Making my own Internet!

Started by Technical Ben, Aug 15, 2010, 20:40:59

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Technical Ben

I've decided to see if I can improve my internet connection by building my own internet. After my wireless Why-Fly connection was axed by the Animal Protection League, I need to find something else. It seems that my solution lies not in my connection, but in the location of the servers themselves. If I can get the servers closer to home, or the files right here on my pc, I will be able to connect at superfast speeds. So I just need to download the entire Internet!

The most recent data I can find is from 2008. It shows that 500 million people* use the internet. At an estimated size of 5 million terabytes** I have a big hurdle to overcome.

My connection, at a best will be 24Mbps on ASDL2+. With a download of around 10GB per hour, this would be an insurmountable task taking just over 54,000 years to complete. Also with the size of the internet doubling every five years, I've got exponential growth to try and catch up with. But fear not, I have a cunning plan!

By this report 31% of the internet is useless social websites, search engines and unmentionables. Worse than that, 10.34% is from Microsoft! So I can leave around 42% of the internet. I'll skip all those adds too, so I can happily live with 50%. That means it will only take 27,000 years to complete.

To add to that, I can move to Japan, and get a GEPON connection. This should deliver 394.5TB in a year. Even with 100 such connections, it will only get me 0.1% of the internet in a year***. However that means I only need to convince 1000 other people to do the same. We could start a club, collecting web pages. If I send out loads of those chain letter Emails, I'll soon have my own personal army of Data Collection Clerks. With it all done I've just got to figure out which room to put all 2.5million hard drives in.

I have already started...

Information sourced from Wisegeek.

*That is comparable to the entire United States and Brazil having a PC and  a connection. Imagine the congestion during the World Cup!

** That's 5.12 billion gigabytes.

***No idea how much that will cost, but it's got to be Trillions of Yen. Or £67,200 over two years with 50Mbps Virgin Cable. Well, 3 years if you include the engineer visit.

PS, you may think I'm crazy, but these people would not. This is what they have so far.

I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.


Darkened room,soft bed....... take 2 of the attached twice daily. ;)

[attachment deleted by admin]




I'm getting seriously worried about Ben. ;)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Technical Ben

Oh, none of you have any sense of humour!  :tongue:
I use to have a signature, then it all changed to chip and pin.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



I do its just extremely warped.