Lower speeds

Started by BAP, Jul 28, 2010, 07:48:30

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Since the outage we had a few weeks ago (16Hrs down ) I can now only get 5/5.3Kbps, used to get 6/6.5Kbps.
Now downstream 6655Kbps
      Upstream    1053Kbps

Was downstream 7985Kbps
      Upstream   1089Kbps
Noise 6.5db
Attenuation 39db
On 21CN
Have been in touch via email with ident, was asked to do the usual test, have been in the test socket for two weeks.
Seems a reset is in order, but so far ident has not suggested this, keep asking me to do tests.
Fed up now, seems this 21CN is one big con. I am now getting the same speeds I was two years ago.
what to do now?  :dunno:


I think BT have capped your downstream sync i.e a banded profile. The upper limit of the band your on is 6656. The banded profile is used on 21 CN to limit the downstream sync on connections exhibiting instability and high error counts. Hence the reasons for the tests. It is possible to be un banded but unless the reason for the initial banding is solved you'll end up back to where you were or worse.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Me thinks you are right, the time BT get Fibre all over I will be long gone to a :angel: or  >:D


talking about lower speeds

This seems to have kicked in the past few days. Used to be 600k/sec downloads now i seem to be capped at 200k ?!


Can you do a BT speed test and post the results, please. I'm wondering whether your profile has been dropped.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Looks like BT have dropped the speed on the line, says 2mb now :-(


That is just reporting current data and may have no relationship to your BT profile or sync speed
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


ADSL Firmware Version    E.25.41.64 A
Modem Status    connected
DownStream Connection Speed    2752 kbps
UpStream Connection Speed    448 kbps
VPI    0
VCI    38

thats is what the router is reporting. I will restart it see if that helps.


We could do with the downstream margin if you can find, plus a BT speedtest
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


That 2752 would get you a 2Mb profile, what's your downstream noise margin and attenuation?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


what site do i find this stuff out on and i will try it..


I'm guessing its a Netgear DG834v5 looking at the modem firmware?

>router status
>show statistics

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


ADSL Firmware Version    E.25.41.64 A
Modem Status    connected
DownStream Connection Speed    5728 kbps
UpStream Connection Speed    448 kbps
VPI    0
VCI 38

Account Name     DG834Gv5
Firmware Version    V1.6.01.34

Yeah netgear.  Looks like something odd there as speed gone up after reboot. But does not seemed to have actually helped.


It wouldn't, your profile needs to catch up which can take up to 5 days.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Connection Time     00:06:21
Connecting to server    connected
Negotiation    Success
Authentication    Success
Getting IP address    212.69.xxx.xxx
Getting Network Mask

System Up Time 00:07:55
Port    Status    TxPkts    RxPkts    Collisions    Tx B/s    Rx B/s    Up Time
WAN    PPPoE    9270    15030    0    5090    30276    00:07:14
LAN    100M/Full    15349    9797    0    29344    4810    00:07:37
WLAN    11M/54M    201    0    0    116    0    00:07:55

ADSL Link    Downstream    Upstream
Connection Speed   5728 kbps   448 kbps
Line Attenuation   42.0 db   25.5 db
Noise Margin   14.0 db   22 db

Edit IP address removed


Quote from: Rik on Jul 28, 2010, 12:51:42
It wouldn't, your profile needs to catch up which can take up to 5 days.

ahhh ok, I will keep an eye on it over the next week then see how it goes  :fingers:


Your target noise margin has been raised, generally in response to a large number of resyncs. You need a constant connection for 14 days and it will then reduce by 3db, repeating until you reach the default target of 6db or the line becomes unstable. Each 3db drop is worth 5-700kbps.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


ahh, getting a little over my head maybe now, take it the line sux then ? Should I avoid rebooting the router then ? It is left on all the time, can't remember the last time it actually was turned off in fact.


A router should be rebooted as little as possible. I only re-boot when I have an issue, and I only power down when I am going to be away or when there is a thunderstorm close by  -  in which case also disconnect the router from the phone line.

Rebooting the router to try and gain speed can, in fact, make things worse.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


thanks for your help! will see how it goes over the next week.  :thumb:


ADSL Link     Downstream     Upstream
Connection Speed   5632 kbps   448 kbps
Line Attenuation   42.0 db   25.5 db
Noise Margin   16.0 db   23 db

downloading at about 450k now. Arn't higher noise figures worse though ?


Yes and no. :) In fixed-rate ADSL, the higher the noise figure the better. With rate-adaptive services, BT start out with a 6db target noise margin. That gets raised in increments of 3db if the line is unstable, until stability is achieved. The maximum figure is, in theory, 15db, but if you boot when there's a lot of noise around, the figure can become higher as the noise abates, which appears to have happened to you. To get back to the 6db target, you have to prove to BT's software that your line is now stable.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


ADSL Link     Downstream     Upstream
Connection Speed   5920 kbps   448 kbps
Line Attenuation   42.0 db   25.5 db
Noise Margin   15.0 db   22 db

Todays results, 1 db less, looks like speed dropped a fraction. I don't think it will overall go much faster on this line anyway. Just think its interesting just to see what happens :)


You should find the cause of that 15db margin, though.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Here is some useful information for checking issues your side of the master socket
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.