New laptop and router....

Started by Moonshine, Sep 16, 2010, 15:31:47

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Hi all.

I am seeking a bit of advice from anyone that may be able to help.  My current set up is a pretty old computer (about 6 years) with ethernet (wired) connection to a Sweex router (yes, I know....I hadn't heard of it either, until my PC engineer guy sold it to me!).  I have Windows XP.  I have been configured to Open DNS via my router, and so far, experience very few problems with this (my PC engineer guy configured this for me, since I am backward with that sort of thing....), whereas I used to suffer a bit with the IDNet DNS.

I am quite happy with being wired (!!), and don't really want to change my set up.  However, my son is now getting to the age whereby he could really do with a laptop of his own, and I am considering getting him one within the next few months as a joint Xmas/birthday present. 

However, being completely illiterate with regards to computers and how they work (with the exception of clicking the start/shut down buttons), I would really appreciate some advice on what sort of laptop I need to buy in order to cope with my son's demands.  He basically uses You Tube, a fair bit of browsing and an online game.  The online game requirements specify that it needs to operate with the following system specifications: 32 bit mode, P2 300 MHz or AMD K6-2 or faster CPU, 128 MB RAM (operational memory) or more, 110 MB or more free space on program files hard drive (usually c: drive), a video card with 3D acceleration and at least 8 MB memory (AGP 3D video card with 32MB memory is recommended), a 56k modem or a faster internet connection, Microsoft DirectX 7.0 (or newer) installed and Microsoft IE v. 5.5 (or newer).  It also states that the game does not yet run on Macintosh computers or support Netscape or other browsers.

So, unfortunately, none of the above means a thing to me in reality.  I am aware that somehow I need to connect my old computer (XP) to a new laptop (which I'm assuming will be Windows 7??).  Is XP and Windows 7 compatible to be operated from the same router?  Moreover, because I like having a wired router, and feel safer with this, I have heard that I will need some kind of a combination router to operate both the desktop and the laptop.  What type of router should I be looking for?  Are any safter than others in terms of attaching a laptop to them?  Will this mean that my desktop computer will not be as secure, or that my connection will suffer more because it has a wireless connected to it?  Also, could the desktop computer be upstairs, and the laptop be downstairs and still receive good connection on both?  Can I still stick with Open DNS?!

Sorry for all the seemingly daft questions, but I have been putting this off for ages, because I dare not walk into PC World and be taken advantage of!  I never configure my own routers, by the way, because I'm pretty much stupid with the whole thing.....I always get someone in to do it, since I have no confidence in my own ability - which is definitely the best decision.

If anyone could provide me with a few suggestions on what kind of laptop I should be looking for (models/makes, approx prices, specifications) and what router I should be looking at, I would be most grateful.  I will probably head to a store on the high street, since my knowledge of internet shopping is equally poor!

I thank you in advance, and will log back in later on to check to see if anyone has any advice, since my son will shortly be home to hog the computer (hence my need for an additional laptop!!).

Moonshine  :)


Quote from: Moonshine on Sep 16, 2010, 15:31:47
However, being completely illiterate with regards to computers and how they work (with the exception of clicking the start/shut down buttons), I would really appreciate some advice on what sort of laptop I need to buy in order to cope with my son's demands.  He basically uses You Tube, a fair bit of browsing and an online game.  The online game requirements specify that it needs to operate with the following system specifications: 32 bit mode, P2 300 MHz or AMD K6-2 or faster CPU, 128 MB RAM (operational memory) or more, 110 MB or more free space on program files hard drive (usually c: drive), a video card with 3D acceleration and at least 8 MB memory (AGP 3D video card with 32MB memory is recommended), a 56k modem or a faster internet connection, Microsoft DirectX 7.0 (or newer) installed and Microsoft IE v. 5.5 (or newer).  It also states that the game does not yet run on Macintosh computers or support Netscape or other browsers.

Any modern laptop will exceed those specs by quite some distance, if you can tell us roughly how much you intend to spend, then I'm sure you will get a fair few suggestions.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



Thanks for the reply.  I'm not sure about how much to spend.......I suppose about £400, but would like a decent one that is fairly fast and doesn't lag, so if it requires more of a spend than that, I will be prepared to pay more if necessary.



I had a recommendation the other day for  A friend ordered two for her student boys over the weekend, and they arrived on Tuesday morning.  I wonder if this one would fit the bill?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


The machine is good, but I don't recommend the company.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Got this flyer from Ebuyer this morning, the spec seems good.


The retailer, or the manufacturer, Rik?
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.



This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Bad experience?  My friend's order wasn't problematic.
This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


Yes, not a firm I would buy from again.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.