Starting Invoice date problem.

Started by Slyder, Mar 31, 2007, 18:20:06

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Well here's the problem.
On the 16th of march, i started my migration process to IDnet. After lots of delays due to wrong mac codes, i got the all clear activation email on the 30th. Today's the 31st and my internet isn't up because because my payment details haven't been filled in.

I want to send my monthly payment through cheque to idnet. However, on the invoice it says that the month i'm paying for is from 16 of march to the 16th of april.
Is this an error?
I hope so, because i don't want to pay 2 weeks (until the 16th of april) for broadband, when IDnet wasn't running up to this point.

Can you help? Thanks for the future replies :D


All Isp's charge from the moment of signing and most wont even begin the process of migration until the first payment is made.

Indeed most wont allow a service unless some form of continuous payment is in place.

You can pay by continuous card payments,I found it easier to pay by standing order,if you ask for the bank details it is easy to set up.

Speak to Idnet on monday and ask if they can help with the invoice dates,they are always as fair as they can be  ;)

Edit to add extract from TERMS AND CONDITIONS.........................

Fees Payable

11.1 General You agree to pay the fees for the use of the Service as specified.
11.2 Periodic fees Periodic user fees for the Service shall be payable computed from the date of entering into the Agreement.
11.3 Increases We shall have the right to increase any periodic fees by at least 28 days advance notice to you prior to the relevant renewal date.
11.4 VAT Unless otherwise stated all fees shall be exclusive of value added tax, which (where due) shall also be payable by you. All fees shall be paid in pounds sterling.

12.1 Date for payment The fees (and any relevant VAT) shall be payable on the date of entering into the Agreement.
12.2 No waiver for Customer delay The periodic fee payable under this Agreement shall be payable as from the date of our acceptance of your order, even though you have not as of yet obtained appropriate equipment to connect to and use the Service.
12.3 Rebate due to our delay We may in our discretion rebate part of the periodic fees to you in relation to an internet connection Service, if (due to our fault) connection of such Service does not occur within 10 working days from the date of entering into the Agreement


Thanks for the reply, i will give that a try.
By the way, what are standing orders? Could you care to explain it to me?


A standing order is an instruction to your bank/building society to pay £xx.xx every month on a set date to the organisation you need to pay.(They are similar but NOT the same as a direct debit.)

Idnet provide the details of their bank ie,account ,address and sort code, you tell your bank to pay Idnet monthly.
Obviously this is much easier to do with online banking.

The invoice you have received is dated correctly,remember that your contract starts from the day you sign.
Your migration is free to you but costs the ISP a fair amount of money and their costs start from the day you sign.
Not so long back migrations cost the customer over £50 plus an advance fee.


I just phoned today, and explained my situation to them and well, success!
I received an email telling me that the billing date has now been set to the 30th of each month, i'm really happy now.

Also i spoke to Simon (i think it was simon) and he told me that my account recieved a notice from BT that my old isp (Wanadoo, eurgh) was having problems migrating me, and that i'd call back on thursday.

I'll see how it goes on Thursday, all hoping that it goes well.


Toes crossed for you, Slyder. You'll get used to dealing with CS here after a while, but it does take some getting used to after Orange/Wanabee/Freeserve. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


i think i'm in love with the customer service here.
With Wanadoo, after facing such dreadful waiting to speak to someone, and having advice that isn't clear, i'm so glad i've moved to IDnet.
There's basically no waiting to get to an adviser, and they give VERY good advice. Here's hoping that it works. :P


I'm sure it will mate! Enjoy your stay, I hope it's a long one :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Ere. Slyder  Watch yourself.  We was in love first and we get jealous ;D ;D
Alf :)


Quote from: Slyder on Apr 02, 2007, 19:07:46
i think i'm in love with the customer service here.

Ah, you've been talking to Miriam then.  :angel:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


So i phoned in this thursday morning, and they said everything is perfectly fine on their side and BT's.
The only problem it could have been is my wiring or router, as they fail to synchronise with them.
To be honest, i'm not sure what i could do to solve this issue. Any help?  :-\

Forgot to mention, i used the Linksys live support chat, and they told me that everyone should work, because my router DSL light is stable which shows it should synchronise.

After plugging in the new settings and going to the router status screen, it shows blanks instead of the settings i use now [EDIT: Image removed, IP showing. Rik]
and instead, just the Connect button is clickable (which when clicked, does nothing as far as i can see)


Have a read of the sticky on internal wiring here. If nothing there helps, it will probably be necessary for IDNet to get a BT ADSL engineer out to you. Be aware, however, that he will check at the test socket. If he finds no issue there, but there is a problem when your internal wiring is re-connected, you will be charged for the visit.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


What do you get when you click on the "DSL connection" link? This should display your noise margins, sync speed, and whether or not you have sync at all.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Here is a picture of my DSL status with my current working ISP (Wanadoo :x)

I'll upload a screenshot of the DSL with IDnet when i'm finished eating. Yum, pasta :D


From looking at that, I can see your encapsulation type is PPPoE. When looking at the IDNet settings it says you should use:

Connection Type: PPPoA or PPPoATM
Encapsulation: VCMUX

Perhaps this is what is causing you the problem?

You change change the setting on the setup tab (where you enter your username/password).

Enjoy your pasta! :laugh:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yup, i'm aware that my encapsulation right now, is PPPoE. When i'm attempting to connect to IDnet, i change it to PPPoA with the following settings: VPI 0, VCI 38, Multiplexing as VC and my user name and password.

That should be right, Multiplexing as VC instead of LLC..Ah, i can't find the problem :/

This is a LOT of pasta @__@


Quote from: Slyder on Apr 05, 2007, 11:29:42
When i'm attempting to connect to IDnet, i change it to PPPoA

I had a feeling you would say that! Are you able to borrow/use a different modem/router to see if you get the same problem (and therefore it is a problem with your line)?

Quote from: Slyder on Apr 05, 2007, 10:04:13
So i phoned in this thursday morning, and they said everything is perfectly fine on their side and BT's.

Did IDNet actually phone BT and ask them? The reason I ask is that previously, BT have said that a migration has been completed, when in actual fact it hasdn't been. I wonder if this has happened here.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Just musing, most routers auto-detect the line settings, eg PPPoA. If the migration hadn't been completed and the line wasn't activated properly, it could explain what's happening, maybe...

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Quote from: lance on Apr 05, 2007, 11:36:17
I had a feeling you would say that! Are you able to borrow/use a different modem/router to see if you get the same problem (and therefore it is a problem with your line)?

I could give this a try, i have a really cheap router that i picked up somewhere in the past, i'll see if i can set it up.

Did IDNet actually phone BT and ask them? The reason I ask is that previously, BT have said that a migration has been completed, when in actual fact it hasdn't been. I wonder if this has happened here.

I was talking to Miriam i think, who said she was phoning BT and put me on hold. I called back after the line went dead, and she told me that everything was okay. I'm going to try and contact the man who i phoned on monday (Simon, andrew? o-o) and see if they could double check with BT.


Okay, i just phoned and i was told it's still being investigated. Guess i'll just have to wait some more. x_x

Just something i'd like to say, thanks to everyone who's helping me with this problem, i'd have given up ages ago if i didn't have help from people like you. xD


That's kind of you, and appreciated, Slyder.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.