.

I rang IDNet again to see if there was any change & to see if they had more ideas, We tried all the general suggestions. Master Socket, Rebooting, Restoring to defaults & every other suggestion the IDNet support could throw at me. There was still no change.

Whats Happening:
The router will not connect to the internet. The Adsl Downstream/Upstream rates will appear then dissapear on the status page. Sometimes the router will say there is no adsl service on the line & others it will. IDNet can see the routers connecting, but so far they're not too sure why the routers keep losing the sync rates etc.

Recently we had a BT Engineer out because of my net disconnecting alot, They replaced a wire apparently which were outside of my premises.

I'm convinced it's not an issue on my end & Im taking IDNets word that its fine on their end too. So where does the problem lie? Assuming my hunch is correct would this leave the problem to be the wiring between my home & the exchange?

Has anybody else experienced anything along the same lines as me? If so what were the issue? Trying to troubleshoot where to go from here.

Sorry if any info is vague im trying to multi task as i write this.

Also thanks for the great customer support on the phone IDNet, Hopefully we will figure what's happening.


The most obvious thing, based on what you say, is a wiring fault. IDNet will be reluctant to get a BT engineer out to you because there's a risk it will cost you £160 or so. Do you have a portable, MW, radio? If you do, try de-tuning it so that you have jsut white nose and then follow the route of your phone line from entry point to router. If the noise increases, that's interference. Also, if you're using a surge protector, remove that from the circuit.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


IDNet have raised a fault with BT, and are waiting for the results.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


 :update: :update: :update: :update: :update:

BT have returned a 'no fault' after testing, but IDNet can see a high upstream error count. They will be contacting you later to arrange a BT visit, but remember this will cost you if any fault is found on your side of the test socket. Try disconnecting everything but the router from the line, unless you have already, and power down the base units of any DECT phones, plus any Sky boxes.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Thanks for the Replies guys. I have tried disconnecting everything from the phone sockets & have tried plugging the router into the test socket with nothing but the router & (new) filter connected. Same result, however i havent powered down the base of the wireless phone. I shall give that a try now.


I Plugged the router into the Test Socket with the wireless phone powered off. I looked at the Router Status page & refreshed it a few times and it changed every time. (See attached image).
The ADSL Status text would switch between GHS, FULL INITIALIZATION & SHOWTIME.

You may notice I am connected via wireless, That is just for Test Socket purposes. I normally connect via an Ethernet cable but it will not reach to the test socket.

[attachment deleted by admin]


You appear to have had sync, then not, but those power output figures seem very high to me in the before shot.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yeah I agree, they are high. When the connection was working normally they wouldn't be anywhere near that. Also note it has the same results with 2 separate routers, One brandnew & the other Netgear is a few months old. I have tried all new internet cables & Filters etc. This did not impact the router status readings.

From what I can see there isn't anything that is interfering with the connection from inside my house.

Thanks for all the feedback so far.


My friend ,Jim, has had a similar problem. It went on for a number of months, we tried all the usual things including a silence test and everything was fine.  He had the BT engineers out twice and on the seecond occassion the decent engineer found that there was a broken/cracked wire from the pole to his premises.  That was replaced and eveything went ok from then on.  Hope yours gets fixed soon. :fingers:
Alf :)


Quote from: Entity on Jun 03, 2010, 09:31:30
Yeah I agree, they are high.

IDNet suspect that the router hasn't updated correctly as, at that point, they are seeing different readings,

QuoteI have tried all new internet cables & Filters etc. This did not impact the router status readings.

As the ADSL side of the router is unfiltered, I'd not expect the filter to be a factor while everything else is unplugged.

QuoteThanks for all the feedback so far.

NP. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: cavillas on Jun 03, 2010, 10:14:59
My friend ,Jim, has had a similar problem. It went on for a number of months, we tried all the usual things including a silence test and everything was fine.  He had the BT engineers out twice and on the seecond occassion the decent engineer found that there was a broken/cracked wire from the pole to his premises.  That was replaced and eveything went ok from then on.  Hope yours gets fixed soon. :fingers:

Thanks Cavillas, This is what I expect is wrong with mine, Or something along similar lines. Main reason been I genuinely can't find any problems my end & IDNet's end seems clear also. Fingers crossed I have a good engineer come and find a broken wire :D.

Thanks alot guys.


I've had this trouble ever since i moved to this house i'm in now.. i've bought new routers, installed twisted pair cabling, adslnation faceplate, and i'm still.. right at this moment in fact, getting loss of service.

To say this problem has done my head in is an understatement, so far i've spent:

£120 on a new router
£20 on cable+filterbox

Whats REALLY done my head in though is i've lent my old router to a friend to replace his aging router, and its been up and stable since the day we connected it.

I've done that radio test thing on my cable run here, and nothing to report noise/interference wise..

yet i keep getting these seemingly random days where i just get droppages left right and centre for a while which rights itself later.

frustrating is not the word!!!


I can sympathise. There are days when I prolonged bursts of noise, sometimes enough to trigger a resync, but generally not due to my line setup. That noise is not inside the house, and I have no way of tracing it.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


My connection randomly started working earlier, I haven't changed anything on my end since my last post. Makes me believe there was a fault on BT's end although they claimed there wasn't.

My connection was down for the best part of 4 days, Seems a little random to me.

Do you think it's still worth looking into it? Or would you say the issue would've been resolved considering it now connects?



Are the speeds as they were before the problem?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


They aren't quite what they were, Just tested now. However because speeds can change randomly i'd say its about normal yeah.

The following test was performed with a Skype Call & World of Warcraft Running, Plus it is peak times. So I have no problems with the current speeds, They seem fine.


I think this may be one of those 'no fault found' BT issues which suddenly gets fixed after it's been reported.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That's what it definitely seems like to me Rik.

Hopefully the connection will stay stable. Thanks again for all your responses guys.


my connection is fine again now, has been for 20+ mins.

problem rectifies as quick as it starts, but frustrating when i have limited time some nights and seem to be spending it interrogating my router and line.