Back to a fixed speed line

Started by old Bill, Apr 18, 2007, 16:09:00

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old Bill

Have given up all hope of my line being ok. Will switch back to a fixed speed line tomorrow. That way i can stay with Idnet and not get kicked of every night. I might try again in a few months time but will let my line sort it self out first. :)


Hi Bill

I'm glad to hear you're staying - we don't like to let people go. :)

Remind me of your figures, will you - I've read so many lately that I've got a bit blurred. I thought that, on Max, you were getting quite a bit more speed than you would do at 2Mbps. Could you not arrange for IDNet to have your target noise margin raised to stabilise your line, and then keep some extra speed benefit from Max?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.


and at the same time remove the enhanced care to reduce the price?!

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

The problem is that BT and swapped me back to a fast line for some reason best know to themselves. As a result I am been kicked off every night around 8.00. However my line is sync at the rate it was with the Interleaving switched on. So if I have it turned back on my snyc rate will drop even further. Hence I talked to C/S and we decided that switching back to a fixed speed line was the best thing to do for the time being. Once my line has reset it self I might try again,but I will give it a month or so.
ADSL Link   Downstream   Upstream
Connection Speed   5216 kbps   832 kbps
Line Attenuation   50.0 db   29.0 db
Noise Margin   4.9 db   9.0 db
Before I had interleaving turned on last time I was sync around the 5900kbps mark. My speeds are around 3.2 meg so I am not losing that much.


My understanding of interleaving was that it didn't so much reduce sync speed as throughout. That said, on a 2500 profile, I achieve c2400kbps throughput, so it doesn't seem to have a huge impact. Unfortunately, getting my target noise margin increased (which obviously dropped my sync) coincided with interleaving being switched on, so I've never been able to judge the effects separately.

That said, I prefer stability over speed, so in your position I would probably do the same. :)

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

Just lost sync again,so now know I am doing the right thing. Strange allways the same time every day.


Does that time coincide with anything switching on or off, Bill?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

Well this morning the connection was slower but solid. No problems at all.
Quote from: rikbean on Apr 19, 2007, 08:36:44
Does that time coincide with anything switching on or off, Bill?
Rick, all the hot water ect switches of a long time before that. Cant even blame people switching on lights with the lighter evenings.


Anything industrial sharing your mains supply?

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

Not that I know of. The only thing which has changed recently is they are building some new houses just up the road from me. Perhaps all the noise from the diggers ect is having some sort of effect.


It's possible that they are putting out bad interference I suppose.

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.

old Bill

Well its now 8.30 and i am still connected. No loss of sync. If only ADSL Max could be this good


Glad you have a stable line Bill. Now don't change anything or touch anything and leave it as it is! :laugh:

This post reflects my own views, opinions and experience, not those of IDNet.